your dad

I'm just so saddened to read some of the stories on here about so many awful Fathers. I had a selfish, poorly educated Father who preferred to be one of the Lads down the Pub rather than lead by example - but that's almost a positive thing in comparison to people who've had to witness their Father beating their Mother regularly or openly admit they wouldn't bad an eyelid if he dropped dead.

My friend and the Mother of his Son are now divorced but they remain amicable for the sake of the child. I've no memory of my Parents people civil to eachother. Mum had to raise us alone and we really struggled at times.
I don't hate my dad, just don't acknowledge his existance anymore, he used to knock me in my younger days(i'm all for discipline but he took it way too far) and my mum about until she got rid of the odious *expletive*. The only decent thing he did was City, he won't get a thanks for that though, he doesn't deserve it.
Some of the posts on here are heartbreaking and confirm to me just how lucky I am to have the dad I do.

He's a character that's for sure. A bit of an Arthur Daley, I guess you might say. He's a self-made man but he never goes on about how poor he was when he was a kid like most people who've improved their lot in life do; it was only my grandparents who filled me in about how poor they were in the 30's & 40's. I think my grandad used to knock my gran about when he'd had a drink but again I didn't hear this off my dad either, but his brother, so he keeps a lot to himself.

In many ways we are very similar, especially our mannerisms and it's something my mum comments on often. We're both fairly independent spirits and are always cracking jokes. In other respects we differ greatly though. He is tee-total and I think anyone who knows me would attest that I am definitely not and he's not very good at conveying his feelings whereas I am a very expressive with my mine. So we're not peas in a pod that's for sure and have disagreed with each other quite robustly and often, not least because we are both very head-strong.

I have dealt with a lot of intelligent people in my working life but only a couple match up to my dad. He is remarkably clever. He's also a very fair man too.

One other thing is football. He is a big united fan and long term season ticket holder, as are all the immediate family and I've been the butt of most of their jokes for 30 odd years (or rather was!). It has been pretty relentless at times, but I was thinking a while back and when I was a kid I used to mither him to death to take me to Maine Road and he usually did. I think my City supporting has always been a source of bewilderment to him and I expect he thought I'd grow out of it when I was older, but I never did and was never going to of course - the headstrong nature that I got off him saw to that. I thanked him for taking me there at some point recently. He looked a bit non-plussed as to why I said it, but I'm glad I did nonetheless.

As I poster earlier he's my hero. He's an amazing man and he's had such a colourful life. I love him very much and tell him often. He rarely tells me, but I know he loves me too. He's a great bloke, my dad.

The dirty fucking red bastard.
I love my Dad.

My Mum died when I was 12 and our kid was only 5. He raised us from that point with an awful lot of sacrifice on his part especially workwise where what little career he had dissappeared due to no longer being able to work shifts.

Anytime I have made a mistake in Life he has never been judgemental and whenever I have had a success he has been awfully proud.He gave me my love of Music and my love of Books. He was also passionate about his Geordie working class roots and brought me up with tales of the Durham miners gala and how us two were the first in the Family not to have to work in the Pit. He escaped by joining the Navy at 17 and it was when stationed at Stretton during Suez that he met my Mum.

Only sticking point - he never had any time for Football. My Mum's Brother
Uncle John took me to Maine Road.

He is 80 now.
Another bad dad victim here, mine used to twat my mum and provided nothing to me all my life. Don't even think I ever went on a day trip with him. We used to speak a little now and then but the penny dropped when my sister died unexpected when pregnant, **** did not even pay a penny towards the funaral a truly vile man. Shame to say but I would not even go to the funaral if he died. He has nothing but betting slips in his pockets, but even if he was rich and left me a load of money, I'd burn the fucking lot.
Theres a bunch of shitty Dads out there isnt there? :-(

What everyone should take from this is how NOT to raise your kids
My dad sadly passed away just over 3 weeks ago
The loss is still very raw and reading some of the comments on this thread has confirmed how much he really meant to me.
I will always be honoured to be his son and he will never be forgotten.

RIP dad
AlexWilliamsGloves said:
Theres a bunch of shitty Dads out there isnt there? :-(

What everyone should take from this is how NOT to raise your kids

Bang on.

The one thing the old man taught me was that, do the opposite of him and my kids should be fine.
my Dad died suddenly in 1988 and I still miss him like crazy, Id love to spend another day with him...

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