
Damocles said:
TheIceman said:
Dam your a clever guy, I have tried looking it up but why did the Blackbox's not survive? I thought these were unbreakable? Was it the heat or were they just simply lost?

I have no idea. The FBI say that "as far as they know" no black boxes were ever recovered as they were destroyed on impact, though two NYC firefighters claim they were found.

Both are just as plausible as each other to be honest. Nobody is entirely sure or not whether they could have survived smashing into two buildings with that type of energy behind them.

Thanks the reply, crazy stuff guess we will never know in our lifetime.
Damocles said:
TheIceman said:
Dam your a clever guy, I have tried looking it up but why did the Blackbox's not survive? I thought these were unbreakable? Was it the heat or were they just simply lost?

I have no idea. The FBI say that "as far as they know" no black boxes were ever recovered as they were destroyed on impact, though two NYC firefighters claim they were found.

Both are just as plausible as each other to be honest. Nobody is entirely sure or not whether they could have survived smashing into two buildings with that type of energy behind them.

Although, Atta's passport and bandana survived the atrocity, the black boxes didnt? they really do take us for pricks don't they.
buzzer1 said:
Damocles said:
I have no idea. The FBI say that "as far as they know" no black boxes were ever recovered as they were destroyed on impact, though two NYC firefighters claim they were found.

Both are just as plausible as each other to be honest. Nobody is entirely sure or not whether they could have survived smashing into two buildings with that type of energy behind them.

Although, Atta's passport and bandana survived the atrocity, the black boxes didnt? they really do take us for pricks don't they.

That's what I read crazy shit. Also people were waving for help where the actually planes crashed :S
TheIceman said:
buzzer1 said:
Although, Atta's passport and bandana survived the atrocity, the black boxes didnt? they really do take us for pricks don't they.

That's what I read crazy shit. Also people were waving for help where the actually planes crashed :S

Yes mate, and something that rarely gets a mention these days is when the guy rang up his mam from the plane, he says hello mum, this is say for ie John Smith here, now please tell me when the fuk do you ring your mum and say hi, and then give her your full name? i put it to you that the "lets roll" scenario was a load of badly acted out bullshit and the planes were either A) remotely controlled and flew into the towers from the ground, a piece of technology that was designed to overide any hijacked plane and able it to be brought down safely, or if it was flew in by Atta etc, then why was'nt this technique used to safely bring the so-called hijacked plane down safely?

or B) The planes did'nt even take off and the passengers on board were killed by one way or another, possibly gassed? there are witnesses that say the planes were not commercial airliners but rigged up military planes?
Plane's definitely crashed into the buildings nobody doubts that, except the pure deluded. But the origin's of the people flying them is the mystery. Would like to see the footage of the pentagon crash. But for some reason the US government won't release the footage.
TheIceman said:
Plane's definitely crashed into the buildings nobody doubts that, except the pure deluded. But the origin's of the people flying them is the mystery. Would like to see the footage of the pentagon crash. But for some reason the US government won't release the footage.

What i was driving at is nobody doubts that planes were flew in, but equally nobody knows if the planes had people on board or were indeed flown in by remote control and infact, empty, but wait a minute, they found a bandana and a relatively unscathed Atta passportnear ground zero, ycmiu, thats how pathetic it really is.
buzzer1 said:
Damocles said:
I have no idea. The FBI say that "as far as they know" no black boxes were ever recovered as they were destroyed on impact, though two NYC firefighters claim they were found.

Both are just as plausible as each other to be honest. Nobody is entirely sure or not whether they could have survived smashing into two buildings with that type of energy behind them.

Although, Atta's passport and bandana survived the atrocity, the black boxes didnt? they really do take us for pricks don't they.

Pretty much. The passport of Mahmoud Atta was found in the wreckage of the World Trade Center according to the FBI.
When Mahmoud Atta came forward as alive several days later, they retconned this to the passport of Mohammed Atta.

Mohammed Atta's father claims that this couldn't be the case as he is alive, and he spoke to him post-9/11. He claims that he is in hiding due to his sharing of an apartment in Hamburg with another potential terrorist which has put him in the firing line.

It's possible that the government just screwed up the name, and Mr. Atta (who is deeply religious according to the news stories) wants to try and keep his son's name clear.

It's also possible that the US government pretty much has no idea who did this and pinned it on the nearest guy who they could pin it on. The speed at which this passport was found in wreckage that could destroy a black box is more than suspicious to me.
This one is pretty interesting

When this building went all the crime files and evidence on the biggest fraudsters in American went with it. Crazy and something is definitely not right with that.

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