Your injuries for the City cause

Been on the piss the night before and started early doors in a boozer in Heywood as we set off to Ipswich about 94ish.
That journey is effin hours on a coach, but more beer flowing so most of it became a blare. Got in a boozer down there about 1 and carried on downing the ale. We started a game of killer on the pool table, then it was my shot.
I wobbled to the table, lined my cue up and then it happened....followed through and i don't mean with the white ball.
About 15 pints exploded out of my back end, while i was still addressing the table.
Que laughter and some vomitting from the rest of the lads.
I have never felt so homesick as i did in my deflated state in some shabby pub bog in East Anglia that day.
It might not seem like an injury but if it happened to any of you, you'd be fuckin wounded.

PS yes i got cleaned up and went the game commando.
Funnily enough i'd got a ticket for the Ipswich main stand, so blended in quite well with the "Tractor Boys"
The Blackburn away promotion game, really badly twisted my ankle after the third went in. So bad, that the stewards came and asked if I wanted medical attention (no effin chance was I missing the rest of the game). Hobbled all the way back to Blackburn station and got a smack off an irate Rovers fan outside a pub - I was a sitting duck. Had to have a few days off work.
Fell off a coach on Aytoun Street and took the skin off my hands trying to take the fall.

Broke my nose taking a punch at Utd

Knocked out at Wembley when I was hit in our end by a snide dig from a scouser in the carabou cup

Broke my hand at qpr fighting to get to the coach

Dislocated a finger again fighting with liverpool at Wembley in community shield
spurs away (FA Cup). When the 4th goal went in my son in law accidentally punched a bloke who came forward as his hand went up...
I think it was the 3rd goal some other poor sod was sent flying down the concrete steps, still got up smiling lol
In my very stupid young drinking days I put my bare foot through the oven door celebrating Geovanni's goal in the Derby. Refused to go to hospital to get stitched up until the final whistle. Nearly lost 3 toes on my left foot.
When Tevez equalised the aggregate score at Old Trafford in the 2010 EFL Cup semi, I went flying over about four rows of seats and smashed my face so hard on one of them it cracked a chunk of the back of the seat clean off.

I had no more than a flesh wound.

It’s a mystery how I didn’t either knock myself out or have a serious cut. I’ve seen people stamp on the backs of seats, full weight jumping on them and not breaking them. I must have a head made of iron!

I have permanent lumps on my shins from celebrating goals and banging my shins on the seat in front.
Not just me but lots of my family and friends have too. Alcohol has usually contributed to the cause of the injuries, but it's also helped to anaesthetise them afterwards as well.
My worse (of literally dozens) was Chelsea home about 5 years ago. Jumped up and fell on a metal bar sticking out from the edge of the seat in 111. Pulled trouser leg up to view the damage and the young woman two seats away almost fainted, not much blood but you could clearly see my shin bone in the deep cut. There is an emergency hospital room (for the players) between the tunnel and the dressing room, where City's First Aid guys took me to get it stitched up. Unfortunately the bone got infected and didn't respond to the strongest anti-biotics, so three weeks later I'm having the wound opened up and cleaned with a 3 night stay in hospital. Luckily it healed otherwise the next step, according to the Consultant was amputation of the leg.
My two sons have had numerous injuries nearly every time they have followed City in Europe. Stitches in hands, head and legs on four different aways, namely Paris, Madrid, Germany (twice), etc....mostly alcohol related falls. Both had cuts and bruises (could have been worse) from their last visit to Napoli (these weren't from falls or alcohol related though!), suffice to say they wouldn't relish another trip to Naples! Uncle suffered broken bones from a fall at a night match on Alan Turing way (does that count?) and even witnessed an Aunt getting hurt whilst she tried to batter a Leeds fan in the late 60's during a mass brawl and crush after the game between Platt Lane and Kippax (does anyone remember that "gateway" leading outside from the ground?
I won't even start to mention all the friends I've seen getting hurt and injured over the years, usually at away games and many leading to hospital treatment.
Following City certainly is blood, sweat and tears and not for the faint hearted!
Top post mate.
Everton away in the 80's ,after the game was confronted in Stanley Park, little scouse scrote and a couple of his mates said give us your scarf , told them to f*ck off and got a nice gash in my wrist (a dozen stitches)protecting my face , Stanley knifed in Stanley Park quite apt.

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