10 | Jack Grealish - 2021/22 Performances

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He is trying too hard to 'be the man' for City. He really doesn't need to do that, he simply needs to fit himself into our well oiled machine. Too selfish, holds onto the ball too long and is not yet seeing the balls he should be playing. It will come if he just settles down and listens to Pep and his teammates.
Too selfish?! Wow! If anything he needs to be shooting and taking his man on more
We've seen over the years very good players take time to get used to the system, everyone has a place in different positions when we have and don't have the ball, grealish has done really well upto now and will be even better as time goes on
I think jack is a great addition to the squad in general but hasn't hit the ground yet. wouldn't say he does anything bad, except sometimes slow the attack down a bit much for my liking but otherwise he is good, yes, but not what you would expect from someone that cost 120mio. unfortunately he will always be measured by the fee we paid. I think his play also hurts a bit because we do not have an out and out striker and jack isn't what I would call a natural goal scorer.
I have little doubt Grealish will be a great player for us and that he will score/assist many goals, but I think he is already more important to the team than some people realise. Any good performance since the start of the season has involved Grealish. This isn't a mere coincidence. He helps the team to have the right balance between being in control and being creative. That's key to a Pep team, and it's far from easy.

People use wrong criteria to estimate his importance to the team. They think that if a 100m attacking player doesn't have great numbers, something's not quite right with him, no matter how the team performs. But the most important thing is how the team performs, and it is pretty obvious that we play great stuff with Grealish in there. There's no doubt that Grealish will feature in every big game, as long as he doesn't lose form (similar to Rodri and Cancelo last season). He makes us better, even if his personal stats aren't great right now.
As I said in the main post-match thread, Jack was quietly brilliant again last night. For someone who was such a big fish at Villa, he's getting his head down and doing the dirty work brilliantly at City. Keeps the ball moving, keeps crafting little triangles with Foden and Bernardo, keeps the defenders busy. It all means we never go stale.

There have been times under Pep where you can tell, after an hour or so, that a goal just isn't coming. We run out of ideas and resort to hoofing it into the box, hoping the ball bounces in the right place. Grealish keeps the ball on the floor, keeps things simmering, and makes sure we keep ticking over instead of trying to rush.

And then, out of nowhere, he strikes. Think about his goal against Leipzig - he'd been playing well but nothing to indicate that he'd pick the ball up like he did, take on two defenders and lash it home. And last night, much as he'd already been playing well, he turned on a dime and put Sterling through for Palmer's goal.

At the moment he reminds me a bit of Nasri, in the way he receives the ball after a move breaks down and normally knows where to play it so that the momentum isn't lost. If he's guilty of anything it's not taking games by the scruff of the neck. He seems a wee bit deferential. But that will improve with time, as it always does with Pep signings.
I completely agree. I’ve given you some pedigree, and I’ve written plenty on other players. Have a read, see what you think.

Feel free to disagree with anything I have to say about anyone, but use some knowledge, not spouting Fantasy Football stats!

Lastly, I’m disappointed to be discussed in the same breath as “thick as pug shit” numpties like Merson and Collymore. They’ve stolen a living for years and have both disqualified themselves (multiple times) from even being in the conversation on actual football analysis.
I don’t believe anyone was disparaging you, Chicago. Merely stating what’s so evident with our sports media; that being immersed in professional football is no guarantee of any degree of knowledge or insight.

Besides, you never even said if you tracked back.
I didn't see these quotes posted but in the build up on the radio the had Pep talking about how big an adjustment it is for Grealish to play every 3 days, which he's never done before. They have had to sit down and teach him about his food, when he eats, his recovery, focusing 100% of your day around football and emphasising that you can't have days off.

It reminded me of Stephen Warnock once saying that people don't realise top 4 players are just different athletes to a normal PL player and he spoke about when you go man to man they're just so much leaner and stronger.

These are things people just don't think about when they see a player like Grealish move for £100m. It's going to take him 6 months at least to get to his best.

Can you see him scoring his share of goals ?
What in your opinion would change to allow him to be a goal threat, because at the moment he isn't.
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