40% City fans

mcfc22 said:
ello_jo said:
mcfc22 said:
Forgot it was illegal to ask a question
Yep same here considering you didn't answer mine. Why did you think to ask that questions? All I'm saying fella, I would just think that most city fans would consider most of manchester blue considering the rags come from london and foreign countries.

Sorry mate

I just wanted to know because I didn't know, maybe I phrased the question wrong

Haha Only joking fella, fair enough, didn't mean to cause any hassle
RobbieBrewer said:
What gets me is a how the self-proclaimed "biggest club in the world," the all-conquering "world champions" no matter what they do-can't get rid of "little old ciddy."


We've had too listen to 30+ years of gloating bullshit from lightweight,odious,bandwaggon-jumping anywhere-but-Manchester media whore,sun-reading fuckwits who think that buying the latest shirt with "Ronaldo7" on the back makes them a real "fan"-despite ever making any form of emotional input,and being almost completely sheltered for 20 years from the unpredictable nature of supporting a footbal team.

Anyone who doubts this-check the pathetic mass exodus from the swamp fifteen minutes before the end of the game against Liverpool-with the score at 3-1.

It was a situation they just couldn't believe was happeneing-and due to their emotional conditioning were left totally unaware of how to deal with it.

So they just left.

These wankers treat their football team like eating at McDonalds or drinking coffee at Starbucks-its simply a lifestyle choice.
It requires no effort or thought,it's plentiful,not difficult.
You can bask in the reflective success of your team with little or no input required from yourself.You can take the piss with little or no fear of reprisal.
You just arrogantly point at the cups and tell everyone you're "the best" don't you?Fuck the little details.
In short-it's easy.
After all-if everyone else around you does it-it must be right?

What they fail to realise is that these "character traits" are exactly what makes them the most loathed "fans" on the planet to a huge majority of fans of "lesser" clubs.

They will never understand why we can still hold our heads high as a club after winning fuck all for 30+years while they have,with the aid of the constant media brainwashing and Sky's cartel money-swept all before them.

And I'm glad.

Now fuck off,you rag wankers.I don't give a fuck what you win.Ever.

You'll never get it.

Stand and take a bow my friend.
City of Lost Souls
Paul Morley 1998

To support Manchester City is to believe that God might have trouble running things on this planet, but he's in control of the next world. He has to be. The Devil rules this world and always will, because his team are Manchester United, and they are world famous and monolithic.

Manchester City, who's name travels the world about as well as Gracie Fields or Pulp, are on the side of the angels; the poor, sapped, unfortunate angels who still believe in quaint antiquated notions of earthly good. To support Manchester City is to accept with heroic willingness the dead-flat that the universe is cold and hostile, and nothing good will become of it. To support City is to tackle head on the crushing pointlessness of existence and to attempt to make something of it. It is hard work. So why do it? Because somehow this seems ultimately more dignified and fulfilling than taking the easy way out and supporting the lulling and obnoxious United.

To support United is too easy. It's convenience supporting. It makes life too easy. There is no challenge. It is a cowardly form of escapism, a sell-out to the forces of evil. United fans have no soul and will spend their eternity neck deep in boiling vomit. City fans retain their soul and will spend their eternity forever reliving the moment their team beat Newcastle 4-3 away from home to win the League Championship in 1968, beating United into second place. Surely we will have such eternal bliss again, for why do we spend so much time suffering in this life watching our team climb to the summit only so that we can watch them dive, dive, dive to their pitiless bottom of the heap while United, of Manchester, but nothing really to do with it, float every more triumphantly skywards?

Heartless United are the incarnation of shamelessness and to support them is heroism in a can. Cavalier City, however awry their football, however dire their straits, glow with something mystical and transcendental. City have soul. United do not.

When they are great again, City will have shown that they are worth their extraordinary fans. To this day these fans will walk a million miles for one of Joe Mercer's smiles. They'll sing a million songs waiting for some new Mercer-like magic. Because they are City, and Christ do they know they're born.
Theres a lecturer at MMU whos a City fan with old magazine posters and the like on his office window and door, Dickov, Goater, Kinklaze, etc. Wonder if he wrote that Do you come from Manchester article? ;)
Fallowfield Red said:
You all seem to have missed the point I was trying to make. The reason a lot of manc reds don't attend home games isn't because they are 'archair fans' or plastics its because they have either been priced out, choose not to go anymore because they're sick of all the JCLs/mongs who go to OT these days or they simply can't get tickets because there is too much demand for them from people all over the country. If there's a season ticket going for £800 whose going to be more willing to buy it, a lad from Ordsall estate or some middle class tarquin from the home counties?

so obviously city have more match going fans from manchester but it no way reflects who most mancunians actually support.

