COVID-19 — Coronavirus

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I’m sorry I’m not having that.

When the rest of the world looks at what you’re doing in disgust, it’s pretty clear you’re the odd one out, when it comes to diet.

Some animals bring disease more than others and are known to do so.

You can’t tell me seafood is the same as eating a spider or eating a cow is the same as eating a bat.

There’s a reason no one else eats these things.

It is a broader arguement, and more of a philosophical debate, and maybe this isn't the time and place for it. As i said, i can't agree. I can't see the logic, other than an inexplicable pre-judgement. The world is a big and varied place, indigenous cultures everywhere have completely different habits and lifestiles. The world is turning vegan, and soon you and i will be the odd ones out that 'the rest look at in disgust' for eating a burger. It is the exact same logic, followed through.

All that said, agree 100% that the relaxed attitude to the state of such markets should be clamped down on and regulated better. Without a doubt.
Incidentally Jeremy Hunt was on the TV just now and when asked why the the government had stopped widespread testing previously, he said that (in terms, I cannot remember the exact words) "whilst we were accepting that 60% of the population were going to get this, widespread testing was less important. But since we changed tack - and we were right to change - then we need to resume and scale up the testing".

So there we have an open admission from a government minister about the change of strategy a couple of weeks ago. No more of this "the strategy is still the same" horse shit.
I dont think he is still a govt minister mate, not after he challenged Boris for the leadership. They hate eachother. He has been on TV a lot in the capacity as former Health Secretary, but if he is describing a change it is from a personal viewpoint, maybe with an agenda, and certainly not as a govt spokesperson as he is definitely not that.
Nowhere near as clear as us: "stay at home, unless you can't do your job at home (gardeners, construction workers, engineers, plumbers, mechanics to name but a very, very few); stay at home, but can we have volunteers to ferry old and vulnerable people about; stay at home, except when you want to wander out for a walk, run, bike ride, swim; stay at home, unless you want to catch the next train to Euston, Glasgow, Cardiff or wherever you fancy a nice day out on the choo choo; stay at home unless you want to fly to the next major eruption of the virus (USA)."

I actually do like this very dictatorial measure.

(3) Prohibiting the publication of news or distribution or distribution of books, publications or any other media which contains messages which may cause people to be afraid, or intentionally distort information and cause misunderstanding in an emergency situation.

Imagine all the gimps stirring up panic here posting pictures of empty shelves or giving out bullshit stories online getting knicked for it.
Do I think the UK government is better than the Chinese, absolutely I fucking do.

For one we have much higher food standards and these wet markets are illegal in the UK.

When was the last time we put people in concentration camps? Imposed a ban on social media and how people communicate, ban protests in a region like Hong Kong?

I’ll repeat, they told the WHO there’s no evidence for human to human transmission as late as the 2nd week of January. Doctors and journalists disappeared for trying to whistleblow.
Who invented concentration camps? Dr David Kelly's family might be interested in your post too.
I'm getting pretty anxious about all this. I work in a supermarket which exposes myself to a lot of different people and have a horrible feeling this thing might finish me off.

My medical history has all been respiratory related. Pleurisy, pneumonia, two collapsed lungs which required surgery which led to complications and a prolonged chest drain and now I'm diagnosed with bullous emphysema.

I've raised concern with the night manager but he stated unless I receive one of those letters from my GP I'm fine to work. I'm already on a reduced hours contract because of occupational health.
I'm thinking of self isolating for the good my anxiety more than anything.
You MUST isolate now,i believe if you go onto 111 online you can get a sicknote,if not ring your GP and see what he can give you,call in and say you have symptoms and are staying at home
I wonder if Iceland will be an interesting place to see how it develops. It currently has 648 cases, 2 deaths, 595 active, and 13 critical. With a small population 364,000 of(ish) and presumably nobody able to get on/off the island, I imagine they'll ultimately be able to test the entire population; its health service is well-funded and good. I know nothing about this, of course, but just interested to see if one small place might quickly reveal more data for us all.

There are science papers about the signature codes of the virus being identified and specifically imported from the UK and their labs findings are specifically saying high probability from football matches in the UK after the tracing back. The UK seems to have been the transit point 2 weeks ago for a lot of secondary infection spreads to places around the world (probably only second to Northern Italy) which makes you wonder about how many cases there really are there.

Having been in Iceland last year I suspect that the infections were picked up in Liverpool games almost to a man out there they supported the dippers.
I fully get your concerns mate and some things could've certainly been enacted sooner, but I'd be horrified if at any point during this pandemic we start to announce 1000+ deaths on any given day. Nowhere in the world has so far - not even Italy - and plenty of other countries have been arguably as slow to act as us, if not slower. In fact, some countries have been less strict than us. Check out the Netherlands for example - they've put some measures in place but hotels remain open. And that's with their death toll as a percentage of overall population being worse than ours:

Maybe but the Dutch don't have a city like London. Imagine how many people live, work and travel into and out of London every day. Amsterdam's population is less than a million, I presume London on a working day would be 15x that.
China’s relaxed approach and the not shutting down of these wet markets caused it. They then suppressed information and as late as January were lying about it not being able to transmit from human to human. They covered up the scale of the problem initially which has in no doubt resulted in many more deaths, than if they had been truthful.

The Communist Party are immoral and dangerous.

That’s not even getting onto their concentration camps for Muslims or their treatment of Hong Kong.

Who cares? Even Trump has stopped using the phrase Chinese virus as it has run its political course.

Good luck suing China.
There are science papers about the signature codes of the virus being identified and specifically imported from the UK and their labs findings are specifically saying high probability from football matches in the UK after the tracing back. The UK seems to have been the transit point 2 weeks ago for a lot of secondary infection spreads to places around the world (probably only second to Northern Italy) which makes you wonder about how many cases there really are there.

Having been in Iceland last year I suspect that the infections were picked up in Liverpool games almost to a man out there they supported the dippers.

Hence why a lot of European countries have been disappointed in the actions of the UK.
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