Your emotions/actions/whereabouts from 1-2 to 3-2

was in the south stand 117 with my 9yr old daughter.what memories ive had with here this season.she was crying when mackie scored she said were going to mess it up i said ...keep the faith...still on a high.we live in rotherham were everybody supports sheff.utd wednesday or the rags.she wears her city coat city shirt for p.e with pride..roll on august cant wait
Sat in 136 North Stand with my son and at 1-0 was really happy and confident going in to the second half. Then BAM out of nowhere Cisse scores. Although dissapointed I was still ultra confident.
Then Barton gets himself sent off and i thought it only a matter of time now. The again out of nowhere the cross comes in and Mackie scores. SHIT this is bad, confidence drained out of me in an instant. All the bad memories came flooding back. All the doubts the pain, the taunts of the past from the rags would be double.

As the time ticked by I got more and more down, i could barely watch. It was gone. I kept telling the fella next to me "were gone, this is not gonna happen". Looked down at my 9 year old son he was just in a daze. The longer it went on the more I drifted further into despair. Then the 5 min board went up. Wembley 99 crossed my mind for a second. Then Dzeko scores and i still think it was too late. QPR took an age to re-start, but gave it straight back to us. The rest is a daze, I cannot rememebr how the ball got to Sergio at the time. I urged him to shoot he took that extra touch to take it past the man and create that bit of space. Then BAM it was in, we were right behind it and I can tell you almost the exact square on the net, it hit. I just collapsed on the floor on my knees head in hand balling like a wailing banshee. Dont know how long i was down there but did not see any of the celebrations.

At the final whistle gave my son such a massive hug and everyone around me there were woman, children young men, middle aged men pensioners all crying. It was the most amazing experience and it is something I doubt will ever be replicated.

I was in the pub. At 2-1 down, as the board went up for extra time, I left.

As I walked out I said to a bloke, "That's it, I'm done with City".

I was furious that yet again, they'd built my hopes up only to have them dashed.

I had, to my shame, given up.

As I was walking home, I was praying to the other half's Dad to have a word with the Gods he was with. 5 minutes later, a phonecall, from my Mum. I was annoyed that she wanted to to talk to me so soon after such a horrible defeat and missing out on the trophy.

The phonecall was brief.

"Congratulations!!!!!!" she screamed

"What do you mean?"

"You won, City won!!!! 2 goals in 3 minutes. City have WON!!!!"

Cue The Flash walking up Offerton Road in floods of tears. Chanting "The Best In All The Land In All The World".

head went at 2-1 i left like i did in 99 and started walking got to the thai restaurant and the car horns started a woman screams we won go back i fucking collapsed in tears, not sinking in still
In a pub in Dublin; rags all around. Fifteen screens - every match on.

Rags were up on chairs singing from about 85 mins - this was going to be bad.

Mate screamining "why can't they cross a ball, etc etc etc" Told him to STFU! G/f holding me arm knowing where I was going.

Edin's goal - went mental, but soon said 'will this be enough' - it then happened so quick I can't remember.

The roof lifted of the place - Dublin is a big ABU town too - ... was on a chair next - singing Champ-ion-ese at the red shirted twats, loving the look on their face. Robbed, they felt ... HaHa! It was all year lads ye were second best but for a few weeks.

Then back to hugging every blue in the place. Classic! 'Just' winning was ok, but this. I think it will be a huge difference.

Imagine our lads on a beach this summer compared to theirs. Happy thoughts create happy players.
sat in East level 2, brother and dad 1 row down and slightly to my left.

My 6 year old son sat between my legs, I'm hugging him and telling him we'll do it but not believing it.

I can't really describe what I felt as Sergio put the ball in the net, I hugged my son so tight and just laughed/balled my eyes out.

The only thing I can liken it to was when my kids were born, nothing else comes remotely close to the sheer emotion that I felt.

