a match boycott is a must

Start with some banners up at every ground. Boycott all official club merchandise and don't buy any food or drink in the ground.

If fans of all Premier League clubs could agree to boycott matches on a specific day we'd get some worldwide media coverage.

Until then use forums, facebook/twitter and email the papers to get the message accross.
If the price of away tickets is such a gripe for us why oh why do they sell out in a flash? I can't get away tickets for people in family and friends because they are GONE to those of us fortunate enough to have the loyalty points.
Sorry guys but football is a business. Loyalty in football only exists amongst fans and a select few players. If the demand is there the prices will go up. And like a previous poster said away tickets sell like hot cakes!! It sucks but its the price of success.
Arsenal are an example, their cheapest season ticket is dearer than out dearest season ticket and they still sell out!!
Martyn said:
Arsenal are an example, their cheapest season ticket is dearer than out dearest season ticket and they still sell out!!

Arsenal isn't an example as the Capitals average income is far greater than say a large group of people living in an unemployment hotspot such as Middlesbro or Leeds.

Higher disposable incomes = better supported clubs.

Fans need to come together and stage a boycott. Just because you may be able to afford your Arsenal Away ticket - is it fair that a large chunk of fellow blues are priced out?

if you think it's fair then I'll ask you this: You go out on a night with friends for a drink. there are two bars. Both bars sell the same beer, same decor and all the rest of it. but one bar charges £5 for the pint, the other bar charges £2.50

Would you consciously avoid the £5 bar?

Because right now you'll happily go into the bar at £5 a pint whilst many of your friends won't be able to afford those prices and end up drinking in the bar next door...

This is not a class issue. I spoke with a friends father yesterday who could easily afford the tickets and so on yet refuses to pay for those Arsenal tickets and is boycotting the game because he refuses to get ripped off.

Yes we are being priced out, but for those that can still afford it: you are being taken advantage of.

They (the clubs) are laughing at us. Wiping their asses with your hard earned cash.

My season ticket price is reasonable. Yet I see the bigger picture. I see many people being priced out and myself having to pick and choose away games as I simply cannot afford them.

I'm willing to boycott an home game yet if we stick with 9th February, we won't have to as this is Southampton away.

<a class="postlink" href="http://www.soccerbase.com/matches/results.sd?date=2013-02-09" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.soccerbase.com/matches/resul ... 2013-02-09</a>

Look at the fixtures, many other clubs I feel would be willing to go along with the boycott, including Southampton fans when they play us.
Re: a match boycott is a must!!

ell said:
LongLang said:
BezzMCFC said:
How can we support the club when we cant afford to get into the stadium.

ell said:
How can I support my club when it costs too much to do so?

unfortunately, that is the price of success. clubs all over the country have been doing it to the rags for years.
as much as it stinks, this is a reality that will not change by everyone not turning up for reading away!
Its not the price of success though. Arsenal win fuck all yet their fans get charged over a quid a minute against Tottenham.

This isnt a city protest, its about the price of football as a whole for every club

I did meant for every club. success is measured by your targets, to Bolton, promotion would be a success, so they will invest in players to achieve that. meaning next year, if promoted, seating prices will increase to firstly cover the outlay, and then to re-invest on the nest seasons success of staying up. simple business.

I do see your point but your wasting your breath. im not having a pop mate, just try to see the futility of the argument. you can't have your cake (the best league in the world) and eat it, (cheap seats) unfortunately.
there are 2 constants in life.
1) prices will rise (in all forms, tax, food, cost of living, football games)
2)politicians lie through their arses

It's inevitable as we strive to "better" our premier league, wages must increase, signings WILL become costlier and ticket prices will rise.
we cant expect to stay in line with Europe's top clubs, FFP AND still sell seats at a tenner a pop. the business model just isn't there for that.
Where arsenal are concerned, they have been hugely successful in the last 2 decades. they have slipped in the last few years but are almost a shoe in for champs league every year, and have just invested a BUTT LOAD of cash into the emirates stadium while trying to stay active in the transfer market as well as stay competitive in the league.

Whilst i certainly don't want any price increases, im sure we all know deep down they are going to happen at some point, and as city fans we DO get a better rub of it than most fans a as far as home/season card prices go.
sergiokun said:
It has to be done we can't carry on letting clubs rob us blind

It won't happen as I genuinely believe people enjoy being ripped off.

People will always buy something others cannot afford, and enjoy the product even more because of it's "Exclusivity"
Why Always Ste said:
sergiokun said:
It has to be done we can't carry on letting clubs rob us blind

It won't happen as I genuinely believe people enjoy being ripped off.

People will always buy something others cannot afford, and enjoy the product even more because of it's "Exclusivity"

Fully agree mate and it’s a shame..
I will vote with my feet. If the increase next year is too much then I won't renew, but it won't affect prices as someone will just take my place - however I will feel better knowing that I didn't renew.
malg said:
I will vote with my feet. If the increase next year is too much then I won't renew, but it won't affect prices as someone will just take my place - however I will feel better knowing that I didn't renew.

As much as I agree I just wouldn't feel a Blue anymore if I didn't attend games.
Watching a club from my Tv - I might aswell support Barcelona or PSG

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