Zlatan Ibrahimovic

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Dzeko's Right Boot said:
Fucking hell, chill out with the bitching. The way some people crowd round an gang up on an 'outsider' makes you all look like 10-year-old girls in a playground.
Zity has given us decent insights to Italian football. I didn't know about Tevez's deal hinging on Pato's to PSG. So what if he has an undying love for the man? What do you care?

You obviously weren't paying attention in January then as we all knew about the Pato/Tevez situation. If it takes the word of some foreign, Ibra fan-boy then that says more about you than anyone else on this thread.
Seosa said:
You obviously weren't paying attention in January then as we all knew about the Pato/Tevez situation. If it takes the word of some foreign, Ibra fan-boy then that says more about you than anyone else on this thread.

Do you need a hug?
For fuck sake just shut it! I come on this part of the forum to read about opinions of the possibility of Zlatan coming here. Didnt open it because the title read "woman Argument".
You both have a difference of opinion which is what the forums for, listening and respecting other peoples ideas. So back to Zlatan..
sambacity4eva said:
For fuck sake just shut it! I come on this part of the forum to read about opinions of the possibility of Zlatan coming here. Didnt open it because the title read "woman Argument".
You both have a difference of opinion which is what the forums for, listening and respecting other peoples ideas. So back to Zlatan..

Seosa said:
Dzeko's Right Boot said:
Fucking hell, chill out with the bitching. The way some people crowd round an gang up on an 'outsider' makes you all look like 10-year-old girls in a playground.
Zity has given us decent insights to Italian football. I didn't know about Tevez's deal hinging on Pato's to PSG. So what if he has an undying love for the man? What do you care?

You obviously weren't paying attention in January then as we all knew about the Pato/Tevez situation. If it takes the word of some foreign, Ibra fan-boy then that says more about you than anyone else on this thread.

Really Seosa? DRB tries to get some sanity back into this conversation so you decide to turn on him as well.

If everyone had the same opinion this place would be boring. That doesn't mean we need to woman every 10 secs.
From Gazzetta dello Sport online:

Galliani, who earlier has maintained with all his might that Ibra and Thiago Silva are staying, has obviously changed his mind:

"Ibra e Thiago Silva rimarranno? Il mercato è lungo. Tutto è aperto, tutto è possibile; non voglio fare ipotesi, il passato insegna: ne riparleremo il 31 agosto alle 19.01"
"If Ibra and Thiago Silva are going to stay? The market is long. Everything is open, everything is possible; I don't want to make hypothesis, the past teaches us this: we'll talk again August 31st at 19.01"

"E’ cambiato il Paese; [...] Dobbiamo puntare al pareggio (del bilancio, ndr). Mettetevelo in testa: i grandi nomi non vengono più in Italia. Cercano paradisi più appetibili"
"The country has changed [...] We must aim to balance (the finances). Get it through your heads: The big names are not coming to Italy. They are looking at more appetizing places".

Google Translated Gazzetta article for those interested: <a class="postlink" href="http://translate.google.com/translate?sl=it&tl=en&js=n&prev=_t&hl=sv&ie=UTF-8&layout=2&eotf=1&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.gazzetta.it%2FCalcio%2FSquadre%2FMilan%2F09-07-2012%2Fallegri-ricominciamo-zero-galliani-vanno-ridotti-infortuni--911787906125.shtml&act=url" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://translate.google.com/translate?s ... ml&act=url</a>
Not worth trying to follow what Galliani say. Learned that much in the Kaka saga
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