a little birdie...Torres et al...

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The Fixer said:
sutty66 said:
Do u know fixer? Can u give us any clues?

I do mate but i'm respecting his wishes and it's for tolm to tell more mate.

What i will say is rooney, tranny, messi, kaka are out of the equation mate...

I really cant think of any more WOW signings than these 4 and Xavi/Iniesta
The Fixer said:
ox-blue said:
I have said this loads today I'm pretty sure it's Messi

He's not talking about messi mate
Why do most people say this .Dismissing it out of hand like the club did (officially.) rapidly last April/May when a similar rumour surfaced . Yet they haven't done anything similar about any other rumour/s.Just can't reason it out in my head.Please enlighten me.
The Fixer said:
sutty66 said:
Do u know fixer? Can u give us any clues?

I do mate but i'm respecting his wishes and it's for tolm to tell more mate.

What i will say is rooney, tranny, messi, kaka are out of the equation mate...

Fair play, not asking for a name, but what sort of stage is this big name at, is he just a target at this point or more advanced than that?
blueinsa said:
mcfcinprague said:
I truly hope I am

But if it doesn't happen I won't be devastated like the vast majority of people on here who believe we are buying all these truly world class superstars just because Noel said something and some obscure youtube clips that don't actually say anything

Mate, the point im trying to make is that we are signing top quality players...NOW!

The squad that we are putting together will be top drawer come the end of this window. Of course we wont get Messi but whoever it is we do get i am sure that they will be top drawer players and thats all im bothered about.

To label the players we have attracted and possibly still to get as 'Vanilla' is just bollox mate, no disrespect.

I love this site

People say we're getting Messi and Kaka so it has to be true

People say get real we're not getting these players and they're talking bollocks

It's great
The Fixer said:
sutty66 said:
Do u know fixer? Can u give us any clues?

I do mate but i'm respecting his wishes and it's for tolm to tell more mate.

What i will say is rooney, tranny, messi, kaka are out of the equation mate...

No probs mate, but are u excited? Come on tolmie wot position lol
Thanks Tolm, Top info as always....

I think its Ronaldo.....I see the words VERY REAL are in the same piece, even though its talking about another two players.

Can't work out if Noel G really knows anything but there is defo something big on the horizon and what great days these are!

mcfcinprague said:
blueinsa said:
Mate, the point im trying to make is that we are signing top quality players...NOW!

The squad that we are putting together will be top drawer come the end of this window. Of course we wont get Messi but whoever it is we do get i am sure that they will be top drawer players and thats all im bothered about.

To label the players we have attracted and possibly still to get as 'Vanilla' is just bollox mate, no disrespect.

I love this site

People say we're getting Messi and Kaka so it has to be true

People say get real we're not getting these players and they're talking bollocks

It's great

And some people think that the likes of Tevez, Adebayor, Boateng, Silva and YaYa are just plain old vanilla!?

Poeple are going off the fact that TH has told us and fbloke above has also alluded to us getting a huge mega signing in this window.

What the fuck do you want them to talk about other than already established world class players?
If this an Abu Dhabi big signing then it's got to be someone who's commercially viable and can be made a poster boy out of.

2bh with all the players we've signed I still read the team sheet and go "hmmm..very good but no-1 scares me" whereas I read other team sheets and go "oh god, Torres & Gerrard, or Xavi, Iniesta, Messi, or Ronaldo, Higuain, Kaka"

we're not at that level yet, we've got some great players, but they aren't great names.
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