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  1. S

    Lets not become like them.

    I certainly didnt either, I remember them coming to Elland Road in the cup, and receiving a standing ovation after wiping the floor with us, I think Henry got 4 that day and they were different class.
  2. S

    Lets not become like them.

    You lads are a decent bunch, theres no chance you will ever become like them, regardless of how much you win
  3. S

    Have you seen some of the comments from neutrals!?

    I wish I could say I was a neutral on Sunday but I would be lying.
  4. S


    Forget my post fella, it wasnt meant to get on the wrong side of City fans, but dont lose sight of the fact that this guy is a scum **** and as such is cut from the same cloth as the rest of the Orks
  5. S


    You can try and detract as much as you want you Grimsby Slit, but lets not move away from the fact that you and your fella shower of shit are now also rans, how does it feel to be in City's shadow?. Oh and ''probably cunts''?? Yes we sure are, but with you vermin around we are on good company...
  6. S


    Fuck off you scum rodent, cry yourself to sleep parasite
  7. S

    typical city

    Possibly one new Leeds fan too, you know, if rough bum sex somehow becomes a catalyst for child birth ha ha ha ha. Great day all round
  8. S

    Great Read for us all

    Whoever this Leeds fan is, I take my hat off to him. Well done fella, MOT.
  9. S


    Congratulations to Manchester's finest.
  10. S


    Bloody hell lads, you dont do it easy do you lol. Im absolutely over the moon for you all, I really am, massive congratulations from all at Elland Road, well done.
  11. S

    Good luck City we're all rooting for you!!!

    Just wanted to pop by and wish you lads the best of luck today, I'll be cheering you on. Finish the job City. Good luck lads.
  12. S

    Bebe transfer investigated

    Re: Police to question manyoooo over Bebe transfer Bung (allegedly of course)
  13. S

    Terry Christian

    Ever since they stopped filming Casualty. Gotta get my fix you know and Scrubs, simply doesnt do it for me
  14. S

    Terry Christian

    I would love to run into him. He's got one of those faces you wouldnt stop punching in the back of the ambulance
  15. S

    Terry Christian

    A mouthy scummer who once looked down his nose at Kurt Cobain on The Word and used to sniff Danni Behrs undercrackers when she was hiding Giggs' Salami. He now spews his scumaganda on Talkshite FM
  16. S

    Paul Robinson maybe joining rags

    You should have seen him the year we went down. He should have been hovering over Elland Road with Goodyear written on him instead of flopping around our goalmouth like an Epileptic Trout every other week. He was a disgrace
  17. S

    Terry Christian

    Well I can understand where you are coming from mate, I too am swarmed by them, up here in NI they're everywhere, but for some reason have gone distinctly quiet at the moment. Must be one of their famous 'transitional periods' again. Yeah, thats probably it. As for me signing up here, I just...
  18. S

    Terry Christian

    That reminds me, someone drop Darren Ferguson's Mrs an email. Tell her to stay round her Mum's that night
  19. S

    Terry Christian

    Ok, fair enough, I can understand the reluctance to celebrate early. Just knock it into them twice as much, everyday, if you do win it. Dont steal my helicopter bit though, im saving that one for the 2098/2099 season
  20. S

    Terry Christian

    You should be basking in the hillarity of their bitterness and enjoying every single solitary tear, that shower lorded it over you for long enough without a semblance of respect whatsoever anywhere in sight. If it was Leeds about to win the title, I would drive to The Piggary, whip my trousers...

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