5:2 diet

blue fingers said:
FantasyIreland said:
blue fingers said:
From what I can make out, the reason they advise splitting the fast days is due to difficulty and compliance rather than health risk.

Try it....however,be advised,if you have a lifestyle that is more active than that of a garden slug,then you will most likely fall over at some stage.

Not hoping to contradict you pal, but again, according to the book, fasting has only been found to have a positive effect on energy levels and sporting performance- obviously with the proviso that it is set in the context of 5:2 intermittent ratio. The books talks about how Muslim footballers performance was not found to be impaired, from extensive testing and assessment, during Ramadan.

I had around 400 cal yesterday and played squash last night, and intend to have similar today prior to doing 5 mile on treadmill tonight.

I'll check back in and let you know how it feels- and hopefully not from a hospital bed.

What you need to remember mate is that IF is a very broad term and encompasses many protocols in relation to it, some quite harsh, others not so, what I'm not keen on specifically with the 5:2 version is that it makes many of it's claims from studies that don't directly relate to its particular protocol, in fact, the only one is a 1950's study from a Spanish retirement home on obviously sedate subjects.

Here's an article from Anthony Colpo which will explain things for you <a class="postlink" href="http://anthonycolpo.com/intermittent-fasting-and-the-crazed-rantings-of-martin-berkhan/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://anthonycolpo.com/intermittent-fa ... n-berkhan/</a> in relation to fasted training etc. now I'm a fan of IF myself ( Berkhan and 'Leangains' especially, which the article refers to) and even DODO, I use certain ones myself and for other people, but it's about finding a suitable one for you (and it doesn't suit everyone's lifestyle and appetite) and not just taking the advice of the book without knowing where their claims actually come from, Personally, I like IF, but, it's still a huge area that needs much more research doing before we can take many of its claims as being scientific fact.
BoyBlue_1985 said:
TGR said:
Oohvonkyvonky said:
Started it this morning after reading about it on here, seems a good way to reduce the body fat with minimal impact on muscle.

Thought I'd start with a fast day.

7am Morning run approx. 4-5K

Bottle water
8.30 2 egg, spinach omlette 173cal

Water/ Black coffee/Green teas through out the day

12.00 2 x Satsumas lunch 32cal

5.30 Chicken breast 175g & Beean sprouts for tea 323cal

All the calories from Myfitnesspal - 528 total

Can anyone suggest other filling snacks for the Fast day??

Home made soups:

Do them yourself so you know EXACTLY what is in them. They will last for circa 3 days easy so possibly good for both fasting days.

I do a Tomato & Red pepper (with an onion and a carrott).
No oil and nothing is browned off of coloured beforehand
Loads of tomatoes with a bit of tomato puree and a vegetable stock cube makes a large pan of the stuff.
Blend it then add more stock to suit the thickness or consistency you like.
It is very low calorie (circa 16 calories per tomato) and a decent size bowl with 1 slice of bread is circa 400 calories.
It does fill you and because its hot it feels like a proper meal.

I also do a vegetable soup and pea soup the same.

Also a prawn curry:
a few tomato's and an onion (not firied off or browned) with some vegetable stock.
Add a couple of tablespoons of curry powder and reduce until the onions are soft.
Throw in your prawns (180g of prawns = 151 calories)and you are done. Again very low calories.
I have it with 1 wholemeal pitta bread
Obviously you can substitute the prawns with chicken or vegetables (or even fruit)

You should read your stock cubes mate, a lot of them are full of MSG's, found that out the other day myself!!

You are using the wrong ones fella!

Knorr stock cubes - I quote:

Free from artificial colours

Gluten free

Suitable for a lactose free diet

No artificial preservatives

No added MSG
I do a Tomato & Red pepper (with an onion and a carrott).
No oil and nothing is browned off of coloured beforehand
Loads of tomatoes with a bit of tomato puree and a vegetable stock cube makes a large pan of the stuff.
Blend it then add more stock to suit the thickness or consistency you like.
It is very low calorie (circa 16 calories per tomato) and a decent size bowl with 1 slice of bread is circa 400 calories.
It does fill you and because its hot it feels like a proper meal.

I also do a vegetable soup and pea soup the same.

Also a prawn curry:
a few tomato's and an onion (not firied off or browned) with some vegetable stock.
Add a couple of tablespoons of curry powder and reduce until the onions are soft.
Throw in your prawns (180g of prawns = 151 calories)and you are done. Again very low calories.
I have it with 1 wholemeal pitta bread (150 calories)
Obviously you can substitute the prawns with chicken or vegetables (or even fruit)[/quote]

All good stuff that TGR - Thanks for that mate.
This may help some people on here

20 meals 400 calories or less
<a class="postlink" href="http://www.food.com/slideshow/healthy-dinner-recipes-159/chicken-and-sprouts-stir-fry-1" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.food.com/slideshow/healthy-d ... stir-fry-1</a>
not sure if this is the right place to put this, but, i started eating healthy on Monday and i'm confused as to what is classed as good and what is not. I've basically just cut out bread and chips and stopped drinking coke. since Monday I've pretty much just ate chicken and salad. Obviously i know i'm going in the right steps but some advice for a total beginner to this healthy food stuff would be appreciated. thanks
dave55 said:
not sure if this is the right place to put this, but, i started eating healthy on Monday and i'm confused as to what is classed as good and what is not. I've basically just cut out bread and chips and stopped drinking coke. since Monday I've pretty much just ate chicken and salad. Obviously i know i'm going in the right steps but some advice for a total beginner to this healthy food stuff would be appreciated. thanks

usually anything that tastes good is "bad" and anything that is bland or boring is "good" :/

Seriously though there are some great sites on the net giving tips and recipes etc - its just finding what works for you. For me cutting out carbs works well I hardly ever have pasta, rice, potatoes or in fact anything with flour in it such as pies (pastry), biscuits, cakes etc For tea usually grilled chicken or grilled lean pork steak with veg, broccoli and cauliflower my favourites. Lunch I have something that's below 400 cals such as tuna salad. Breakfast you could try porridge or cereal but read the packets you don't want anything loaded with sugar.

