A minutes silence for Maggie!

Our very own stadium is built over one of the pits she help close (Bradford Colliery), The pit shaft goes down around a mile to a mile and a half, it’s very sad to say but it was just a shame that she was not pushed down it before the stadium was built, she could have kept my uncles leg company that he lost in a conveyer belt. Now you have my answer to the minutes silence.
bluelol said:
Our very own stadium is built over one of the pits she help close (Bradford Colliery), The pit shaft goes down around a mile to a mile and a half, it’s very sad to say but it was just a shame that she was not pushed down it before the stadium was built, she could have kept my uncles leg company that he lost in a conveyer belt. Now you have my answer to the minutes silence.

As much as I detest Thatcher you need to get your facts right - Bradford Colliery closed in 1968 (under a Labour government), 11 years before Thatcher became PM.
bobbyowenquiff said:
She hated football fans, conspired in the Hillsborough cover-up, and destroyed most of Northern England to create a country built on property and stock market speculation with all the wealth concentrated in Greater London. We have never recovered from her time in office and the gap between rich and poor (north and south) holds us all back compared with successful countries like Germany. The idea of a minute's silence for any politician, especially her, is a sick joke.
100% this. She was a diabolically heartless creature
A minute silence in most grounds on the weekend will go down like a Korean nuke. A few chairmen will insist on it but the vast majority of fans will not respect it. Personally i'd walk out if one was attempted. I wouldn't make a noise just wait until it's over before returning to my seat.

It's Cardiff - Forest on Saturday. Two of the biggest mining communities in the country, wonder if they try and force a minute silence on them?
lancs blue said:
bluelol said:
Our very own stadium is built over one of the pits she help close (Bradford Colliery), The pit shaft goes down around a mile to a mile and a half, it’s very sad to say but it was just a shame that she was not pushed down it before the stadium was built, she could have kept my uncles leg company that he lost in a conveyer belt. Now you have my answer to the minutes silence.

As much as I detest Thatcher you need to get your facts right - Bradford Colliery closed in 1968 (under a Labour government), 11 years before Thatcher became PM.
Nicely sums up the misinformation that has plagued both sides of the argument in recent days. There's plenty of stuff to justifiably have a go at her for, but it's ridiculous to be blaming her for issues she had nothing to do with.
lancs blue said:
bluelol said:
Our very own stadium is built over one of the pits she help close (Bradford Colliery), The pit shaft goes down around a mile to a mile and a half, it’s very sad to say but it was just a shame that she was not pushed down it before the stadium was built, she could have kept my uncles leg company that he lost in a conveyer belt. Now you have my answer to the minutes silence.

As much as I detest Thatcher you need to get your facts right - Bradford Colliery closed in 1968 (under a Labour government), 11 years before Thatcher became PM.
That's not the point though. If it had still been open when she came to power she would have closed it.

As Dubai Blue says, that is typical of the sort of nonsense that's been spouted by people over the last few days who have no real knowledge of what they're talking about. The truth is that, like all politicians, she did things right and she did things wrong. The real problem was her personality, which meant you couldn't really be indifferent to her. Brown was very much the same whereas everyone liked the avuncular Jim Callaghan.
Santiago Street . said:
Amazing that her death has drawn all the chavs and scumbags out into the open most of whom will be too young to have any coherent grasp of the politics of the time but don't have the fibre to formulate their own opinions on this or I suspect anything.

Listen dirtballs, I didn't like George Best. He played for our hated rivals. He was a selfish alcoholic who'd had a liver transplant but still drank himself to death. That liver could've saved somebody else's life but Best didn't give a fuck - ergo he was a selfish dirtball in my eyes, rightly or wrongly.

But when they had a minutes silence for him at Eastlands I stood there quietly because that's what decent people do when others are paying respect to somebody whose passing they mourn. And I'll do the same for Baconface and I'd do the same for Scargill or Benn or any of Thatcher's bitter rivals.

It's about respect you poorly brought up knobheads

You are a true child of Thatcher as shown by your opening statement which is arrogant and leaves no room for argument; absolutely no room for concensus - just like the woman herself. She would be so proud of you.

