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  1. B

    Allardyce was on the verge of becoming Man City manager, deal fell through at the last second...

    100% would have had him at city back then, he worked wonders with Bolton. Thinking back, Hughes had a very similar profile after managing Blackburn and Wales, not bad choices for where we were at all.
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    Most overrated City player ever?

    Negredo, Leroy Sane & Nigel De Jong.
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    Jack Grealish

    Fixed that for you.
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    It's Quiet - a new dawn

    He'd be lucky to make the stiffs, let's be honest.
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    How to discipline a 2 and 1/2 year old...

    2 years old is a notoriously difficult age to deal with. The naughty step followed by bed time is your friend, but you must be firm and keep with it until the end, the difficulty is always translating what you are saying in a way that a toddler would understand. Alternatively a swift Choke slam...
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    Creepy Pastas

    It is a mixture of urban legends and scary stories. (if there is a noticeable difference in the two...). The scary thing about them for the corruption of something which I assumed was innocent. The squidward suicide story was fucking horrible, as is the dead Bart one. Different strokes though.
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    Creepy Pastas

    As I am currently on paternity leave and awake at daft hours, I have turned to youtube for entertainment. Any way I found this video. Although I realise the stories are most likely hoaxes, an after a quick search I haven't found anything on here...
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    Re: Isco (Part 8 (weekend saga part 3)) Any excuse to post this one.
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    Sexual health centres in town

    Is this a round about way of telling us all you got a fuck in a field?
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    Flatmate playing Very Loud Music

    Fight fire with fire...
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    Jury service

    wasn't a fraud case, was a little bit more interesting than that.
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    Jury service

    You get expenses and they pay you what you would get from your work. It was Ok I didn't have any commitments other than work when I did it so instead of going to Bolton every day I jumped onto a train to Manchester, in that respect it was ok, the actual jurying bit was awful, I did get through...
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    Jury service

    Did a 3 month trial, its fucking dull.
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    Bruno Mars

    Not a huge fan but this is a bit of a guilty plesure.
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    How much effort have you put into work today?

    Normally 60% but as its year end and stock take its been bumped up to 95% for the last few days.
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    Genuine, Genuine Question...

    Hi, I spent a long time questioning my existence, I have kids a job and no obvious problems. I wanted a reason for why I was here. I was recommended a book called the Selfish Gene by Richard Dawkins. It really did help and gave me the explanations I was looking for, It made everything make...
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    Drinking limits.

    Most I ever drank was to the bottom of a Smirnoff Vodka bottle when I was 16, absolutely stupid considering the damage I could of done to myself, I was very lucky. Normal drink limit now is probably 5-6 pints then I start to feel ill so I move to shorts even then its only one or two and then...
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    Linux is it any good.

    Depends what you want to do, if your not computer savvy linux may become frustrating and limited for you. I would stick with windows if you haven't got the time or inclination to learn. You would lose the majority of your programmes but your files should be useable. I wouldn't say it was...
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    Money Saving Tips Thread

    Pour bleach on your body and save the need for imagination
  20. B

    Money Saving Tips Thread


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