Still can't believe it.
I was sat in my usual seat in CB 327
At 1-2 I looked at my neighbour and he just shook his to him his wife had tears in her eyes...I looked out at the pitch and it all seemed a little unreal...As part of most days I do a Mindfulness practice ( I know...not very Gorton but there you go) just involves sitting and focusing on breathing and the present moment...I decided to do that...I went very still and just breathed and felt a real sense of calm...just for a moment....somwhere in that calm I had a memory...sitting behind the goal at Wembley...Gillingham are 2 up...people are leaving...I stayed...and I'm staying today...I'm staying...the dzeko goal made me really believe I was going to witness another magical City moment...Sergios goal was a moment of pure unadulterated joy...i screamed myself hoarse...hugged my neighbour and kissed his missus...when the final whistle blew i had tears welling up in my eyes and for the whole of the wait for the trophy...all of it surreal...watching highlights now wells me up...we did it...we fucking did it.
Once Mackie scored I just dropped back i my seat and basically just kept staring at the score board not really believing what it said, 1-2. I was just shaking and resigning myself to thinking we are one place better than last year and we are still building and well maybe next year (Patience is something that has come with supporting City). When Edin scored I didn't move as I just thought that with only 2 minutes left on the clock of the added time we had no chance with the way we had be just probing round the edge of the box and some of the crosses being over hit or getting cut out by the first man. Then the ball just hit the back of the net and I lost it. I couldn't tell you who scored until it was announced as I just followed it in to the net. The poor guy who sat in the seat at the side of me got to know me nearly as much as some ex girlfriends and the wife who was on the other side was balling when I turned round!
When QPR launched it towards the South Stand I knew that they weren't going to fight and being a ref I just kept my eyes on Dean (sad I know) for a tell tale sign that he was going to blow up. He started waving to the Assistant in front of the East stand and I knew that was it as he was going to give him a fighting chance to make it across the pitch before the whistle actually blew followed by the obligatory pitch invasion, so I was already up in the air by the time the he finally put me out of my misery!

I went home drained but happy, then celebrated with my two small children who don't know how lucky they are!
The day started pretty good. Loads of blues meet up in Lavery’s in Belfast, about 20 strong unit singing and cheering.
The bar were pricks though cause they had the rags commentary playing through the tannoy system and even a request to fix it failed to do anything.
We battled on though ignoring the 4 rags behind us watching their game on a different screen and the 5 absolute knobheads at the door watching the rags on a 3rd screen.
We heard the rags cheer when the Granny Shagger scored but we didn’t care.
First goal went in and it settled a lot of the nerves. Then a mass charge toward the bar to get the strongest alcohol available!
Just as I got my drink and turned round I seen Lescott do a 50p head and Cissé score, the rags cheered and everyone was like typical city, disappointed but still pretty optimistic.
Barton getting sent off all the city fans shouting OFF, OFF, OFF and the rags scuttling out of their pits to watch the arsepipe walk off!
I then seen Traoré run down the wing and I shouted out ‘please don’t score’. Of course I jinxed the thing and the rags let out a massive cheer.
Worst moment of all are lives hearing the rags start to chant and signing ‘Champions 20’ etc.
A couple of the knob jockeys when passing us to go to the pissers decided to chant in our faces and was getting quite fiery even the bouncers and bar staff having to escort the rags back to their sty.
Then Džeko scores and I’m saying ‘too late we can’t do it’ while all the stronger willed blues around me were more optimistic.
Then a huge cheer from the rags for the final whistle at Sunderland. Again the knobs chanting more.
Then BOOOOOOOMMMMMMMM all I see on the TV is Agüero wheel away taking his shirt off, I didn’t even see the goal. The place went MENTTAAAAAAALLLLLLLLLLLL.
About 5+ blues (including me) run towards the rags at the door who were giving us shit the whole game, and they couldn’t get their arses back into their seats fasts enough!
I then run back to the blue corner and hug everyone in site, glasses smashing all around us, beer, vodka, red bull all in the air and landing everywhere.
Turn round to see the rags had GONE!!!
Turn back to the TV to see the mass pile-on on Agüero.
Sing until the final whistle and then mass celebration.
Best day ever, was unbelievable just for the sheer depths of depression to the ecstasy of highs.
In front of TV at 2-1, looking out of the window thinking typical, snatching defeat from the jaws of victory etc, she was sat just being quiet. 2-2, to late now, blown it. Whistle could go any second, didn't want to be there when they said the rags were champions. Said I'm going upstairs to the toilet. Standing there doing what you do then all of a sudden she starts screaming 'City have scored' Peed down my leg, raced downstairs and started blubbing.

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