Coronavirus (2022) thread

stop digging and admit you were wrong. You said nobody told you, anyone you know or children that they were granny killers.

you have been posted links to show they were . Acknowledge you were wrong .

whether that had an impact on children’s lives , mental health or otherwise is a different debate but people were told that As can be shown from the links .
Okay I'll acknowledge, there are some daft quotes from people out there That I wasn't aware of, I still don't think most children know of them any more than I did, the fact is there were accusations of masks damaging children and it being likened to child abuse, accusations that children were told they were killing their grannies. It is nonsense and bollocks being used to justify some adults own predjudices., not based on reality.
I think the children most affected are the older children those of exam taking ages and in their last school years that missed the exam taking experience, though some will have benifited from that, and the social aspects. Students too missing out on graduations and the social side of student life. The young primary aged children will just take it in their stride.
Yep, my youngest was in his second year at uni when it started so he missed a good chunk of that year. His third year was mostly online but he'd already signed up for accommodation there so spent half his time at home and the other half at the rented property with his mates. The pubs were all shut so I think he spent most of his time playing darts. If he was a year or two younger it would have been a lot worse because at least he got his first year in when you meet people and make friends. Students who are 19 or 20 now have probably had the hardest time of it because their A levels and first year at uni would have been screwed.
Okay I'll acknowledge, there are some daft quotes from people out there That I wasn't aware of, I still don't think most children know of them any more than I did, the fact is there were accusations of masks damaging children and it being likened to child abuse, accusations that children were told they were killing their grannies. It is nonsense and bollocks being used to justify some adults own predjudices., not based on reality.
any harm to children is child abuse which includes forced mask wearing.
the lockdown must have worked wonders then! only 1800 a day! botched figures too not covid only deaths.
Those figures were before the effect of the lockdown kicked in. Anyone with half a fucking brain cell can see what effect Lockdowns 1 & 2 had in hugely driving case numbers and deaths down, and anyone who claims that they didn't do that is either a thick **** or a lying bastard. Or both.
You said you agreed with lockdowns before vaccination, this was a lockdown before vaccination, So I assume you agreed with it.
i only agreed with the first one ! only time will tell if they were right or wrong but the signs dont look to good as lockdown caused deaths are mounting up. best just wait and see.
Those figures were before the effect of the lockdown kicked in. Anyone with half a fucking brain cell can see what effect Lockdowns 1 & 2 had in hugely driving case numbers and deaths down, and anyone who claims that they weren't effective in doing that is either a thick **** or a lying bastard. Or both.
well you keep burying your head in the sand thicko! just ignore the untreated deaths such as cancer heart disease not to mention suicides because of lockdown! now who is the selfish thick bastard?
well you keep burying your head in the sand thicko! just ignore the untreated deaths such as cancer heart disease not to mention suicides because of lockdown! now who is the selfish thick bastard?
So what are you saying? That lockdowns have inadvertently caused more non-Covid deaths than the number of lives they were designed to save? Is that what you're claiming? Because if it is, I'd like to see some links that prove your point. I've a funny feeling that I'll be waiting a fucking long time.

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