Your standout City memory...


Daft one that always sticks in my mind 4-0 down against Arsenal and the husband and wife streaker. Husband flat on his arse trying to get the ball off Kanu, wife's tits swinging in the wind whilst legging it across the pitch. I think it was that game

Sitting in the pissing rain getting beat by Lincoln at home

Badbuys terrible penalty in another cup game

Creaney trying an overhead kick and it was someone turned off the lights his arse was that fat

I can't wait for Sunday
On my way to a Rush gig in Brum when the coach stopped at the services,i rang my bro from a phone box to see how we'd done against Luton....after he'd replied i was so angry/upset i pushed the door open violently only for it to swing back and knock me out on the spot....just about made it onto the coach but remember sod all of the gig.
remember gary owen making his debut at maine road,he was a puny thing about 7 stone and 5foot5inches,and he produced the finest passing display,ive seen,why was ever allowed to leave,criminal.
jackrussel said:
remember gary owen making his debut at maine road,he was a puny thing about 7 stone and 5foot5inches,and he produced the finest passing display,ive seen,why was ever allowed to leave,criminal.

I was just thinking about this earlier. If we had kept most of the youngish players of the team of 1978 and added some of the kids/ signings Mal made (without appointing him) how would we have progressed?
Corrigan ; Clements (recovered), Donachie, Watson, Caton/rested with an experienced new signing not useless Futcher; Barnes, Owen, Hartford/McKenzie, Power; Reeves, Robinson?

I think we would have done pretty well with that lot with the likes of Ranson, Reid and Bennett getting game time as and when. And we wouldn't have bankrupted the club in the process (assuming we hadn't paid stupid money for the 2/3 new lads like we did.) Just a shame we didn't buy Bryan Robson instead of Steve Daley (we could have for the money), Ian Rush (likewise) instead of Bobby Shinton, and maybe someone like Garry Gillespie as centre back.
that young team would have given anyone a game,remember the then manager of chester our own alan oakes offering rushie to city but peter swales was not sure,what a shame,where would that team with rushie had gone ,hope peters looking down on sunday.RIP

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