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    Hansen-Utd fans would back Liverpool to win title over City

    Yeah well, we'll have to wait for that to actually happen first. In 10 years time god knows where anyone will be, maybe QPR will be winning all round them. The best position you could be would be 12 league titles, assuming you win every season between now and then, you'd still be 7 behind Utd...
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    Hansen-Utd fans would back Liverpool to win title over City

    Yeah, well given the option I think most would probably plump for Chelsea, but Hansens referring to a straight choice between City and Liverpool. He's in dreamland really, Liverpool have no chance of a title challenge this year. I think Chelsea are a solid unit this year and I could see them...
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    Hansen-Utd fans would back Liverpool to win title over City

    As a Utd fan, personally I think he's talking shit (as unusual as that would be for Hansen, I know!). If we weren't going to take it I'd much rather City win it than Liverpool for a host of reasons and I think most would feel the same, although those living in Manchester would probably never...
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    City to lay a wreath at scene of Munich air crash today.

    Class from City, kudos to the club. Some of your fans have a bit of catching up to do in that respect based on some of the responses in this thread it seems. As do some of the idiots on our side suggesting its a publicity stunt.
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    Mary D's vandalised already

    Embarrassing small time stuff... and I'm a Utd supporter.
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    So just how is Baconface going to "put this to bed"...

    I guess it depends what you define 'blame' as. If he were to come out and say "look the fact is I've been offered the chance to earn X, and I cant turn it down" people would have much more respect for him than they do at the moment. Anyhoo, its all speculation really the only thing I'm saying...
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    So just how is Baconface going to "put this to bed"...

    Or City/Madrid whoever are going to pay me X amount, match it or I'm off. I think thats a far more likely state of affairs than him totally changing his opinion of Utd in 6 months. The saving face side of it would also explain engineering a public argument with Fergie, if Rooneys version of...
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    So just how is Baconface going to "put this to bed"...

    And he's only seen all this in the last 6 months.... before that he wanted to stay for the rest of his life.... I'm even not saying its not the case (I dont by the way, things aren't ideal obviously but I dont think they're quite the stuff of City fans dreams), I'm just saying it doesn't seem...
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    So just how is Baconface going to "put this to bed"...

    Absolutely, and this was being kept in house (Fergie knew since August) until it 'somehow' got into the papers that Rooney wanted to leave. Fergies comments were to confirm that the story was true. A Dutch auction is where the lowest bid wins so I'm pretty sure we're not interested in one of...
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    So just how is Baconface going to "put this to bed"...

    Wins turning to draws is more of a concern for our defense than our attack, I'd be far more concerned if we were struggling to score goals. We will eventually stop shipping goals. IMO the most pressing thing we need is an experienced creative MF.
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    So just how is Baconface going to "put this to bed"...

    Name 1 professional apart from Roy 'I'm a little bit bitter' Keane thats come out in support of Rooney.... Its not just me defending the club, my attitude is that if a player wants to leave fair enough as long as its handled correctly, and despite what some people would say I'd point to Ronaldo...
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    So just how is Baconface going to "put this to bed"...

    So after 1 season (and we did actually win the Carling Cup last year), where we lost the league by a point and have strengthened, he's off? So is he going to throw his toys out of the pram wherever he ends up every year they dont win the league? Should he, as a senior player (particularly...
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    So just how is Baconface going to "put this to bed"...

    I dont either but he would be if this 'conspiracy' had an ounce of truth. The situation is obviously different from when he left Everton at 18. He joined a bigger club to continue to develop which he did. As for medals, look at what he's won at Utd and I dont think that argument holds any...
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    So just how is Baconface going to "put this to bed"...

    Dont think so, even if he were to come out at this stage and say he changed his mind, he loves the place and wants to sign for life there's the implications of the 'ambition' statement too and the public row with Fergie. The only way I'd see it being forgiven if he was to get his head down...
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    So just how is Baconface going to "put this to bed"...

    I think thats the most likely scenario tbh
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    So just how is Baconface going to "put this to bed"...

    No chance, it would do Rooney's reputation too much damage both as a brand and with Utd fans, many of whom never want to see him in the shirt again.
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    So just how is Baconface going to "put this to bed"...

    I dont think letting him rot would reflect badly on the club one bit. Rooney chose to go public with this and he's now also made comments about the players he's playing with.... If he disrupts the team and no longer wants to play for the club fuck him. I think it says a lot about his...
  18. B

    Sometimes I just love, love, love Red Cafe...

    Redcafe does welcome rival fans, there's a number of scouse supporters and one of the mods is a Leeds fan..... my experience of here and Brwned's (by the look of it) has been far from welcoming... I've just chosen to try ignore the comments looking for a response
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    Sometimes I just love, love, love Red Cafe...

    I'm not criticising, just an observation from a rival fan.... You get it on all boards and it can be hard to ignore and have a reasoned conversation when its coming from every angle.
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    Sometimes I just love, love, love Red Cafe...

    I'll by no means try and tell you how to run your forum but I know Brwned from the caf and I can vouch for him as a very knowledgeable football poster. I see where he's coming from as a fellow Utd supporter, some of the stuff some posters here throw doesn't exactly encourage sensible or...

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