If i was priced out of going to watch City i would go halves for a season ticket with a mate or me Dad and go to half the games, we'd decide before the season starts which games we were going to attend so to stop any last minute "i wanna go to this game" moments! If someone really wanted to go they would go no matter if it was for half a season, id rather go to 9 or 10 games than not even bother trying to go to any! So in reality nobody has been priced out have they!? because there are always alternatives to anything and just saying "i cant afford it!" or "i cant get a ticket!" and then never actually bothering to ever get a ticket ever again is not beeing a proper fan!
danburge82 said:
Fallowfield Red said:
You all seem to have missed the point I was trying to make. The reason a lot of manc reds don't attend home games isn't because they are 'archair fans' or plastics its because they have either been priced out, choose not to go anymore because they're sick of all the JCLs/mongs who go to OT these days or they simply can't get tickets because there is too much demand for them from people all over the country. If there's a season ticket going for £800 whose going to be more willing to buy it, a lad from Ordsall estate or some middle class tarquin from the home counties?

so obviously city have more match going fans from manchester but it no way reflects who most mancunians actually support.

If i was priced out of going to watch City i would go halves for a season ticket with a mate or me Dad and go to half the games, we'd decide before the season starts which games we were going to attend so to stop any last minute "i wanna go to this game" moments! If someone really wanted to go they would go no matter if it was for half a season, id rather go to 9 or 10 games than not even bother trying to go to any! So in reality nobody has been priced out have they!? because there are always alternatives to anything and just saying "i cant afford it!" or "i cant get a ticket!" and then never actually bothering to ever get a ticket ever again is not beeing a proper fan!
At the end of the day these die hard united fans aren't really die hard and are just good at making excuses. Everyone one of them is avoidable but they simply cannot be assed but just like to claim they support united because they have the shirt. Simple!
PBLZ129 said:
Wiles84 said:
hilts said:
funny also how they cant afford tickets but are always in the pub watching the game with their £50 scum shirts on drinking 10 pints of stellar at £3 quid a pop

Thats such a stupid comment. I watch city games in the pubs and there's always your fans in there....what is the point your trying to make there, if you dont go the match you have to hide away in your attic and pretend its not on

Why are you so persistent?

I don't think anybody's really taking any real notice of what youre saying:/

i think it's coat time - we're all bored of you.

In fairness mate he wasn't being a prick and he did ask one or two valid questions to boot.
Fallowfield Red said:
You all seem to have missed the point I was trying to make. The reason a lot of manc reds don't attend home games isn't because they are 'archair fans' or plastics its because they have either been priced out, choose not to go anymore because they're sick of all the JCLs/mongs who go to OT these days or they simply can't get tickets because there is too much demand for them from people all over the country. If there's a season ticket going for £800 whose going to be more willing to buy it, a lad from Ordsall estate or some middle class tarquin from the home counties?

so obviously city have more match going fans from manchester but it no way reflects who most mancunians actually support.

I agree.

Fallowfield, do you not think its just a shite silly argument anyway? So what if there's more United fans in x, or if there's so many City fans in x. I do find it funny though when United fans say we're all from Stockport. As people who live in Stockport are completely different to anything in Mancunian culture, and they are nothing to do with a Manchester community!
Fallowfield Red said:
You all seem to have missed the point I was trying to make. The reason a lot of manc reds don't attend home games isn't because they are 'archair fans' or plastics its because have either been priced out, choose not to go anymore because they're sick of all the JCLs/mongs who go to OT these days or they simply can't get tickets because there is too much demand for them from people all over the country. If there's a season ticket going for £800 whose going to be more willing to buy it, a lad from Ordsall estate or some middle class tarquin from the home counties?

so obviously city have more match going fans from manchester but it no way reflects who most mancunians actually support.

The reason a lot of manc reds don't attend home games its because they choose not to go anymore but it no way reflects who most mancunians actually support

So in what way are they supporting the team they love?
I think there is something in the argument about City fans being more committed - when you discover someone at work is a blue - they generally know their stuff and attend a few games during a season - most Reds I work with - know very little about their club and rarely if ever attend games (loads od reds I know have NEVER been to OT!). Utd clearly have a hard core following but they are being overrun by hangers on from all over the world - I hope that never happens to us. As someone said in an earlier post - I can't believe some of the people planning to go to Rome - shame on them they haven't been to a game in years.

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