a little birdie...Torres et al...

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metalblue said:
blueinsa said:
Your the needy one!

post reported. Your spoiling for an argument here mate, hoping the thread descends into a slanging match just so that you can have your own way.

post reported?!?!?!?! are you for real mate? we still have freedom of speech in the UK.....way too many precious people around these days and the mods have enough to do without folk shouting anytime they don't like or agree with a post - is there a charge of wasting mods time?

He is in clear breach of the C of C of the boards.

Ric's rules, not mine and because there are rules, we have to abide by them at all times whilst posting on here so no, there is no freedom of speech on here as you like to put it.

By all of us self policing the boards, the work load for the mods will be cut imo as it will very quickly stamp out the silly arguing thats going on. I and many more i would wager are sick of being involved with threads that are of interest, only to log on to see they have disappeared due to silly name calling.

Feel free of course to take it up with one though.
chemicalboy99 said:
stockholm blue syndrome said:
Seems the birdie that told me something seems to be on the same track try this for a clue <a class="postlink" href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FgCevpO18t4" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FgCevpO18t4</a>


We're signing Russell Crowe.

'kinell... with him and NDJ in midfield it'll be more UFC than EPL!
stockholm blue syndrome said:
Seems the birdie that told me something seems to be on the same track try this for a clue <a class="postlink" href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FgCevpO18t4" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FgCevpO18t4</a>

Someone who likes a fight.....

We're signing Sir Joey!!
All this in house name calling is fecking pathetic.

Since this section of the Forum board was formed we have had posts started regarding all sorts of players coming and going from our club.

Since this section of the forum was formed we have people REPLY to posts started regarding all sorts of players coming and going from our club.

So Please correct me if I am missing the point with this forum.

This section is the Transfer Forum and it says FOR ALL TRANSFER RUMOURS, GOSSIP AND SPECULATION.

So, for those that do not understand how rumours, gossip and speculation are actually defined in the Cambridge advanced dictionary please read the 3 categories below.

Then after reading, those that are trading insults with ITK or WUMs or those that are being totally ( imo ) rude and insulting, the people that are posting things untrue or a little bit on the untruth side, they are only following what the title of this forum is.

Not once in the title does it say TRANSFER FORUM, NO bullshit or wind ups please.
If you don’t want RUMOURS GOSSIP OR SPECULATION then get the mods to rename the Transfer Forum.

Rumours: An unofficial interesting story or piece of news that might be true or invented, which quickly spreads from person to person.

Gossip: Conversation or reports about other people's private lives which might be unkind, disapproving or not true.

Speculation: When you guess possible answers to a question without having enough information to be certain.

Before anyone starts, yes only yadayadayada post in yadayadayada years,
to you my friend I say get a fecking grip of yourself.
tolmie's hairdoo said:
tolmie's hairdoo said:
You are not doubting, though, you are accusing.

You are accusing me of being a liar. That's your opinion, wrongly.

However, you attempt to force that opinion on to everyone else.

As for my admittedly erroneous music clips, to you, they are - as you are a self-confessed KFA.

For myself, they are relevant at all times, to other people, amusing, for others, crap.

My ego is at the door, my post histories are there for your perusal, as and when you can be bothered.

I have continued to labour the point as to why I chose this summer to post music clips.

Ambiguous enough in nature, not to compromise anybody, including myself, or Ric, who, incidentally, knows me as an acquaintance.

If you are seriously in fear for this board, please speak directly to him, should you wish for clarity.

The OP in this thread was shot down by you, also. Regardless, it was reported on News Now, fully justifying why You Tube was considered my best friend.

I see you have started your own thread, which I believe to be a good idea.

That way, I don't need to read bile directed towards anybody else.

Coleridge now appears to have gone offline, which is typical.

I won't look for your response, no doubt barbed, no doubt without foundation, and no doubt, done behind my back, as per usual.

Or in every other thread you attempt to pour poison in to.

Forget schoolkids, it is posters like you that will be the constant devisive.

Your attempted peronal bullying of Ajay, yesterday, was as transparent as it comes, dressed up in some supposed reasoned debate.

As Barack Obama recalled of Sarah Palin, 'You Can Put Lipstick on a pig...it's still a pig'.

Please put me on your Foe list, and any other bitter little Ikkle Cityer, who has been down as a bullshiter and a liar.

Majority are with you mate, any new clues today, much happening ?
coms64 said:
All this in house name calling is fecking pathetic.

Since this section of the Forum board was formed we have had posts started regarding all sorts of players coming and going from our club.

Since this section of the forum was formed we have people REPLY to posts started regarding all sorts of players coming and going from our club.

So Please correct me if I am missing the point with this forum.

This section is the Transfer Forum and it says FOR ALL TRANSFER RUMOURS, GOSSIP AND SPECULATION.

So, for those that do not understand how rumours, gossip and speculation are actually defined in the Cambridge advanced dictionary please read the 3 categories below.

Then after reading, those that are trading insults with ITK or WUMs or those that are being totally ( imo ) rude and insulting, the people that are posting things untrue or a little bit on the untruth side, they are only following what the title of this forum is.

Not once in the title does it say TRANSFER FORUM, NO bullshit or wind ups please.
If you don’t want RUMOURS GOSSIP OR SPECULATION then get the mods to rename the Transfer Forum.

Rumours: An unofficial interesting story or piece of news that might be true or invented, which quickly spreads from person to person.

Gossip: Conversation or reports about other people's private lives which might be unkind, disapproving or not true.

Speculation: When you guess possible answers to a question without having enough information to be certain.

Before anyone starts, yes only yadayadayada post in yadayadayada years,
to you my friend I say get a fecking grip of yourself.
Good post lad.
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