For the record, I have lived through that vile woman's tenure in office and unfortunately, do have a coherent grasp of the politics of the time.

I wasn't born when Hitler was in power and doubt any member of this forum was but that doesn't mean we can't have an opinion on the man's politics - just as today's youth have on Thatcher's. In both cases, their policies decimated their countries and have a lasting impact today. Those people whose lives were destroyed by Thatcher have children - probably even grandchildren - and it is these people who will still be suffering the consequences of that vindictive woman's policies and have every right to voice their opinions on the matter.

I too detest George Best but was content to adhere to the minute's silence for his death - it was the proper thing to do. He was after all, a very good footballer.

However, to be expected to show respect for a woman who destroyed the lives of so many is going too far. It is not enough to simply walk away - silence just allows the chattering classes to think they are right in their opinion of her. There were many in nazi Germany who stood by and did nothing (the comparisons are becoming uncanny). The point is to show the establishment who insist she is shown respect that we do not agree to their demands. Whether or not it is bad form to behave in such a way, I for one would boo long, loud and hard so that the country and the world would know my outrage at being asked to acknowledge that woman as a human being.

If that makes be a knobhead then I would be happy to adopt that mantel. I'd rather be that than a condescending prat.
I'll save my minutes silence for the 300+ Argentinian young men murdered on the Belgrano, 10 miners deaths associated with the strike, 96 Liverpool football fans, 10 Irish men allowed to starve to death and the thousands of decent working class peoples lives she fucked up.
jitsubluedan said:
Santiago Street . said:
Amazing that her death has drawn all the chavs and scumbags out into the open most of whom will be too young to have any coherent grasp of the politics of the time but don't have the fibre to formulate their own opinions on this or I suspect anything.

Listen dirtballs, I didn't like George Best. He played for our hated rivals. He was a selfish alcoholic who'd had a liver transplant but still drank himself to death. That liver could've saved somebody else's life but Best didn't give a fuck - ergo he was a selfish dirtball in my eyes, rightly or wrongly.

But when they had a minutes silence for him at Eastlands I stood there quietly because that's what decent people do when others are paying respect to somebody whose passing they mourn. And I'll do the same for Baconface and I'd do the same for Scargill or Benn or any of Thatcher's bitter rivals.

It's about respect you poorly brought up knobheads

You are a true child of Thatcher as shown by your opening statement which is arrogant and leaves no room for argument; absolutely no room for concensus - just like the woman herself. She would be so proud of you.

For the record, I have lived through that vile woman's tenure in office and unfortunately, do have a coherent grasp of the politics of the time.

I wasn't born when Hitler was in power and doubt any member of this forum was but that doesn't mean we can't have an opinion on the man's politics - just as today's youth have on Thatcher's. In both cases, their policies decimated their countries and have a lasting impact today. Those people whose lives were destroyed by Thatcher have children - probably even grandchildren - and it is these people who will still be suffering the consequences of that vindictive woman's policies and have every right to voice their opinions on the matter.

I too detest George Best but was content to adhere to the minute's silence for his death - it was the proper thing to do. He was after all, a very good footballer.

However, to be expected to show respect for a woman who destroyed the lives of so many is going too far. It is not enough to simply walk away - silence just allows the chattering classes to think they are right in their opinion of her. There were many in nazi Germany who stood by and did nothing (the comparisons are becoming uncanny). The point is to show the establishment who insist she is shown respect that we do not agree to their demands. Whether or not it is bad form to behave in such a way, I for one would boo long, loud and hard so that the country and the world would know my outrage at being asked to acknowledge that woman as a human being.

If that makes be a knobhead then I would be happy to adopt that mantel. I'd rather be that than a condescending prat.

Excellent post. I have respected every minute's silence at every match I've ever been to, regardless of who it was for. When Ferguson dies, I will respect his minute's silence too.
Thatcher??? Never. I would be the biggest hypocrite on the the planet. She was pure vermin.

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