your dad

What a very very emotional thread this is.

My dad passed away 9 years ago in September with cancer.
Not a big Footie man but looked after his family really well.
Crouchinho said:
I've seen loads take their parents money and never speak to them again. It really does shock me, even when their parents were nice to them.

I love my parents but we're not the closest of families, none of this hug each other and kiss bollocks. As long as we all know each other is ok that's fine, but I'd never screw them over financially or any other shape or form

My Mum & I are very close. I'll often buy her things she wants that she'd have to save for herself (she's retired and I work) and she's also about the only person I'm truly afraid of upsetting.
My dad and I are frighteningly alike. We mostly fall out because one has drunkenly disparaged the other's choice of spouse.
Kin ell, this thread has me welling up and welling up again. So many different stories that im so pleased you have all shared.

My old fella died 6 years ago, the funeral was on the 23th dec and i remember looking out and seeing a packed church a day before christmas eve and thought to myself, fuck my dad was well liked and respected. I wrote a poem for the funeral and spoke it from the pulpit and when i finished i was applauded, strange i didnt expect that, but it made things easier.

When i was younger i never got on with my dad, he was everything i wasnt, he was a mechanic/electrician and i cant wire a plug, he didnt like sport i lived for it. He never once watched me play footy, i never once helped him fix a car.

He was a cantankorous **** mostly, im getting like him now :) but he always looked after me, always gave me stability and if it was not for him my life would be very very very different. It was my dad who persuaded my mum to adopt me, it was him who wanted to give me a chance and a home. How could i not be eternal greatful for that one act of humanity.

My dad didnt do man love, most men dont do they, but one thing i will always remember is as he lay dying, he was thirsty and i was dabbing water on his lips as he could no longer swallow and he said to me " you turned out to be a good one son" hearing that was enough for me ever.

Im in tears now, i miss the old **** so much.
Rascal said:
Kin ell, this thread has me welling up and welling up again. So many different stories that im so pleased you have all shared.

My old fella died 6 years ago, the funeral was on the 23th dec and i remember looking out and seeing a packed church a day before christmas eve and thought to myself, fuck my dad was well liked and respected. I wrote a poem for the funeral and spoke it from the pulpit and when i finished i was applauded, strange i didnt expect that, but it made things easier.

When i was younger i never got on with my dad, he was everything i wasnt, he was a mechanic/electrician and i cant wire a plug, he didnt like sport i lived for it. He never once watched me play footy, i never once helped him fix a car.

He was a cantankorous **** mostly, im getting like him now :) but he always looked after me, always gave me stability and if it was not for him my life would be very very very different. It was my dad who persuaded my mum to adopt me, it was him who wanted to give me a chance and a home. How could i not be eternal greatful for that one act of humanity.

My dad didnt do man love, most men dont do they, but one thing i will always remember is as he lay dying, he was thirsty and i was dabbing water on his lips as he could no longer swallow and he said to me " you turned out to be a good one son" hearing that was enough for me ever.

Im in tears now, i miss the old **** so much.

Sometimes Rascal it's the knowing that you were just 'wanted', despite the logistics and the emotions involved, that means so much at the end of the day.

A dad is someone who raises you. Biological parents who aren't involved in that miss out.

Sometimes it isn't their fault, but it doesn't change how you feel.
My dad's a black belt at Kung Fu.

I actually remember kids saying that when we were young.

Funny thing was, the only bloke in the street who actually did Karate always had a broken hand when we saw him. My Dad used to piss himself when "Karate Man" was stood at the bar with his wrist in plaster.

My Dad's brilliant.
Dirty Harry said:
Known quite a few who dislike their Dad tbh, from one who told his Dad he was gay and never saw him again after that, and then a few brothers who used to have to watch their Dad beat the shit out of their Mam on a regular basis growing up, once they got a bit older one day they just leathered fuck out of him and told him never to show his face again, he never did and they still hate him to this day.

I socialise with my Neighbour sometimes and, when pissed, he told me he caught his Teenage lad watching one of his Porn DVDs and is now relieved his own flesh and blood isn't gay. Words can't express how much respect I lost for him because your children are your children and you should love them regardless. I don't suspect the comment is in jest either.

A Lad at my previous work is gay and his Evangelical Christian Parents did everything they could to welcome his boyfriend for a family celebration despite believing Homosexuality is sinful.
My Dad was a twat with me when I was growing up and I could never understand why until I was older and found out some family secrets. He's different now and I can tell he's proud of the way I left home at 16 and made a success of my life but even though I forgive him for being a **** I'll never forget and as a result I'm not very close to either of my parents even though I do love them.
My dad has always stuck up for me, there's always times when you don't get on. Teenage years were a bit on and off. He means well, has a moan but who doesn't.

Whilst I was having a bit of family trouble, long story short my partner had a problem with my mum and sister, he always spoke to me trying to sort everything and I still went to every game with him.

Hes a very quiet man but when he sees my son there's a twinkle in his eye and I know there's a heart in there haha. I've only every seen him cry once and can't remember the last time he said he loved me. He doesn't show emotions that's the way he is but I wouldn't change him for the world.

Love you dad.
Adore my Dad and can't imagine him not being here. He's just irreplaceable. Reason I'm a City fan x

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