Well-Known Member
I had an American girlfriend at the time (LONG distance relationship I know). She worked at the New York Times and was in the office on West 43rd street when it happened and I was at work in Hyde, we had a security office with a TV and they rang me as the news was breaking. I tried to call so see if she was OK but couldn't get through. I knew before the second plane hit that the first one was deliberate as planes are rarely allowed over Manhattan. I finally managed to contact her late that night and she said they could smell the burning in their office, she lived in NJ and all the routes in and out of Manhattan were closed so it was late night before she could get home on the ferry to Weehawken. I'd been in the towers and in the WIndows on the World restaurant a couple of times and went over on the first flight allowed (think it was the 16th?) and the devastation around the site was shocking to see. I find it really really hard to believe the towers were brought down the fires casused by the two planes. The whole event had dodgy stories around it and I remember the BBC reporter on the scene announcing the collapse of building seven when it was clearly visible behind her and still standinng? I doubt we'll ever know the whole truth (bit like the Kennedy assassination) but America has a history of false flag events (Vietnam for one) have triggered massive reactions and suit the military industrial complex's ambitions. Dwight Eisnehower warned againt this very thing.
9/11 suited the Bush adminstration's purposes, at the very least I think it may have been allowed to happen?
Nice post they until you went all Alex jones on us.
It’s really very simple what happened that day.