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  1. B

    The unpopular objective thread

    Me too. 40 years of frustration blown away in one mighty spaff. I can't raise the excitement anymore.
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    Sunderland Vs City Post match Discussion Thread

    We'll be lucky. Still, thank god we chucked the Italian bloke out after such a shit last season.
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    Meppen Walters on bbc 3

    Yep. I find the various suggestions that this isn't 100% the cause of the problem quite astounding. Then again, that's why I like reading Bluemoon. Continually reminds me that my world view is not shared by all. The main thing I've read today that makes me little anger nodes boil is the f**king...
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    So how do you explain the missing contract eh? Cheeky and the team left Isco's unsigned contract in a hotel safe. Cheeky got worried about the details falling into anti-City hands. So he when back three days later and when the hotel manager opened the safe, the contract was gone! (Along with a...
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    Rooney transfer speculation in here please

    Re: Rooney I never believe newspaper rumours about players' lifestyles. I'd prefer to look at on the pitch evidence. Rooney's lackluster performance at Euro 2012 and in periods for the scum - lots of huffing, puffing and blowing with an apparent loss of touch - look to me exactly like a...
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    Now the frenzy has died down there's just the wet patch left. By tomorrow it will be smelling of fish.
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    I think Cavani is a bit of a donkey. However, I wouldn't mind seeing him here for next season just to see if all his avid supporters are right. Thing is, I think we are going to be so strong next season that we could cope with Cavani being a lemon and still win the league. So I don't really care...
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    Apart from retaining Aguero at least it is holistic. I don't agree with your assessment by the way, but it has just as much to support it as any opposite intrepretation.
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    I'm a glass 9/10ths full sort of bloke so I'm not giving up on Isco watch until he personally calls round and woman slaps me, shouting 'NO, FOOL!' I'll also throw in my 'hope' cards if it doesn't all end today as every glass empties eventually.
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    He's one in a long line of excellent wide players who think they have what it takes to play central midfield. Never good enough for that role. Needs 5 touches before moving off the spot. Slooooooooows play riiiiight down.
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    All good points - except that by the time we firmed up our offers to club and player, we had no reason to expect that Madrid would pick up the phone.
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    This really is the post of the thread. I'm guilty.
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    I'm happy to say that we failed because we did fail. Wanted Isco. Didn't get him. Failure. I don't get the idea that it is embarrassing though. That seems crazy to me. And the failure may have been unavoidable. It may have been possible to sign Isco before the U-21s if we stumped up more cash...
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    If he's off to Madrid it is a failure for Cheeky and the boys. Not a terrible one as it is Madrid after all. My reading of it is we thought we had Malaga in a bit of a corner - and we were wrong. Next target.
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    Seems plausible. That's always the problem when the other side feels they've been stiffed in a transaction. It's going to cause difficulty the next time you have to deal with them. Doesn't mean you can't reach an agreed outcome - but it is a lot more difficult getting there.
  16. B

    man city

    It always makes me think of Trevor Brooking waffing through his nose "Maaaaaan City". I'd always say Manchester City but I wouldn't be bothered by folks from elsewhere or new fans calling us Maaaaaan City. I suppose I'm the "don't think it matters really" camp.
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    ''Will we ever have 5 local lads in the first team again"

    Unlikely. Youth coaching in England is set to remain pitifully shyte for the foreseeable future. Nothing is happening to change that. The English preference for big fast lumps means at a high level we are attempting to progress the wrong lads. Our selection processes from a very young age leave...
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    Re: Isco (Part 8 (weekend saga part 3)) The reason is strong in these ones. Hunt them my children of chaos and kill, kill, kill.
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    Re: Isco (Part 8 (weekend saga part 3)) I'm making up my own view of the state of things loosely brought together from favourably selected quotes and supposed 'insider info' from the interweb. A key driver in our transfer strategy is the general feeling that we are usually taken for a ride by...
  20. B


    I'm bent double with my dick up my left nostril pressing F5. All outcomes covered there. I think.

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