5:2 diet

BoyBlue_1985 said:
blue fingers said:
FantasyIreland said:
Try it....however,be advised,if you have a lifestyle that is more active than that of a garden slug,then you will most likely fall over at some stage.

Not hoping to contradict you pal, but again, according to the book, fasting has only been found to have a positive effect on energy levels and sporting performance- obviously with the proviso that it is set in the context of 5:2 intermittent ratio. The books talks about how Muslim footballers performance was not found to be impaired, from extensive testing and assessment, during Ramadan.

I had around 400 cal yesterday and played squash last night, and intend to have similar today prior to doing 5 mile on treadmill tonight.

I'll check back in and let you know how it feels- and hopefully not from a hospital bed.
Muslim footballers can eat as many calories as they like once the sun has gone down though

True. Without going back to book I can't really expand any further other than to say it was a controlled trial which, I think required abstinence from food for a longer period than the normal sunrise-sundown, to have a look at how fasting ( eg during Ramadan) might lead to deleterious effects.

What is the case however, in my understanding, is that unless somebody is of very low BMI or suffering with significant hypotension, several days without food, even in the context of moderate-exertion exercise, is unlikely to lead to any adverse outcome, either in the short or long term. As people have said, our bodies have evolved to function, fuelled only by stored reserves- I'm sure that any of our ancestors who needed to have a full stomach in order to hunt for food would never have gotten enrich the gene pool.
4 days in. Yesterday was 600 cal day. Pretty easy as I was at work all day and then at the match last night.
Didnt take any cash so couldn't get a pie or pint. I was starving before bed and couldn't get to sleep.
Felt hungry all day today, even after breakfast and lunch. Still sticking to eating sensibly for a normal day.
Target is 3 stone off. Lets see how it goes!
Tried this today!! I am absolutely starving.

Just had 6 party rings as a late treat.

Think I'd rather be fat and happy
Gave it a go but 500 cals in one day is too little for me. During the day I struggled but got through it but I just couldn't sleep.

I'll just continue a normal healthy diet where I've cut all crap out and stuck to veg, fruit etc. Started the gym again since I hadn't been from early Dec and in a week I've lost 5lbs, so not bad.
Started it this morning after reading about it on here, seems a good way to reduce the body fat with minimal impact on muscle.

Thought I'd start with a fast day.

7am Morning run approx. 4-5K

Bottle water
8.30 2 egg, spinach omlette 173cal

Water/ Black coffee/Green teas through out the day

12.00 2 x Satsumas lunch 32cal

5.30 Chicken breast 175g & Beean sprouts for tea 323cal

All the calories from Myfitnesspal - 528 total

Can anyone suggest other filling snacks for the Fast day??
Oohvonkyvonky said:
Started it this morning after reading about it on here, seems a good way to reduce the body fat with minimal impact on muscle.

Thought I'd start with a fast day.

7am Morning run approx. 4-5K

Bottle water
8.30 2 egg, spinach omlette 173cal

Water/ Black coffee/Green teas through out the day

12.00 2 x Satsumas lunch 32cal

5.30 Chicken breast 175g & Beean sprouts for tea 323cal

All the calories from Myfitnesspal - 528 total

Can anyone suggest other filling snacks for the Fast day??

Home made soups:

Do them yourself so you know EXACTLY what is in them. They will last for circa 3 days easy so possibly good for both fasting days.

I do a Tomato & Red pepper (with an onion and a carrott).
No oil and nothing is browned off of coloured beforehand
Loads of tomatoes with a bit of tomato puree and a vegetable stock cube makes a large pan of the stuff.
Blend it then add more stock to suit the thickness or consistency you like.
It is very low calorie (circa 16 calories per tomato) and a decent size bowl with 1 slice of bread is circa 400 calories.
It does fill you and because its hot it feels like a proper meal.

I also do a vegetable soup and pea soup the same.

Also a prawn curry:
a few tomato's and an onion (not firied off or browned) with some vegetable stock.
Add a couple of tablespoons of curry powder and reduce until the onions are soft.
Throw in your prawns (180g of prawns = 151 calories)and you are done. Again very low calories.
I have it with 1 wholemeal pitta bread (150 calories)
Obviously you can substitute the prawns with chicken or vegetables (or even fruit)
TGR said:
Oohvonkyvonky said:
Started it this morning after reading about it on here, seems a good way to reduce the body fat with minimal impact on muscle.

Thought I'd start with a fast day.

7am Morning run approx. 4-5K

Bottle water
8.30 2 egg, spinach omlette 173cal

Water/ Black coffee/Green teas through out the day

12.00 2 x Satsumas lunch 32cal

5.30 Chicken breast 175g & Beean sprouts for tea 323cal

All the calories from Myfitnesspal - 528 total

Can anyone suggest other filling snacks for the Fast day??

Home made soups:

Do them yourself so you know EXACTLY what is in them. They will last for circa 3 days easy so possibly good for both fasting days.

I do a Tomato & Red pepper (with an onion and a carrott).
No oil and nothing is browned off of coloured beforehand
Loads of tomatoes with a bit of tomato puree and a vegetable stock cube makes a large pan of the stuff.
Blend it then add more stock to suit the thickness or consistency you like.
It is very low calorie (circa 16 calories per tomato) and a decent size bowl with 1 slice of bread is circa 400 calories.
It does fill you and because its hot it feels like a proper meal.

I also do a vegetable soup and pea soup the same.

Also a prawn curry:
a few tomato's and an onion (not firied off or browned) with some vegetable stock.
Add a couple of tablespoons of curry powder and reduce until the onions are soft.
Throw in your prawns (180g of prawns = 151 calories)and you are done. Again very low calories.
I have it with 1 wholemeal pitta bread
Obviously you can substitute the prawns with chicken or vegetables (or even fruit)

You should read your stock cubes mate, a lot of them are full of MSG's, found that out the other day myself!!
Can I just say that I hope you are all successful but I wouldn't recommend any exercise especially a 4/5k run on a day you are eating 500 calories. Your body needs fuel and all that running will put you in a extremely negative calorie deficiency and your body will hold its fat stores to compensate for burning too many calories. I would to the exercise on the days you are eating normally

But I'm not an expert

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