Liverpool thread 2019/20

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We qualified as winners many times. We won four, still more than most European clubs have ever been near. As I said earlier, no British club in any era can touch our achievements there. We have a trophy to keep - not many can say that. And also as I said earlier, the format is irrelevant - it’s what you do when it matters that counts. You were as unlucky as it gets last year but that’s hard lines. Doesn’t mean you won’t be there at the end this year.
I guarantee you one million percent if you win it this year, you won’t talk about it like that.
The Madrid thing is a daft comparison - are all other teams in Europe shite because they’re even further away from them?
Would you rather win the Premier League or Champions League, this year? Or last year? Or the year before...?

Of course winning the CL is big. But, it's a cup competition, so the priority for any serious club has to be their own league. That's what defines the best team in that league, in that year. It really is that simple.

The only teams that prioritise the CL over the league are those that aren't in with a chance of the latter.
Would you rather win the Premier League or Champions League, this year? Or last year? Or the year before...?

Of course winning the CL is big. But, it's a cup competition, so the priority for any serious club has to be their own league. That's what defines the best team in that league, in that year. It really is that simple.

The only teams that prioritise the CL over the league are those that aren't in with a chance of the latter.

As I’ve said, I’m desperate to win the league. But if we finish second this year but retain the CL, I’ll be over the fucking moon. You don’t get in either position unless your manager and the players are delivering like yours and ours are at the moment. Are you telling me that you’d be gutted if you finished second and won the CL? You’ll be partying for a week.
It was all fine until the coach was attacked in conjunction with Liverpool Football Club and the Merseyside police. United wouldn't do that. It is now more than football. Irrespective of who wins what we will never forget.
Don’t think anyone’s suggesting that it’s easy to win the Champions League, tbh.

Not necessarily easy, but plenty here are suggesting that it’s just another cup competition. It’s not. It’s THE cup competition. That article shows how much Guardiola wants that trophy, I alluded as much earlier. I think it underlines how important it is to the club’s strategy for every season.
We’ve won two European Cups in that period and been in two other finals. That’s better than any other British club in that time. You don’t get there living under rocks. By your own logic, surely it’s you having a day in the sun, the Sheikh’s been here across two decades where ours spans much further. I’m not looking for a row, just seems a daft example to pick.

Ok we will make it 13 years , what have you won since 2006 , losing finals doesnt register in the history books , if it did Klopp would be a world beater , your the most over hyped football club , massive in your own heads but the last thirteen years a complete failure of a football club , and i see you ignored your sugar daddies , the Moore's family conveniently
I don’t think the two have to be mutually exclusive. The fielding of youngsters and second string for the domestic cups is the usual MO for those in the CL. And of course they gear towards it on the basis that it’s the biggest prize in club football. I’m not sure the you want to win the CL/we want to win the PL argument stands up - we’ve won the league eighteen times. That’s a fact regardless of era. But winning the European Cup is a truly momentous occasion. I’d bet good money if you asked the players which one they wanted this year, every one of them would say the CL. Professional pride and ambition.

The eighteen titles you won are from a totally different era , when English football was regarded as 2nd rate compared to Serie A , La Liga etc., the current Premier league format is the best league in the world , and you havent won it , and when you have come close you have shit yourselves. Perhaps your "good money" would be money down the drain , your only reason for saying every player prefers to win the Glamour Cup is because you achieved it , but when you listen to most managers , players and owners the league title is the true worth of a football club , not a Glamour Cup where you can afford to lose six of your thirteen games
I didn’t say that I thought he was or would be a failure, I asked whether the fans or the wider game would see it as that. It’s probably the best all round squad in Europe, fair play. Wouldn’t expect burning effigies outside your ground like but squads like that aren’t just assembled for domestic domination.
I think he’s a great manager, him and JK are the best in the world.

So Klopp is a better manager than Mourinho ? No wonder they call you deluded
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