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  1. J

    De Bruyne?

    Thanks mate
  2. J

    De Bruyne?

    Thanks mate
  3. J

    De Bruyne?

  4. J

    De Bruyne?

    What's her twitter mate?
  5. J

    De Bruyne?

  6. J

    De Bruyne?

    This is how i'm seeing it too mate, from what they've said about his mind being elsewhere it just makes no sense to play him. Hopefully the resolution is swift - who knows, maybe you and I are just being optimistic.
  7. J

    De Bruyne?

    That's what they want mate
  8. J

    De Bruyne? Then fucking sell him if his mind is absent ffs!! Ended training after 60 minutes and they reckon he's...
  9. J

    De Bruyne?

    says 21:36 as i'm australian no mention of bayern hijacking the deal
  10. J

    De Bruyne?

    I agree with you mate, I think he's doing an excellent job. But when it comes to De Bruyne, ultimately I think we will pay over what we want to if we have to. Not anything ridiculous though, I doubt the club would accept that as it sets a terrible precedent.
  11. J

    De Bruyne?

    Oh i'm happy with him too, I'm just referring to Khaldoon's statements at the beginning of pre-season that it was time we stopped missing out on big targets. I think that's a clear message to Txiki - get the big players in.
  12. J

    De Bruyne?

    I doubt he'd make much of an appearance, given he'd barely have trained with us. For such a huge game, we can't have that. Plus, I doubt things move so quickly it's done by Friday afternoon.
  13. J

    De Bruyne?

    Exactly why they hate us so - ffp was supposed to kill us and yet here we are, alive and well!
  14. J

    De Bruyne?

    Oh definitely. And a winner from him would be even sweeter!
  15. J

    De Bruyne?

    Good to hear Ric. I think it's just him and his agent not wanting to lose out on a loyalty bonus and thus not officially declaring their desire to leave. I could be wrong, but based on all we know it seems that way to me. Perhaps they and the club are just trying to make Wolfsburg and Kevin look...
  16. J

    De Bruyne?

    Agreed, mate. I'm not too worried, I think this will get over the line. Txiki's arse is on the line to get these big deals done, he won't let it get away. As for the Chelsea game, we'll just have to wait until Stamford Bridge ;)
  17. J

    De Bruyne?

    Can't wait for the day we beat them again and this time it means they get knocked out. No more excuses there, Karl. No way to say it was meaningless. And it will happen.
  18. J

    De Bruyne?

    It's all the same to them, isn't it! As long as he's holding up his monopoly he doesn't give a shit. I love seeing just how much we get under their skin. Keep talking shit, KHR, we're not going away.
  19. J

    De Bruyne?

    Rumenigge is a muppet and will take any chance he can get to talk shit about City. Likely just mad we've snagged a bundesliga superstar before the **** can get his hands on him for half the price
  20. J

    De Bruyne?

    Exactly. We won't exactly be happy about it but right now it's not about that, it's about getting in the players to make us CL contenders. Kevin's one of those. I think the club will meet the valuation

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