5:2 diet

r.soleofsalford said:
I`m going to start on the 5-2 diet today.

Went up to 18st 7lbs when on steroids for lung and joint problems,. I`ve recently finished the little white bastards after over 4 years of use, but still on other medication which stops my immune system attacking my body. I might have to take this for the rest of my life.

todays weight is 17st 4lbs

wish me luck.

I`ll need it

The only luck you need mate is seeing it through.Once you have a week or so, of those two days when 600 cals don`t seem a lot,it gets a lot easier and you`ll hopefully soon see the benefits of your work,which far outway those initial hunger pangs.
bammy blue said:
Still keeping at this and the results are coming still, I'm down to 17' 11 now from 19' 7! Looking good for 17 stone by Christmas. :-)

Alas i didn't make it to 17 stone, got down to 17 and 7 pounds which aint to bad, although i have put 4 pounds back on over christmas. Back at it today for the first time in a couple of weeks, looking forward to seeing how much more i can off load!
Lost a stone doing this in little over 2 months. Then I stopped and put on half a stone over xmas, starting again on Monday. Definitely something I can stick to with Christmas being a year away.
Going to have a stab at this so will be updating on here just so I'm more inclined to stick to it. If I come on saying I've had a kebab/chips etc, please do me a favour and call me a fat bastard.

Today I've had:

1 x pack Uncle bens mushroom rice,
1 x tin tuna
1 x small bowl home made chili.

How many calories is that?
I am tipping in at 13 stone 4lbs now. Cannot do much exercise as my hip fucked. Have had cortisone injection to ease the pain so had to stop football.

I have an exercise bike and cross trainer but they are so boring.

I dabbled in this diet before xmas but dropped it when xmas arrived. I intend to give it another go as i want to get to 12 stone but i not sure the will power is there for dieting.

Playing football did it all for me, used to play 3 times a week and could eat pretty much what i wanted.

Drink plays a part of my social life and with that I dont think I can or rather want to stop.

Lazy get really now but i have bought the 5:2 diet book as a start
Going to start this up again next week. Good luck to all the other lads doing it as well.

Got myself some frozen veg, sweet potatoes, chicken, fish fillets, salad and so on.

Cutting the carbs and alcohol down and drinking more water and eating more fruit.

I am going back to uni in a few weeks so will carry on with the 5:2 but I can then start adding my gym work into it so hopefully I can get my shape back!

In the mean time though I will do cardio and weights if I can.

EDIT: Has anyone got a link or a good list of meal ideas for the fast days?
When I was it on it before I used to just have chicken or fish with veg but I am just wondering what other meals you fellas have?
Started this today with my first fast.

Put on over stone in the past two months. In an effort to cut out sugar and up vitamin intake I would have lots of honey to quench sugar cravings and also three teaspoons with water I boiled lemons in. Only found out recently that honey can be quite fattening as it's basically sugar.

Found the fasting today quite hard. Didn't do the two meals though. Had three small ones.

2 Weetabix with semi skinned milk.

Bowl of home made carrot soup for lunch with two pieces of wholemeal bread.

Same soup in evening with added thin slice of ham on bread.

Banana at night.

Is this too much, should I completely cut out bread on a fasting day?
Bread and other processed carbs are not conducive to a good diet,never mind a fasting day.
Try and replace with more fibrous choices - plenty of green veg and salad,maybe a small amount of fruit if required.

On none fast days,use carbs such as oatmeal,sweet potatoes and wholemeal rice.

Keep protein high on fast days to keep hunger at bay and also spare potential muscle wastage,especially if exercise is involved in your regime.

Fluids are equally important,plenty of water and herbal tea's - keep caffeine levels relatively low if possible.
Argyle I think fasting days are supposed to be 500 calories a day. You pretty much did that amount in bread alone
Cut bread out of your diet, I would say completely it such a waste of calories and there are many better carbs to eat that will fill you up
FI has given you good advice

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