£56 for home games

Tbh at city is been cheap in terms tickets for years! Now we won the league this had to happen! Put it 1 way which is better value for money

Watching city £52

Watching Oldham £20

Errrrm let me think! We as city fans can't have everything our own way! We're the premier league champions!
LoveCity said:
Not to be a twat but how many people who complain have expensive phone contracts, like to drink a lot, smoke, drive to places where they can walk, and so on? These are not all essentials in life. I've found that with a little thought and effort I can afford my season ticket and travel costs comfortably while earning very modest money. Of course it's a lot different if you have kids which I don't as they eat through your money but my point is I think there are always luxuries that can be cut down on if you really want to watch City. I don't drink, smoke, buy DVDs/CDs, and walk or use the bus, and am comfortable even in this economy.
With all due respect, I just can't agree with any of this. People shouldn't have to sacrifice the rest of their non-essentials just to squeeze in 90 minutes of football every few weeks. The fact that you honestly believe people should ditch their cars, give up drinking and smoking, stop buying 'luxuries' like music, and presumably stop going on holiday just so they can afford to see City shows how messed up football's priorities have become.

Going to the football should be just one part of your 'social' life, not the one and only bit of fun you allow yourself to have once a fortnight. That's the way it used to be and it's so sad to hear the stories of people who simply can't afford it anymore.

I started supporting City in the early 80s by going to 10-12 games a year with my Dad until I eventually got my own season ticket in 95. Those days gave me some of my best memories of being with my Dad as a child, and it breaks my heart to think that that opportunity is now being denied to a future generation of Blues. It goes against everything that we as a club should stand for.

There are plenty of realistic reasons why people should look to cut down the amount they drink, smoke or spend on phone bills, but being able to afford 90 mins of football once a month with their friends and family shouldn't be one of them.
For context, I paid £52 for a Second Tier (202) ticket to the Spurs Home Game (0-1 loss) so a mate could sit near us. THAT was TWO SEASONS AGO!

First game of season might be being priced like the QPR game was, in the highest cost category?
Very true.

Starting to follow City now will be very difficult for a lot of people. City have to urgently do something about the ground. It should be the No.1 priority for the board
The business model is becoming more like Uniteds by the day and It wouldnt surprise me if the next step is compulsory Cup matches.

These prices will only be sustained by success. Should we start drifting then numbers would drop off. Its wasnt that long ago we were regularly getting less than 40,000 under Pearce.
silvaisgoldno1 said:
Tbh at city is been cheap in terms tickets for years! Now we won the league this had to happen! Put it 1 way which is better value for money

Watching city £52

Watching Oldham £20

Errrrm let me think! We as city fans can't have everything our own way! We're the premier league champions!
Dortmund are Bundesliga champions.
Demand is very very high. I feel for the people who cannot afford such prices but this is the first game of the season for the champions against a newly promoted team.

All games will not be this expensive. Lets see the difference in the QPR game at 1730hrs on a Saturday evening on Espn.

The club are aware that demand is high and for me the only way to keep fair pricing for people who aren't able to afford season tickets etc is stadium expansion.

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