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  1. L

    R.I.P Neil Young

    What a great man and person...not being old enough to see Neil ever play I only ever saw footage of Neil on my Uncle's old City videos about the late 60's and 70's and from this remember the 69 cup final goal as if I was there...great finish and a excellent interview after the game also. I was...
  2. L

    Forget defending deep...get hold of the midfield

    We need 2 goals in my opinion....ATTACK ATTACK ATTACK!!!
  3. L

    Will Vieira Start?

    Has anyone thouhgt that he may be looking to drop Ireland? I know this seems crazy....but over the last few games I get the impression Barry has been allocated a "playmaker" type role, and has been getting forward alot more and a lot of the ball has been going through him....obviously with...
  4. L

    FAO The Blue Alliance

    So you didn't bang one of them cheerleaders on the way back from Chicken Bar on that wonderful night then Liam? Haha! For a second then I was like 'who the f...' then saw your username! Here's something I bet you didn't know about her - she is a City fan from Bolton and she had a signed...
  5. L

    FAO The Blue Alliance

    Yeah I should mention at this point I'm a virgin So you didn't bang one of them cheerleaders on the way back from Chicken Bar on that wonderful night then Liam?
  6. L

    FAO The Blue Alliance

    I don't know what all the fuss is about....from where I sit both stands look as fun as each other! You want to come and sit in the Grandad section (138) where me and the bloke a few rows behind have to change the words to "you saw me singing alone" as we are the only ones who ever start...
  7. L

    Which players has Mancini sidelined?

    He needs to get Kompany in the defence for me...
  8. L

    Man city pubs in london?

    P.s I'm wearing colours regardless
  9. L

    Man city pubs in london? it herts!!! Cheers for the info guys hopefully see a few of you on sunday then...COME ON CITY!!!
  10. L

    Man city pubs in london?

    So guys....sounds like a couple of venues available for sunday.....does anyone know how to get to farringdon from wandsworth town as i'm not from london so definitely no expert on the underground and that? and are clours allowed in both pubs? Cheers
  11. L

    Man city pubs in london?

    Cheers pal....i'm coming from wandsworth so this sounds like a good shout! I'll PM you my number incase its needed. Thanks
  12. L

    Man city pubs in london?

    I'm in london this weekend so was wondering if anyone knows of any pubs in London that have a possible city following....I know its a long shot but you never know?
  13. L

    Lescott [Merged]

    I think SSN have made a massive error there......when he said "thats what we've done"....surely he was refering to other deals which we have pulled away from.....e.g Eto'o?
  14. L

    Get Your Picture Taken Under The Tevez Banner Challange

    Absolutely quality....
  15. L

    Official Adebayor song

    To the darts tune........ Oh Adebayor.....he's poor no more....oh adebayor..... Got to get a cheeky money song in boys
  16. L

    Get Your Picture Taken Under The Tevez Banner Challange

    Sorry if this is on the wrong thread but just stumbled across this article......some people are absolute idiots!!!
  17. L

    Carlos Tevez Song

    We're sorry for the things we said Tevez, Tevez You've actually got a normal head Tevez, Tevez You're not a twat You're not a **** You're heads not screwed on back to fron Carlos Tevez, hes had loads of birds. How about change the last line to... Tevez, the reason why fergie's face is red....
  18. L

    Adebayor (merged)

    Sorry if already posted.....SSN - adebauyor having a work permit application meeting in manchester tomorrow....its happening boys, its happening
  19. L

    tevez at coms ssn

    Definitely.......he loved being swamped aswell....CTID
  20. L

    Tevez [Merged]


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