3rd unidentified object shot down, this time over Canada - P17

Not from me pal !

I am fed up with the USA trying to be the worlds police force, christ have they seen the state of their own police force.
Always trying to get the world to live to their gunslinger standards.

I am sure Americans think that Hollywood is a true reflection on how they rule the world.

Thankfully that havent ruined our game YET. But they are a serious threat to our football and the world.

Maybe it would be better if China or Russia became the world’s police force instead.

I’m sure those two nations would embrace the liberal and democratic standards the West has become accustomed to …
You know, I have no great love for the People's Republic of China. I worked there, for a year in the eighties, and I saw close up and personal what living in a totalitarian state on a day-to-day, minute-to-minute basis really means. I've been there much more recently on a visit to Shanghai, and although consumer society has put a veneer on it, it is still a society whose leaders are obsessed with social control.
That said: I know exactly how they think, and I understand it in this case. For a large part of the twentieth century, and all of this, the premise behind America's behaviour in the world is, very simply, that there is one rule for all other nations, and no rules for America. It can just do what the hell it feels like doing because well… it's America, isn't it, and In God We Trust. When America put blanket satellite coverage up into the air and basically gave it into the hands of the NSA, they made it possible to implement surveillance down to every square metre on this planet. They sure as hell didn't ask anyone else if they gave their permission, or if they wanted it. It was good for America (and for that hallowed phrase homeland security) and that was it. No arguments needed.
The Chinese look at that, and they see it as arrogance. And in this case, I happen to agree with them (although on not much else). Sending up a surveillance balloon over South America is very, very small potatoes.
I want to be watched neither by the United States of America nor by China, nor by any other power on earth without my knowledge, and my consent as a citizen.

The world is becoming more like a huge open prison daily, with all the
security cameras, fences, name badges and hi vis vests.
I don't care for all this myself. It's like the old East Berlin or somewhere.
Roll up for your yellow stars....
Maybe it would be better if China or Russia became the world’s police force instead.

I’m sure those two nations would embrace the liberal and democratic standards the West has become accustomed to …
If you live a normal, decent, unadventurous life in China and follow the rules, you can live a good life. You can ride a motorcycle without a helmet there you know....
If you live a normal, decent, unadventurous life in China and follow the rules, you can live a good life. You can ride a motorcycle without a helmet there you know....
Unadventurous? In other words conform to everything 'they' say.
Look how the so called Communist government treat millionaires/billionaires now.
As long as you never try to achieve you will be OK in China but I'll think I'll give it a miss.
I read somewhere that the UK has the most security cameras per capita than any other nation.

I remember reading or hearing that, too. I wonder if it's up to date now.
It's plausible, given that the UK, or at least England, is one of the most densely populated industrial countries on earth. What people don't realise about China is that there are vast areas of it that are very sparsely populated. And I wouldn't think it's worth the Chinese authorities' while to put up many surveillance cameras in rural areas, still less in semi-desert areas.
However, when it comes to urban China, I'd sort of be surprised if there are more surveillance cameras proportionally in the UK than in China. So overall, for the population, yes, wouldn't surprise me in the slightest. Also, depends what you're doing with your surveillance cameras. The Chinese are the world leaders in developing software not simply for facial recognition, but for judgement of a person's attitude or internal state of mind on the basis of interpretation of features at any given moment.
As I say, I'm not naive about China. It's a vast prison camp, with a “soft” area of it, that allows people to consume in peace so long as they don't get political in any way, and a much “harder” area, i.e. Xinjiang, where people are rather tired of having their rights trampled over.
But I don't think we should be naive about US hegemony either. The US sees itself as the global US marshall. That means, in effect, protecting the interests of “friendlies” (that can shift in surprising ways, as the US found to its cost in relation to Iraq), and above all, looking out for its own interests. Nothing new about that, you'll say. The big nations have always done it. What's changed is that the US is armed in both traditional weapons and the newer sort to a degree that is entirely unprecedented.
Both gulf wars were entirely about US interests. They neither of them had anything to do with human rights.
The world is becoming more like a huge open prison daily, with all the
security cameras, fences, name badges and hi vis vests.
I don't care for all this myself. It's like the old East Berlin or somewhere.
Roll up for your yellow stars....
I doubt the old East Berlin was as bad in terms of constant surveillance of the general population - the technology wasn't up to it then. A awful lot of changes took place in the wake of 9/11. Many as emergency measures, but no sign of any being rolled back now the emergency is over, and of course we've had a concurrent leap in the internet and surveillance technology. I sometimes wonder if my 80's or 90's self would've believed what sort of a world we'd be in today in this respect - it's not quite 'skynet' but it's certainly moving fast in that direction.
I read somewhere that the UK has the most security cameras per capita than any other nation.

London certainly used to hold the record but we have been overtaken. Germany has more per capita than us now.

Some reports are suggesting that China has over 500m cameras. Approximately 54% of the surveillance cameras on the planet.

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