40% City fans

I think fallowfield makes some decent points to be honest,although his posts are tainted a bit by red issue spin!

Any blue who lives in Manc and doesnt know loads of rags is lying,just as any rag who says all blues ae from stockport needs to stop reading red issue 24/7 and get out more

If wed of had the success united have had down the years our ground would be just as half full as the out of town day trippers that go to the swamp

If they went 20/30 years without winning owt theyd still be getting 30/40,000 thousand and the percentage of mancs would be the same as us.

The point about people not being able to afford to go is spot on but applies to both clubs and their traditional support.
This 60/40 United/City split must be of people who support either club, and not just people generally, because i'd guess a good portion of people in Manchester support neither club. I'd guess that around half the people i know don't follow any football side, and some of those that do follow Liverpool, Celtic, Bolton, the list is pretty much endless.

I'd guess that of Manchester as a whole, maybe 30% follow United, 20% City, 5-10% other teams, and the rest no interest. Of people who support either side, if i had to put money on it, i'd say it's probably about 65/35 in their favour, but we have to remember how many bandwaggoners there are. The Rags have been one of the most successful and growing clubs of the last twenty years, we've been tripping ourselves up in that time, only establishing ourselves as a steady Premier League club in the last 6/7 years, making great strides in the last two. Give it five years, once we start catching up to the big boys, and United fade once Taggart retires to his nursing home we'll see a growth in support, i'm sure.

Also, it depends which part of Manchester you're in. Flixton & Stretford are probably 80% Rag, for instance, whereas places like Chorlton & Moss Side are probably in our favour. Bottom line is f*ck 'em, they'll all be crying when we do 'em on Sunday!
Fallowfield Red said:
bluealf said:
Fallowfield Red said:
'Rag' here, but I'm not here to take the piss, just state a few facts. That map meen fuck all as it just shows who has the most season ticket holders inside Manchester and obviously city are going to have more becuse their support is confined just in gtr manchester area whereas United have people from all over the country buying season tickets, plus our ticket prices are a lot higher and I don't think there's many lads from the staunch red inner city areas like Ancoats, miles platting and collyhurst who can afford £800 a year.

In terms of absolute number of supporters, Manchester is overwhelmingly red and i'm glad to see some of you are finally starting to admit it.

Why are you on here ?

I wouldnt dream of joining a rag site, i would sooner cut my testicles off, fry them in lightly salted butter and feed them to my dog than do what you have done.

Well we get plenty of city coming on fred and red issue so you must be a top blue.

They are just as sad as you sado
Newlunar said:
Using my street as a micro demographic of Manchester.

There are two blue families,my neighbour who is a season ticket holder and daughters, all blue through and through.
Me and my son, from a family of blues not season ticket holders but attend City games at least once a month.

There's the red next door, and his step son who I get on just fine with. Never go to Old Trafford and watch every game from home and throw a bit of a party if it's something like a European final. His stepson in his 20's went once but didn't really like it!

The red over the road, talks about United, quite complimentary about City, at least in front of me anyway. Never goes to Busbyworld but watches a few in the pub.

And finally utter rag **** in the corner, ignorant bigoted big mouthed wanker who decided not to speak to me because I'm a blue (suits me). Gives it the big gloat about Unitid to anyone who will listen without going within a country mile of a United match since the seventies, where if you believe him, he was something of a kingpin in the infamous red army. Shit husband and all round ignorant **** who is generally seen as a bullshitting obnoxious tosser by anyone who has spent five minutes in his company. The rest of his family are fine though. If he keeled over in the street I'd step over him and walk on.
Like my street, in Manchester there's more of them but by and large they are a bunch of braying uncommitted fairweather bores.
The statistics don't lie the easyiest thing in the world is to cover yourself in glory by proxy, but I am proud and love to be a blue and no irritating rag fook will ever change that.

a quick reckon up on my street;

1 west ham next door
next door but one is a proper plastic. Never known him go but bangs on all the time.
Going down the street we then have 6 City fans and 5 go all the time.

Like you Lunar i also have a gobby plastic at the end of the street. Yoonitid number plate, every top going but never ever been to swamp.

So, in my little corner of the world Blue is the colour.
Sitting on your archair does not qualify you as a Utd fan so it is more like 60% City and about 15% Utd. We all know their fans come from the emerald Isle!!!
80% united in flixton and stretford? No doubt there's a big majority but there's surprisingly loads of blues about, most of whom actually go to games. The stretford and urmston branch of the osc has a very big membership and will be taking a fair few to the swamp tomorrow.
If I'm being perfectly honest, I'm sure that if you knocked on every single door in Manchester and asked who people support then far more would say United than City. But if you then asked how many actually had a season ticket for each club then there would be a much more even split - that season ticket survey a few years back bore this out IIRC which meant that there were a far bigger percentage of Manc season ticket holders at City than United, given that they had tens of thousands of more ST holders than us. It's one thing claiming you have a thousand more ST holders with a Manc postcode but if you have 20,000 or so more season ticket holders then it doesn't look quite so impressive does it? I accept that those figures are now almost certainly outdated - their capacity has increased but so has ours with the move to Eastlands. However, I reckon the actual percentages of Manc ST holders at both clubs still hasn't changed too much.

I can understand to an extent where Fallowfield Red is coming from but I'm sorry, I just don't buy the "Can't get a ticket" argument. Plenty of United's games have gone to open sale this season, and they also had a limited number of season tickets on open sale before the start of the campaign. I accept that it's not easy to get tickets for the bigger games such as Liverpool, Chelsea, Arse, City, and the latter rounds of the major cup competitions but if a United fan joins the One United membership scheme (something that doesn't cost much more than a Citycard) and applies for tickets to every home game they'll probably be successful in at least 50%-60% of cases. That then gets them on the ladder and makes it slightly easier to get tickets for the bigger games the following season and so on and so forth.

As for non-match going reds, I don't have a problem with those that have done their apprenticeship and now settle for saving their cash and watching it down the pub. There are blues who do this as well. No, the problem I've got is with the thousands upon thousands of so-called United fans who pack out the pubs of Manchester and beyond every weekend when they're on the box - many of whom have never set foot inside Old Trafford and have no intention of doing. How they can call themselves a fan is beyond me - the ground is practically on their doorstep yet they can't even get themselves down there for a single match. I remember when they broke their 26 year duck and won the Premiership in 1993 - I swear in the weeks afterwards there were people coming in my local wearing United shirts who had had no previous interest in football whatsoever. When I saw my cousin for the first time in years at my Nan's 80th birthday bash in 1999, not only had she developed an awful London accent as a result of living down there for a few years along with slagging off the area she'd grown up in, to make things worse she was also declaring undying love to the Rags yet previously she'd never had a semblance of interest in the sport. Thing is, I don't know of one City fan who has never attended a single match but our city is full of Rags who have never watched once watched them play live, not to mention the millions around the world. That for me is what gets on our tits the most - the out-of-towners at least have an excuse with regards to travel expenses but the more local ones have little or no excuse at all. You'd think they would be falling over themselves to at least get to a few games when you consider how good they've been this past 15 years or so but no, they'd sooner watch it at home or in the pub ffs.

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