40% City fans

hilts said:
Wiles84 said:
hilts said:
funny also how they cant afford tickets but are always in the pub watching the game with their £50 scum shirts on drinking 10 pints of stellar at £3 quid a pop

Thats such a stupid comment. I watch city games in the pubs and there's always your fans in there....what is the point your trying to make there, if you dont go the match you have to hide away in your attic and pretend its not on

the point is numb nuts that i have a lot of red mates who used to say that they really wanted a ticket but couldnt get one, now its that they cant afford it, if they said they supported the scum but couldnt be arsed going the thats up to them but why lie? i can honestly say i have never heard a city fan say they dont go because of money.

now please piss off

my rag mates say they would rather watch them on telly....sums the vast majority of them up, the very few that go from manchester (i only know 2) tend to be ok and know there football
mcfc22 said:
Why does everyone say that Moonchester is Blue?

he's definitely blue. i've seen him with my own eyes.

continuing the digression I know one united 'fan' who didn't know they were playing in a semi this week and also a couple who didn't know it was a derby. i've got plenty of friends & family who are genuine red and we get on fine & have a bit of banter - it's the muppets who don't even know when you're playing that irritate everyone because they lack any sense of balance and ability to discuss properly. also when discussing our history (if we even have 1) then you might want to check your own and then you'd find lots of common ground and many situations where we saved your club. you should have plenty of books at the library

ps trafford is blue too - at least my little corner of it
What gets me is a how the self-proclaimed "biggest club in the world," the all-conquering "world champions" no matter what they do-can't get rid of "little old ciddy."


We've had too listen to 30+ years of gloating bullshit from lightweight,odious,bandwaggon-jumping anywhere-but-Manchester media whore,sun-reading fuckwits who think that buying the latest shirt with "Ronaldo7" on the back makes them a real "fan"-despite ever making any form of emotional input,and being almost completely sheltered for 20 years from the unpredictable nature of supporting a footbal team.

Anyone who doubts this-check the pathetic mass exodus from the swamp fifteen minutes before the end of the game against Liverpool-with the score at 3-1.

It was a situation they just couldn't believe was happeneing-and due to their emotional conditioning were left totally unaware of how to deal with it.

So they just left.

These wankers treat their football team like eating at McDonalds or drinking coffee at Starbucks-its simply a lifestyle choice.
It requires no effort or thought,it's plentiful,not difficult.
You can bask in the reflective success of your team with little or no input required from yourself.You can take the piss with little or no fear of reprisal.
You just arrogantly point at the cups and tell everyone you're "the best" don't you?Fuck the little details.
In short-it's easy.
After all-if everyone else around you does it-it must be right?

What they fail to realise is that these "character traits" are exactly what makes them the most loathed "fans" on the planet to a huge majority of fans of "lesser" clubs.

They will never understand why we can still hold our heads high as a club after winning fuck all for 30+years while they have,with the aid of the constant media brainwashing and Sky's cartel money-swept all before them.

And I'm glad.

Now fuck off,you rag wankers.I don't give a fuck what you win.Ever.

You'll never get it.
Using my street as a micro demographic of Manchester.

There are two blue families,my neighbour who is a season ticket holder and daughters, all blue through and through.
Me and my son, from a family of blues not season ticket holders but attend City games at least once a month.

There's the red next door, and his step son who I get on just fine with. Never go to Old Trafford and watch every game from home and throw a bit of a party if it's something like a European final. His stepson in his 20's went once but didn't really like it!

The red over the road, talks about United, quite complimentary about City, at least in front of me anyway. Never goes to Busbyworld but watches a few in the pub.

And finally utter rag **** in the corner, ignorant bigoted big mouthed wanker who decided not to speak to me because I'm a blue (suits me). Gives it the big gloat about Unitid to anyone who will listen without going within a country mile of a United match since the seventies, where if you believe him, he was something of a kingpin in the infamous red army. Shit husband and all round ignorant **** who is generally seen as a bullshitting obnoxious tosser by anyone who has spent five minutes in his company. The rest of his family are fine though. If he keeled over in the street I'd step over him and walk on.
Like my street, in Manchester there's more of them but by and large they are a bunch of braying uncommitted fairweather bores.
The statistics don't lie the easyiest thing in the world is to cover yourself in glory by proxy, but I am proud and love to be a blue and no irritating rag fook will ever change that.
Newlunar said:
There's the red next door, and his step son who I get on just fine with. Never go to Old Trafford and watch every game from home and throw a bit of a party if it's something like a European final. His stepson in his 20's went once but didn't really like it!

haha, my street has a 'party' red as well.
In work today i couldn't help but piss myself laughing at my rag mates going on about organising a trip to Rome, the thing is, they've probably been to 2 games between them all season, and now they're all going on about Rome as if they're the biggest fans around!! Typical glory-supporting rags!!

If this is what its like to be a rag, i'd rather be in the 40% minority!!
RobbieBrewer said:
What gets me is a how the self-proclaimed "biggest club in the world," the all-conquering "world champions" no matter what they do-can't get rid of "little old ciddy."


We've had too listen to 30+ years of gloating bullshit from lightweight,odious,bandwaggon-jumping anywhere-but-Manchester media whore,sun-reading fuckwits who think that buying the latest shirt with "Ronaldo7" on the back makes them a real "fan"-despite ever making any form of emotional input,and being almost completely sheltered for 20 years from the unpredictable nature of supporting a footbal team.

Anyone who doubts this-check the pathetic mass exodus from the swamp fifteen minutes before the end of the game against Liverpool-with the score at 3-1.

It was a situation they just couldn't believe was happeneing-and due to their emotional conditioning were left totally unaware of how to deal with it.

So they just left.

These wankers treat their football team like eating at McDonalds or drinking coffee at Starbucks-its simply a lifestyle choice.
It requires no effort or thought,it's plentiful,not difficult.
You can bask in the reflective success of your team with little or no input required from yourself.You can take the piss with little or no fear of reprisal.
You just arrogantly point at the cups and tell everyone you're "the best" don't you?Fuck the little details.
In short-it's easy.
After all-if everyone else around you does it-it must be right?

What they fail to realise is that these "character traits" are exactly what makes them the most loathed "fans" on the planet to a huge majority of fans of "lesser" clubs.

They will never understand why we can still hold our heads high as a club after winning fuck all for 30+years while they have,with the aid of the constant media brainwashing and Sky's cartel money-swept all before them.

And I'm glad.

Now fuck off,you rag wankers.I don't give a fuck what you win.Ever.

You'll never get it.
fuckin blinding post. this^^^
mcfc22 said:
Why does everyone say that Manchester is Blue?


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