The Super League | FA + PL: New Charter & Fines | UEFA: Settlement

Would you be happy if City joined this European Super League?

  • Yes

    Votes: 109 5.3%
  • No

    Votes: 1,954 94.7%

  • Total voters

Re Global Fans and the '4 billion' subscribers.

Any chance the goons have 1-inflated this and 2- misunderstood fandom?

I was a big San Diego Chargers fan. Went to the States to watch them, had the jerseys, watched every minute of their games, joined their supporters forums, listened to the podcasts etc etc.

They relocated to LA through the actions of their greedy owners. From the second they announced the move my support stopped completely and I've never spent another penny on anything to do with the NFL. My loyalties weren't to the Chargers as a franchise but to the San Diego Chargers as a community. Seeing the devastation it caused, there was no way I could follow them two hours north.

The outcry from 'legacy' fans and the devastation of people stopping their support might just send shockwaves to the global fans. You might find a situation where the constant negativity surrounding this might just impact the global subscriptions. I might be living in dreamland here but don't underestimate the power of fandom even from 5000 miles away.
Let's hope Pep says something like " look at my comments made in 2019 about a superleague, then you'll know my feelings". I bet he says nothing though
Why only 14 days for PSG but 30 for the German teams?
It’s probably fake, but I suppose because PSG might get their invite later because they have expressed a view on the timings that work best for them. Perhaps they want to wait till the end of the season or whatever (maybe including champions league final). I don’t know why City couldn’t have gone down this route, probably because we don’t have the same clout, I suppose.
I wouldn't be shocked to see a walk back from City next couple days, much as I thought it impossible.

Uefa were speaking to us yesterday and it sounds like we may have been offered something to break away from the breakaway.

Football politics, eh?

Also, keep an eye on Infantino. We are much more closely aligned to him and even discussed a Super League of sorts with him which would have seen Soft Bank put up the funds, a firm Abu Dhabi has a big stake in.
Uefa have probably been taking to the other 11 aswell. What have they offered them?

Watch your back city.
Not sure if it's been mentioned, but the people that hold all the power here are the TV companies. The SL falls flat on its face if the TV companies won't stump up cash in huge amounts to cover it.

I wonder what discussions (in both camps) have been had with Sky, BT, Bein, Fox etc?

This is why the first thing the breakaway 5 did in 1991 was line up ITV and then Sky to broadcast.

I think its incredibly unlikely they have gotten this far in the breakaway without several broadcasters backing them and they're probably waiting for the worst of the backlash to subside before finalising and having am auction.
As we have seen some blues would accept anything, they have no sporting morals whatsoever, they are basically blue rags or cult like scousers. I support the owners no matter what blah blah. Mental gymnastics because they are beholden to these people.
A lot would be relieved if this falls apart carry on supporting the club which is correct but the faith in the owners will never be the same, concerns will always be there. Sometimes you just lose faith in people and it’s never the same.

City apart there is one good thing that may come out of this in that the scum clubs finally stopped threatening and went for it. If they fail and I pray they do it fucks them. This could be a chance for all those outside of the ‘history’ clubs to take back control. It’s a long shot but you never know. People are rightly saying the UEFA proposals are also shit, they are right. The bullying needs to stop. If we win this battle we can win others.

The first thing that needs sorting, in the immediate, is fucking this ESL off so it doesn’t ruin domestic football. But that doesn’t mean anyone is happy with UEFA’s plans, nor does it mean anyone is on UEFA’s side, they just need addressing next.

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