Coronavirus (2021) thread

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Amazing how these people are willing to attack anyone who is critical.
Dare suggest that lockdowns don’t work and that cancer patients deserve more and you’re apparently anti-vax.

Any sort of crisis and I guess this is the biggest crisis the world and many of us have faced in our lifetimes evokes strong reactions. That's when the zeolots pop out of the woodwork and they are the ones who need curbing on both sides. I've had both jabs and reluctantly wear a mask, even though I'm not convinced of their effectiveness and they make me feel like shit wearing one. I've seen some horrible videos posted of people being bullied, even by the police, for not wearing one and it's worrying how quickly normal people become very Gestapo like to anyone who won't comply with orders. Some poor sod anticipating such a backlash had even gone to the trouble of printing off the medically exempt form on the gov UK website. He was then told by the thick policewoman called to deal with him in a supermarket, "I'm not accepting that, you've just printed that from the internet!" Erm yes, nervous people were advised to do so by the government, even though it said legally they didn't have to. Like every crisis it fetches out the best and worst in people and some get drunk on any extra power bestowed on them.
Been a bit gutted last two days but hopefully in 33 days we will be significantly more vaccinated and less deaths than forecast. Did anyone get to the bottom of those numbers last night?

its an odd set of data as one bullet point seems to be talking based on current, but no numbers. The next states “central immune escape scenario” before the big numbers
Well, well, well. Looks like your ‘am I bovvered’ approach to vaccinating your kids with a brand new vaccine for a virus that rarely impacts kids has been proven to be wrong. The advice given to our government is to wait until more data is available (exactly what I said) before vaccinating kids. Few people with egg on their faces this morning.

Pfizer - the one recommended for younger recipients - is now in short supply. That could also be influencing the decision. Anyway if people are happy for their kids to get a potentially fatal infection rather than take steps to prevent acquisition fair enough just keep your disease ridden kids away from me ta.
Boris is trying to pass this as a win for the wedding industry, it simply isn't!

I can have my full guestlist at my wedding now, which is great. But they can't fucking do anything after they arrive! It's a load of fear-mongering bollocks at this point.
Off topic but one of my mates arranged a Wedding Car for 10:30 to take me and the new Mrs to a surprise hotel in Manchester (Piccadilly). The bar didn't close until midnight so I told the driver to come back at 12:30, I was well pissed by the time we got to the hotel, bottle of champers waiting for us, just about managed a glass. Had a great day and hope you do, just try and enjoy it, mine was 31 years ago and we're still bobbing on.
I went to ASDA and people are walking in frequently without masks and they ASDA dont say anything to them, nothing. Which is contrary to what they advertise :


Face coverings​

Customers must wear face coverings while in store, unless you are exempt.
Customers can enter Asda stores without a face covering if they have a medical condition or invisible disability that prevents them from wearing a covering.

So I am wearing my mask and I ask at the checkout why ASDA are not asking people for health exemptions? And thats it... First a security guard, then another, then the sub manager then head of security then the store manager come down (And by this time I am asking why they are going ott, no swearing and no shouting), the store manager bans me from all ASDA stores and I am escorted off the premises.

I dont give a crap about ASDA and their iinWalmart ways but what the actual fuck!
Asda at Hurst Cross in Ashton is shocking, most of the staff don't bother with masks, I pointed it out to a fat member of staff and he said "there's nothing we can do a
its an odd set of data as one bullet point seems to be talking based on current, but no numbers. The next states “central immune escape scenario” before the big numbers
I appreciate that a hell of a lot of work went into it but I don't buy into any of that data to be honest. Wasn't the medium case scenario something like 40,000+ deaths over the summer? Fair enough if a vaccine resistant variant comes along but not a chance it gets anywhere near that with the current dominant variant and the extent of the vaccine rollout so far.
Asda at Hurst Cross in Ashton is shocking, most of the staff don't bother with masks, I pointed it out to a fat member of staff and he said "there's nothing we can do a

similar at our local Morrisons - loads of staff have bought those "exemption" lanyards off e-bay - some who do wear masks don't cover their noses. The cheek of it is they have signs on the way in reminding customers to wear a mask and wear it correctly or be refused entry but I have seen people in there with no sign as to why they aren't wearing one and no challenge from the staff despite the signs - its a joke
Pfizer - the one recommended for younger recipients - is now in short supply. That could also be influencing the decision. Anyway if people are happy for their kids to get a potentially fatal infection rather than take steps to prevent acquisition fair enough just keep your disease ridden kids away from me ta.
It’s as simple as that is it?
Must be based on a new possible variant that dodges the vaccines? Otherwise the current data just doesnt support them?
I think it's based on the impact of opening up on the R rate on their more pessimistic assumptions which of course they cannot ignore.

The point I remembered from their documentation was that the herd immunity threshold is now put at over 80% of the population. That implies we are going to have to vaccinate children, or we are going to need new vaccines.

And next time diversify the vaccine approaches so we don't get shot down by a handful of escape mutations. Surely some government should have said to Moderna or Fzier or Astrazenece, go down different routes please. But that's capitalism for you. Each chasing the fastest route to the first vaccine, and we end up with 3 vaccines all targetting the same part of the antigen which turned out to be adapting to its host through that part
similar at our local Morrisons - loads of staff have bought those "exemption" lanyards off e-bay - some who do wear masks don't cover their noses. The cheek of it is they have signs on the way in reminding customers to wear a mask and wear it correctly or be refused entry but I have seen people in there with no sign as to why they aren't wearing one and no challenge from the staff despite the signs - its a joke
Like most I don't like wearing masks but I always do and correctly. It annoys me when staff can't be bothered, how can they police them consumers if they can't be arsed? I've had a couple of confrontations over the past few months. I've actually thanked some young people for wearing face coverings within earshot of wankers not wearing them. My granddaughter is 13, she and all her friends can't wait to get the jab, it seems like it's a badge of honour, I'm so proud of her.
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