
Re: De Jong injury to Ben Arfa

thanks for posting that man,it is exactly that players like de jong,cattermole,karl henry see no business in caring for other fellow professionals well being and de jong clearly doesn't seem to know the limit,the way he went in he clearly meant to let ben arfa know he was around which is why is other leg was wrapped around hatem.

We are seeing this type of tackles way too much,i just listened to someone saying that going to ground and lunging in is also a safer way for player to avoid getting injured when challenging and tackling the way de jong does which explains which de jong never seems to be stay on his feet anymore so in some ways he knows what he is doing .

The book should be thrown at players like him and if they keep on doing it, i would be happy for the premier league to kick them out of this league and let them go and play in spain or some thuggery countries where this sort of behaviour is accepted.

Physical but when players can't even see or reason well enough so they do put other players well being at risk then they shouldn't be allowed on a football field,you can't banned a driver from driving forever but you sure can make sure a footballer with thuggish behaviour isn't allowed to risk injuring other players by kicking them out your league.
Re: De Jong injury to Ben Arfa

zinaldo1982 said:
thanks for posting that man,it is exactly that players like de jong,cattermole,karl henry see no business in caring for other fellow professionals well being and de jong clearly doesn't seem to know the limit,the way he went in he clearly meant to let ben arfa know he was around which is why is other leg was wrapped around hatem.

We are seeing this type of tackles way too much,i just listened to someone saying that going to ground and lunging in is also a safer way for player to avoid getting injured when challenging and tackling the way de jong does which explains which de jong never seems to be stay on his feet anymore so in some ways he knows what he is doing .

The book should be thrown at players like him and if they keep on doing it, i would be happy for the premier league to kick them out of this league and let them go and play in spain or some thuggery countries where this sort of behaviour is accepted.

Physical but when players can't even see or reason well enough so they do put other players well being at risk then they shouldn't be allowed on a football field,you can't banned a driver from driving forever but you sure can make sure a footballer with thuggish behaviour isn't allowed to risk injuring other players by kicking them out your league.
Shearers kicking of Neil Lennons head, Gerrards blatant elbow last week, its amazing how both these players escaped the wrath of the media, but when it comes to City its the end of football as we know it.
Re: De Jong injury to Ben Arfa

ste.sully said:
I'm ******* sick of people whinging about injuries and "unfair" tackles like sissys. Football is a contact sport, injuries are part and parcel of the game, GET OVER IT.

It was just unfortunate that Ben Arfa's trailing leg was caught, nothing malicious in it at all, just unfortunate. I wish the lad a full recovery, sooner hopefully.

Now shut up and stop whining like that French moaner Wenger again "tackles" being "illegal". Go and play cricket, golf or tennis if you don't like
thats the spirit. except you cant show one quote where wenger said he wants to ban tackles
Re: De Jong injury to Ben Arfa

zinaldo1982 said:
thanks for posting that man,it is exactly that players like de jong,cattermole,karl henry

Someones been listening to a bit too much Stan Collymore.
Re: De Jong injury to Ben Arfa

zinaldo1982 said:
thanks for posting that man,it is exactly that players like de jong,cattermole,karl henry see no business in caring for other fellow professionals well being and de jong clearly doesn't seem to know the limit,the way he went in he clearly meant to let ben arfa know he was around which is why is other leg was wrapped around hatem.

We are seeing this type of tackles way too much,i just listened to someone saying that going to ground and lunging in is also a safer way for player to avoid getting injured when challenging and tackling the way de jong does which explains which de jong never seems to be stay on his feet anymore so in some ways he knows what he is doing .

The book should be thrown at players like him and if they keep on doing it, i would be happy for the premier league to kick them out of this league and let them go and play in spain or some thuggery countries where this sort of behaviour is accepted.

Physical but when players can't even see or reason well enough so they do put other players well being at risk then they shouldn't be allowed on a football field,you can't banned a driver from driving forever but you sure can make sure a footballer with thuggish behaviour isn't allowed to risk injuring other players by kicking them out your league.

I am willing to be proved wrong on this but yesterday was the first example of Big Nige seriously injuring a fellow Premiership player.
So you are espousing that he be thrown out of the league because of one sliding tackle?
Go away rag. You're embarrassing your embarrassing football club by association.
Re: De Jong injury to Ben Arfa

razinho said:
Vic said:
If you're going to shout, at least know the rules. It's been a long time since getting the ball was a clincher in what's a fair tackle.

It's simply not a fair tackle if you take ball with one leg and man with the other. It's not a fair tackle even if you get the ball first. (If you can get ball first and the opponent then goes over the outstretched leg, that's OK.) Remember it's not that long since any tackle from behind was a red card offence. FIFA changed that because it seemed to suggest that fierce tackles from the side or in front were OK - they're not.

No-one wants an absolutely tackle-free game, but with players worth the amount of money they're worth, I really do despair at those who seem to prefer not to make players' safety a priority.

So you're saying when Nigel slid in as soon as he connected with the ball he should have defied the laws of physics and stopped immediately and not touched the player?

You're an idiot.

Too kind. No, I'm saying that the laws of football now effectively mean that if you can't get the ball without also side-swiping your opponent, you don't make the tackle (or accept that you may well be penalised).

If it's any guide as to whether referees thought Nigel's tackle was awful, it's not even raised a thread on the Referees Association website.
Re: De Jong injury to Ben Arfa

Vic said:
Blue Mist said:
What the f**k is going on in this forum. gregblag are you on drugs ? The quote I have highlighted is just nonsense, what is this 'whether he got the ball or not' crap. HE GOT THE BALL IT WAS THEREFORE A FAIR TACKLE.

....This is a mans game where physical contact takes place, as long as that contact is legal there is no offence committed. I really do despair at times.

If you're going to shout, at least know the rules. It's been a long time since getting the ball was a clincher in what's a fair tackle.

It's simply not a fair tackle if you take ball with one leg and man with the other. It's not a fair tackle even if you get the ball first. (If you can get ball first and the opponent then goes over the outstretched leg, that's OK.) Remember it's not that long since any tackle from behind was a red card offence. FIFA changed that because it seemed to suggest that fierce tackles from the side or in front were OK - they're not.

No-one wants an absolutely tackle-free game, but with players worth the amount of money they're worth, I really do despair at those who seem to prefer not to make players' safety a priority.
In July when I did my ref course it was deemed a fair tackle
Re: De Jong injury to Ben Arfa

What DeJong did, IMO, is go into the challenge from too close with too much force. He's a very good player for City....but he's at fault on this one, as much as I hate to say it.

Straight red, probably not...but a foul and a yellow. I'm a ref at the high school/secondary school level in the states...so while I'm no reffing guru, I have at least a semi-valid opinion on how I'd call it. When you go to ground to make a tackle, even if you do win the ball...you can't be going at the same time to take the player out (as in knock him down with force, I do not think there was intent to injure).

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