
When the WTC was constructed all the metal girders that made up the structure/skeleton of the building received a spray-on chemical fire retardant. This was burned off by the tremendous heat of tons of burning aviation fuel and the integrity of the towers was thus fatally weakened. When the NYFD firefighters arrived they believed they had a good chance to rescue the people trapped on the floors above the blaze and the chiefs sent those brave men climbing the stairs to do that. They'd just have to climb the 80-odd floors in full gear in time to carry people out from their offices before they succumbed to the fumes or the flames. But this was not their normal fire. The rescuers got so close. A woman on a frantic call to a 911 operator reported hearing fire fighters reaching her floor. At the same time a structural engineer standing on the street some distance away observed that the towers were beginning to buckle and lean inwards as the compromised metal beams gave way. He sent a message to the NYFD chief who was still directing rescue crews to climb the stairs, telling him that collapse was imminent. You can see on video the very moment the chief gets the message, next moment a huge roar makes him look upwards and the tower is coming down. The NYFD chief didn't have time to issue an evacuation order to the firemen high above; even if he had it's doubtful that New York's bravest would have turned their backs on the souls they had gone in to save.

Bin Laden's terrorists did this. Your last sentence implying that Bush somehow "allowed it to happen" confuses consequence with cause. That's foolish. Yes it "suited" Bush (who I didn't care for) to strike against Bin Laden afterwards but it's absurd to argue that the administration was in on it. Actually it's beyond absurd, it's disgusting.
I hope you'll give my book a look - see above. Cheers.
I don't know if that story is true but it does allude to what I said earlier about unaswered questions. I apologise if anyone finds my thoughts disgusting but I would like to know why the BBC announced that building 7 had collapsed before it happened. It's quite possible that the BBC were told that it would be demolished by the fire department due to it being unstable or something similar but that isn't what we were told.
I am also surprised that there were never more pictures of the plane approaching/hitting the Pentagon released given that it must be one of most camera saturated sites in the USA and all footage from surrounding sites was immediately confiscated.
I won't ramble any more it was a horrible day but not all the non-offical government stuff on the Internet is tripe.
It took decades for the Warren comission report to be properly contradicted and an admission made that Lee Harvey Oswald did not act alone. Governments do have a haibt of making the facts suit their objectives, remember Iraq's 'weapons of mass destriction' ?
Maybe 50 years from now some of the questions around 9/11 may be answered.
It was chaos

The bbc or any other uk broadcaster dont know which building is which in another country , especially whilst a terrorist attack is happening

The pentagon are not going to re!ease footage from other cameras , might as well tell terrorists all about the security of the place , where all the camera are etc

You are welcome
It was chaos

The bbc or any other uk broadcaster dont know which building is which in another country , especially whilst a terrorist attack is happening

The pentagon are not going to re!ease footage from other cameras , might as well tell terrorists all about the security of the place , where all the camera are etc

You are welcome
They named it as the Salaman Bros building with other details( I assume someone told them those details,I doubt the BBC made it up or got it confused with the Twin Towers which collapsed) and the BBC clairvoyant collapse announcements began approximately 23 minutes before the actual collapse. Do some research before making such sweeping and dismissive statements.
And you can see where lots of the cameras are by simply driving past.
You are welcome also.
It was chaos

The bbc or any other uk broadcaster dont know which building is which in another country , especially whilst a terrorist attack is happening

The pentagon are not going to re!ease footage from other cameras , might as well tell terrorists all about the security of the place , where all the camera are etc

You are welcome
You talk too much sense, Kaz.
They named it as the Salaman Bros building with other details( I assume someone told them those details,I doubt the BBC made it up or got it confused with the Twin Towers which collapsed) and the BBC clairvoyant collapse announcements began approximately 23 minutes before the actual collapse. Do some research before making such sweeping and dismissive statements.
And you can see where lots of the cameras are by simply driving past.
You are welcome also.
Take your conspiracy bollocks somewhere else
I don't know if that story is true but it does allude to what I said earlier about unaswered questions. I apologise if anyone finds my thoughts disgusting but I would like to know why the BBC announced that building 7 had collapsed before it happened. It's quite possible that the BBC were told that it would be demolished by the fire department due to it being unstable or something similar but that isn't what we were told.
I am also surprised that there were never more pictures of the plane approaching/hitting the Pentagon released given that it must be one of most camera saturated sites in the USA and all footage from surrounding sites was immediately confiscated.
I won't ramble any more it was a horrible day but not all the non-offical government stuff on the Internet is tripe.
It took decades for the Warren comission report to be properly contradicted and an admission made that Lee Harvey Oswald did not act alone. Governments do have a haibt of making the facts suit their objectives, remember Iraq's 'weapons of mass destriction' ?
Maybe 50 years from now some of the questions around 9/11 may be answered.
Is it cramped down that rabbit hole Alice, you deluded nutcase?

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