The Super League | FA + PL: New Charter & Fines | UEFA: Settlement

Would you be happy if City joined this European Super League?

  • Yes

    Votes: 109 5.3%
  • No

    Votes: 1,954 94.7%

  • Total voters
For anyone who missed the Perez press conference last night you need to check out the things he said here:

I thought it was a joke account at first but unfortunately not.

The guy isn’t all there and this is OUR future President!

He makes it clear that this is all to save Real Madrid and Barca.

He cant remember which teams are in the ESL.

He says that younger people are bored with football so they might shorten the length of games.

He then outright insults City and United comparing us unfavourably to RM and Barca.

PSG were never invited

We are saving football

It isn’t a closed shop as sometimes other teams will be invited for a season

These are just a few of the amazing things he said go and check them all. If he had said that some matches would be played on the moon I wouldn’t have blinked.

If they are so stupid to do that interview you have got to think the whole ESL will be shambolic and a huge mistake for anyone in it.

If this doesn’t alter City’s decision nothing will. They were nice to us right up until we signed and are already marginalising us.
Great post. Important post.
There's more than that I'd say. There are two clubs more than any others you'd want in this scheme and that's us and PSG. Because we're the only two clubs whose owners have access to unimaginable swathes of cash, instead of having to mortgage all this revenue you're earning to a bank.
Not sure I follow? How would the other clubs have access to our cash? I cannot imagine us agreeing to fund, or even to loan, them money. So presumably you were thinking of something I am missing?
thing is, what really hurts me today, is that a veil was lifted from my eyes.

Nothing too surprising happened yesterday, there've been threads on super leagues for years, talks since 1998. It's the natural progression of Football Inc., which has been eroded before our eyes for 40 years. To act like yesterday was a surprise attack by some hostile forces on the bastions of goodwill is disingenuous at best, so we mustn't lose sight of that.

But what it served to do was lift the lights at end of a mental party, one from which you should have left a long time ago. What a fucked up corrupt shitty sport football is. I know many here want to carry on being match going fans and so forth, but for me the game finally died in my heart. For some reason i held on for years, god knows why, but personally I cannot square off my hatred of the greed and corruption and destruction of the people's game and still actually support a team. Shame really, was some of the best times of my life. We all move on.
This is just about pure greed, I am pretty sure that all the owners of these six clubs are billionaires, so how much money do they actually need and how low they are prepared to stoop to get it is utterly staggering. .
Lots of misinformation floating about, there's a few things to consider.

1. City are not leaving the Premierleague (unless thrown out which is highly unlikely).
2. The UEFA CL will still exist.
3. We're quitting the UEFA competition and swapping to ESL (don't recall United being persecuted for trying the European cup).
4. The ESL clubs have already submitted court orders against the "blockers" of this idea, like FIFA & UEFA.

All this City must turn back will not happen. I don't like the closed shop idea either, but one by one the big clubs will arrive in the ESL (Bayern/PSG etc) and the CL will wither on the vine.
What’s stopping all the ESL clubs thinking the PL isn’t worth the hassle and fielding EDS teams in domestic comps and get themselves down in League 1 for domestic football because they don’t need it?
Agreed, but at least I think most Blues would forgive (though not forget) if the club do the right thing and pull out, apologise and promise greater fan engagement in future.

The government stepping in and ending things, or another club balking, or the SL simply going ahead and train ultimately crashing, would all prevent that of course. The window is closing, City absolutely need to do the right thing fast, but I fear they may not have the bottle.

As we have seen some blues would accept anything, they have no sporting morals whatsoever, they are basically blue rags or cult like scousers. I support the owners no matter what blah blah. Mental gymnastics because they are beholden to these people.
A lot would be relieved if this falls apart carry on supporting the club which is correct but the faith in the owners will never be the same, concerns will always be there. Sometimes you just lose faith in people and it’s never the same.

City apart there is one good thing that may come out of this in that the scum clubs finally stopped threatening and went for it. If they fail and I pray they do it fucks them. This could be a chance for all those outside of the ‘history’ clubs to take back control. It’s a long shot but you never know. People are rightly saying the UEFA proposals are also shit, they are right. The bullying needs to stop. If we win this battle we can win others.
I'd almost be more annoyed if they did a U turn.

The one thing I expect is that Khaldoon, Soriano and co. Wouldn't make this decision lightly. They'd do their research, know how unpopular it was (everyone should have known this after the reaction to project restart), try to avoid it if possible, but ultimately come to the conclusion its happening and in the best interests of the club to be on the inside of the breakaway and pull the trigger.

For them to back out 2 days later and say "whoopsie daisy! Maybe we didn't think this through" Would make me question their ability to run the club long term.
I don't think you can question their ability to run a club long term just solely on this. We've all hailed ourselves as one of, if not the, best ran club in the country/world.
Let's hope Pep says something like " look at my comments made in 2019 about a superleague, then you'll know my feelings". I bet he says nothing though

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