Your First Game

Mid 1950s at maine Road ----- City 4 v Cardiff 1
Second game at the swamp ---- Utd 0 City 5

Bert Trautmann became my hero and I always volunteered for goalie on the school teams
This was my first game... I was 9 years old and i was with my dad, My older Brother and my Uncle and Aunty.


I still remember the sheer excitment of being in a crowd of people that size and the rush of watching these guys play the game as well as they did. A moment i will never forget.

Edit: LOL at Gazza mocking Lakeys massive ears, hahaha
City 0-1 Bury, February 14th 1998 (relegation season).

I remember the date because it was a month before my 6th birthday. My dad had said I could go to a match when I was six but after scanning the fixture list he decided that this was the best chance of a win so took me and some friends to it. Don't remember much except saying that there must be at least 1000 people in the stadium.

King of the Kippax later voted it the worst moment in City's history, but since my dad is a Leeds fan I never had the choice to go over to the dark side. It was very tempting for youngsters of my generation (without strong moral guidance) to take the easy path and follow the team that was winning (especially because all our classmates were scum fans). But Aguero et al have set about claiming the next generation. Kids born from about 2006 onwards will all be blues.

We went to another match that season (0-1 v Birmingham), of which I remember nothing, but then I got into the World Cup that summer and we started going much more regularly in Division Two. My first City goal was Goater v Blackpool (3-0) on the first day of the Dickov season, and we got season tickets the year after (glory hunters!).

My Leeds fan dad still comes to all the matches (next year will be our 14th as season ticket holders), he's almost a blue now.
Why Always Ste said:
I will get shot down for this but how most (if not all) posters on here seem to remember the exact first game they went to is somewhat beyond belief.

I'm only 27, so not exactly Senile (border line) so wasn't long ago that I was being dragged all over the show watching local clubs play footy....

Yet can I remember the exact first game I was taken to?

Hell no, I was probably around 6mths old, even the games I went to at 5yrs old and shit even games I went to this season I don't have much remembrance of.... Yet people post football-erotic tales of exact descriptions of the Kippax when they were 8yrs old and so on.

Sure, it will give me some internet-cred if I say the exact game I attended, making sure it was a game in which we lost adds more cred, as does mentioning a few shit players and hey even some video footage on youtube and you're a certified blue that definitely went to York Away.

It seems since we became successful the new thing to say is how shit we were and how we was there.
Reminds me of when some Rock band becomes a huge success in the charts, everyone becomes a fan, buying the shirts and going to the gigs, yet the "cool kids" sat in the corner are saying: "yea we watched this band when they were shit, when nobody liked them, we still bought their records, damn we're so cool man, we was even at the Bootham Crescent gig man"

I don't remember every game I was taken to as a kid, I remember going to different stadiums, home ends, away ends - at that age you are told who to support and you do.... I loved watching City & Bolton as a kid.... win, lose or draw I didn't care, for me it was all about being apart of something.

Respect to the Born Again Citizens who want to follow this club.... But if you would drop this religion based on results then for me you are not a true believer.

I will probably get shot down by the OP but how all these 'big I am' thread starters seem to miss the fact they're all the same is beyond belief.

I'm 25, so it wasn't that long ago that I went to my first game. I remember it really well, quite possibly because it was such an important event, to me, in my life. Also it, without a doubt, remeniscing with friends every few years has probably cemented the memory. It was football-erotic, now that I look back on it. The most beautiful game ever, my very first experience of what is was like to stand alongside 20-odd thousand other people all wanting the same thing. I don't think I'll ever forget it. Wymcobe Wanderers at home. 4-0. Rosler got two. Kinky got an impressive one. Curle scored a pen.

Sure, you might think it will give you some internet cred to come on here and try and distinguish yourself as a great footy fan, making sure that you go at your thread-opening post from an original angle for extra points, but keeping all the same key points that 'make you a bigger fan' such as going to games from young, home and away etc

It would seem to me that since we became successful, one starts to look back on how far we've come. That inevitably leads to the years we were shit and our first games. You trying to shit on that in order to gain some attention is pathetic.

Or, I dunno, maybe you're just dense and really do think that because your memory is terrible, everyone else is lying.
BlakeTheBlue said:
This was my first game... I was 9 years old and i was with my dad, My older Brother and my Uncle and Aunty.


I still remember the sheer excitment of being in a crowd of people that size and the rush of watching these guys play the game as well as they did. A moment i will never forget.

Edit: LOL at Gazza mocking Lakeys massive ears, hahaha

good game that.. i was on the kippax that day, remember the gazza/lake.incident..looking back they were probably the two most gifted young english footballers of that era.

gazza was the best player i saw that i mean the most exciting player..Lake was, still is, the best player i,ve seen play for City...great shame that both players never went on to reach their potential, both struck down in their prime by serious knee problems.

lots of memories flooding back now ..good post!
I remember the Lakey/Gazza game well.

Min first was 0-0 v Coventry at home. 1980/81. Dire, but went back anyway.
I remember it like it was yesterday, City did their usual thing of keeping us waiting but Balotelli managed to knock the ball through and Aguero slotted it away.

Can't wait for my second game.
Chelsea v City. August 26th 1972 lost 2-1. Mellor scoring for us.

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