I don't count calories but was totally shocked the other day to find out the lunches I used to have from Greggs, just a sandwich, crisps and maybe a small cake added up to nearly a 1000 calories and to diet they reckon 1200 cals a day is the max (for women) its higher for men.<br /><br />-- Thu Jan 23, 2014 1:20 pm --<br /><br />
dave55 said:
not sure if this is the right place to put this, but, i started eating healthy on Monday and i'm confused as to what is classed as good and what is not. I've basically just cut out bread and chips and stopped drinking coke. since Monday I've pretty much just ate chicken and salad. Obviously i know i'm going in the right steps but some advice for a total beginner to this healthy food stuff would be appreciated. thanks

read this whole thread some great tips in it!
TGR said:
BoyBlue_1985 said:
TGR said:
Home made soups:

Do them yourself so you know EXACTLY what is in them. They will last for circa 3 days easy so possibly good for both fasting days.

I do a Tomato & Red pepper (with an onion and a carrott).
No oil and nothing is browned off of coloured beforehand
Loads of tomatoes with a bit of tomato puree and a vegetable stock cube makes a large pan of the stuff.
Blend it then add more stock to suit the thickness or consistency you like.
It is very low calorie (circa 16 calories per tomato) and a decent size bowl with 1 slice of bread is circa 400 calories.
It does fill you and because its hot it feels like a proper meal.

I also do a vegetable soup and pea soup the same.

Also a prawn curry:
a few tomato's and an onion (not firied off or browned) with some vegetable stock.
Add a couple of tablespoons of curry powder and reduce until the onions are soft.
Throw in your prawns (180g of prawns = 151 calories)and you are done. Again very low calories.
I have it with 1 wholemeal pitta bread
Obviously you can substitute the prawns with chicken or vegetables (or even fruit)

You should read your stock cubes mate, a lot of them are full of MSG's, found that out the other day myself!!

You are using the wrong ones fella!

Knorr stock cubes - I quote:

Free from artificial colours

Gluten free

Suitable for a lactose free diet

No artificial preservatives

No added MSG
That why I said read them, you do so you are a winner
Not giving you any money though
usually anything that tastes good is "bad" and anything that is bland or boring is "good" :/

Seriously though there are some great sites on the net giving tips and recipes etc - its just finding what works for you. For me cutting out carbs works well I hardly ever have pasta, rice, potatoes or in fact anything with flour in it such as pies (pastry), biscuits, cakes etc For tea usually grilled chicken or grilled lean pork steak with veg, broccoli and cauliflower my favourites. Lunch I have something that's below 400 cals such as tuna salad. Breakfast you could try porridge or cereal but read the packets you don't want anything loaded with sugar.

I don't count calories but was totally shocked the other day to find out the lunches I used to have from Greggs, just a sandwich, crisps and maybe a small cake added up to nearly a 1000 calories and to diet they reckon 1200 cals a day is the max (for women) its higher for men.

read this whole thread some great tips in it!

Weighed myself this morning and in 7 days I've lost half a stone. just by cutting out chips and bread and coke. did an hour swim the other day and joined the gym on friday!
GRAHAM mcfc said:
4 days in. Yesterday was 600 cal day. Pretty easy as I was at work all day and then at the match last night.
Didnt take any cash so couldn't get a pie or pint. I was starving before bed and couldn't get to sleep.
Felt hungry all day today, even after breakfast and lunch. Still sticking to eating sensibly for a normal day.
Target is 3 stone off. Lets see how it goes!

Update - So 5 and half months in and i've now lost 4 stone 2 pounds and counting. My target came a went. Another stone to go I reckon.
No exercise routines for me.

I would recommend the 5:2 diet to anyone considering dieting as it is only 2 days a week!
Still means you can have half a dozen pints on match days just count the calories so that the next day you balance it with a healthy eating day.
GRAHAM mcfc said:
GRAHAM mcfc said:
4 days in. Yesterday was 600 cal day. Pretty easy as I was at work all day and then at the match last night.
Didnt take any cash so couldn't get a pie or pint. I was starving before bed and couldn't get to sleep.
Felt hungry all day today, even after breakfast and lunch. Still sticking to eating sensibly for a normal day.
Target is 3 stone off. Lets see how it goes!

Update - So 5 and half months in and i've now lost 4 stone 2 pounds and counting. My target came a went. Another stone to go I reckon.
No exercise routines for me.

I would recommend the 5:2 diet to anyone considering dieting as it is only 2 days a week!
Still means you can have half a dozen pints on match days just count the calories so that the next day you balance it with a healthy eating day.

Well done blue!

You have just encouraged me to (finally) start this diet myself.

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