Var debate 2019/20

We'll know for sure when one of these crops ups in a game of theirs. If a onfield ref waves no pen and Var changes it, then a big can of worms will be opened.

True, but like Karen said earlier, it doesn't have to affect Liverpools games at all, they are very good side and will win most games without any help from VAR. Just affecting ours alone here and there could be enough.
I'm not bothered about their games, I'm confident we have the best team/squad/manager, I'm not confident in the VAR that has cost us 2 points after only 3 games already.
having just watch the VAR no pen on silva ?? then pep reaction to it with the interviewer could they bring him up before EPL board to answer there questions ???
i forget managers have to be non judgemental after games and does that mean VAR as well
I watched all there games,in the first one norwich were flagged offside several times despite at least 2 times they were well onside and were breaking
Salad was a really soft pen,it was the sort of thing that var were supposed to correct,compare with our pens not given then it is obvious the difference,the refs can continue to do what they were doing knowing they won't be corrected,there is a hugh scope for match fixing
There are untouched so far,which other teams can say that?
I'm at a loss with how you can't see how we are being targetted so far
Haha I shouldn’t have asked.

Salah’s was a definite pen and if you’re now saying you can tell something’s offside better than the linos and VAR with The naked eye and you and you alone have noticed theses errors then it’s absoluteky pointless discussing this with you further. You’re so far down the rabbit hole, I doubt you can see light.

As for which other teams can say that they’re so far untouched, about a dozen (including Spurs and United if you believe the three pens not given weren’t pens - which is what you’ve said I believe).
We’ve had 4 go against us (though not 3 “100% proven” anything) and 2 go for us.

The two penalties are nailed on wrong calls.

The handball is down to semantics, I’m leaning to the view that their got it wrong by the written letter of the law. The offside is offside going off their system. Would have been onside had they chosen the frame before. So that’s touch and go.

The Jesus offside looked more onside than the one var gave us (Sterling).

The penalty retake was the first time I’ve seen it in ages and was happy with it, obviously.

If you want to go around having your season ruined by having your blue tinted specs on where everything goes against us and nothing goes against the other big teams then you go ahead and do that. I’m still giving it the benefit of the doubt until more data sets (games) are in and to see how other teams are affected by it. Liverpool haven’t had a contentious decision either way yet, what happens when they do will go a long way to forming my opinion on it.

Simply saying “it’ll favour Liverpool and it’s designed to help them” at this stage is ludicrous paranoia. Neither of us will know until something actually happens.
By the same token ignoring clear and obvious “incorrect” decisions that are still being made on a consistent based despite having the technology in place which should eradicate the vast majority is just burying your head in the sand.

The difference is the paranoid majority on this thread have years of “incorrect” decisions against us and in favour of certain other teams to base their opinions on and even predicted what was going to happen pre-VAR.

You kindly label me as paranoid, yet I was one of those who stupidly/blindly call it whatever you will actually thought VAR would eradicate those “incorrect” decisions prior to the Spurs game in the Champions League. Even before this season I thought we would hugely reduce those “incorrect” decisions, so to label me as paranoid is quite weird but obviously fits your narrative so you’ll run with it.

As for 2 go for us, I presume I’m correct in saying both decisions were actually “correct” decisions or decisions which couldn’t ever be proven incorrect?
1. Rice encroaching
2. Sterling goal against WHU
It is no good Gallagher saying when they review it that is one they will probably agree they got wrong. The whole fucking point is to make sure it's not got wrong at the time!
Its had 30 PL games so everyone is getting used to it, and there will be some teething problems, and decisions will be discussed to get it right and consistent, so far the consistency seems to be "back the on field referee".

I don't know many penalties have been refused so far, but there has to be some way of honing it, and someone will eventually over rule a decision, so I think there has to be some decisions debated for a while yet, my only worry is do we have to have 1 or 2 each game ?
having just watch the VAR no pen on silva ?? then pep reaction to it with the interviewer could they bring him up before EPL board to answer there questions ???
i forget managers have to be non judgemental after games and does that mean VAR as well
I wouldn’t have thought so. There’s no rule on sarcasm.
May I ask respectfully (too all those conspiracy theorists): Why do you think there’s an agenda? I’m genuinely curious.
As for 2 go for us, I presume I’m correct in saying both decisions were actually “correct” decisions or decisions which couldn’t ever be proven incorrect?
1. Rice encroaching
2. Sterling goal against WHU
Yes as much as the Jesus offside and ball hitting Laporte’s hand can also be argued as being ‘proven correct’.

And I didn’t call you paranoid, I said just saying it’s in place to help Liverpool at this point in the season, is ludicrously paranoid. And it fits my narrative as it’s true. Until Liverpool score a goal following a handball which isn’t ruled off for handball or have a penalty decision over turned in their favour then it’s simply divination and guesswork to claim otherwise.

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