6% increase

The North stand must be too noisy, it's putting the directors off their prawn sandwiches. At least it's not more corporate seats. The atmosphere would be so bad then.
fair enough city want to be a more family orientated club. but this takes the pi$s
If that's true it's a complete bollock dropped by the club.

i sit in the N/S with my kids, so I guess I'm alright, but what makes the atmosphere is the variety of people in there. We've got a younger lad with his mate who sit in front, an old fellah to the right, who is always dead nice to the kids.

When I was younger, pre-kippax, my dad sat me in the north Stand amongst the old blokes and cigar smoke, and that is what got me into the idea of going to the match. If you sanitise it and make one whole stand parents and kids, it will be completely devoid of any real atmosphere.

I think I'd pay the extra, and move me and the kids into a more "mixed" part of the ground.
simonr555 said:
I'm in West level 2, what's the craic with this bit if you don't mind Ric?

The plans are to make the better seats in both East and West Level 2 (presumably those nearer the half way line) into a sort of watered down corporate section, with better facilities/catering etc than the rest of the ground but prices will increase significantly to reflect that.

Details were fairly vague, but this won't be coming into force until 2011/12 season. Again though, if you don't wish to pay the extra you will have to relocate.
Regular Joe said:
Are kids prices going up elsewhere in the ground then? I have two kids with me in Colin Bell L3 and at the current £95 fixed price wherever you sit there is no way I'd go back behind the goal.

This sounds like a really bad decision by the club.

The only £95 tickets available for kids will be in the North Stand, nowhere else in the ground.
Ric said:
The entire North Stand, Levels 1 & 2, is to become a big family stand. If you currently sit there, but don't fit the new criteria (i.e. have kids with you) you are going to have to move to another area of the ground, and pay whatever the going rate in that section is.

see this won't affect me being 17 (nearly 18 when next season begins) and sitting in 102 but does it mean that people in other areas with kids will have to move to the north stand to allow room for the people that are being forced to relocate from the north to other areas due to them not fitting in the criteria??
I'm a block and half away from the half way line so I may be alright actually, fingers crossed anyway. Cheers for that though, Ric. I'll wait with bated breath at work tomorrow to see what details they post on the OS.

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