A return to safe standing

Mike D said:
marios stress ball said:
Mike D said:
FFS this subject has been flogged to death. Its never going to happen and the majority of people have accepted that we are seated now.

Apart from us and Chelsea most clubs don't have a pot to p*ss so why are they going to start ripping out seats and putting in stands.


Look at more info about it and then say it isn't getting increasingly likely?

In 57 days the Bill about Safe Standing is going to have it's second reading. Could happen as early as next season

Not a prayer mate never going to happen.

They said that about women getting the vote........
as long as people like you are happy to just to sit (pun intended) on your arse and do nothing about anything then MP's will be very happy......
marios stress ball said:
Mike D said:
FFS this subject has been flogged to death. Its never going to happen and the majority of people have accepted that we are seated now.

Apart from us and Chelsea most clubs don't have a pot to p*ss so why are they going to start ripping out seats and putting in stands.


Look at more info about it and then say it isn't getting increasingly likely?

In 57 days the Bill about Safe Standing is going to have it's second reading. Could happen as early as next season
Please please please
Mike D said:
marios stress ball said:
Mike D said:
FFS this subject has been flogged to death. Its never going to happen and the majority of people have accepted that we are seated now.

Apart from us and Chelsea most clubs don't have a pot to p*ss so why are they going to start ripping out seats and putting in stands.


Look at more info about it and then say it isn't getting increasingly likely?

In 57 days the Bill about Safe Standing is going to have it's second reading. Could happen as early as next season

Not a prayer mate never going to happen.

We'll see but I am almost certain that in the next decade, at least, it will happen!!
marios stress ball said:
Mike D said:
marios stress ball said:
Look at more info about it and then say it isn't getting increasingly likely?

In 57 days the Bill about Safe Standing is going to have it's second reading. Could happen as early as next season

Not a prayer mate never going to happen.

We'll see but I am almost certain that at in the next decade at least it will happen!!

Good, positive spirit - the FSF are doing sterling work on this issue and although some clubs wont change for whatever reason, it's all about getting the government to drop the regulation and then for the Football Licensing Authority set the safety guidelines needed for each standing area.
Mad Eyed Screamer said:
ManCitizens. said:
The lub will never allow safe stading unless every club does it.

There are a number of clubs who privately - (and even publicly, though then back tracked when under pressure from the Football Licensing Authority) - have declared an interest...... everyone is waiting for someone else to make the first move..... they wont because of fear from a backlash from the Hillsborough Families Group - what hacks me off here, is the HFG say NOTHING about Liverpool fans standing on the Kop week in week out..........

My understanding is the the HFG blame the policing. Also fences restricting the crowd spilling on the pitch was sited in the Taylor report. The Taylor report also says something along the lines of standing in itself is not intrinsically dangerous.

So why should the HFG object to standing if all the over aspects are resolved or do they beleive that with better policing and no fencing the tragedy would still have occurred because people were stood up?
nwhn3 said:
Mad Eyed Screamer said:
ManCitizens. said:
The lub will never allow safe stading unless every club does it.

There are a number of clubs who privately - (and even publicly, though then back tracked when under pressure from the Football Licensing Authority) - have declared an interest...... everyone is waiting for someone else to make the first move..... they wont because of fear from a backlash from the Hillsborough Families Group - what hacks me off here, is the HFG say NOTHING about Liverpool fans standing on the Kop week in week out..........

My understanding is the the HFG blame the policing. Also fences restricting the crowd spilling on the pitch was sited in the Taylor report. The Taylor report also says something along the lines of standing in itself is not intrinsically dangerous.

So why should the HFG object to standing if all the over aspects are resolved or do they beleive that with better policing and no fencing the tragedy would still have occurred because people were stood up?

I reckon police didn't get blamed because... well, they're the police and The FA wanted standing because the chairman just happened to have shares in a plastic seat making company.

Football is unbelievably corrupt and this health and safety bollocks just seems like a massive coverup. The files about the investigation of hillsborough are still classified!?
It's shit isn't it.

In a society were we value freedom and the right to do what we want, as long as we're not breaking any (proper) laws, an Adult can't stand, drink, or smoke(in some cases) at a football match.

Yet, I can go to almost any other sporting event and do exactly that.(not sure about smoking TBH) Then again, If I went to a music concert I could add drugs and sex to that list.
nwhn3 said:
Mad Eyed Screamer said:
ManCitizens. said:
The lub will never allow safe stading unless every club does it.

There are a number of clubs who privately - (and even publicly, though then back tracked when under pressure from the Football Licensing Authority) - have declared an interest...... everyone is waiting for someone else to make the first move..... they wont because of fear from a backlash from the Hillsborough Families Group - what hacks me off here, is the HFG say NOTHING about Liverpool fans standing on the Kop week in week out..........

My understanding is the the HFG blame the policing. Also fences restricting the crowd spilling on the pitch was sited in the Taylor report. The Taylor report also says something along the lines of standing in itself is not intrinsically dangerous.

So why should the HFG object to standing if all the over aspects are resolved or do they beleive that with better policing and no fencing the tragedy would still have occurred because people were stood up?

The FSF have met with the HFG twice (I was at the first meeting around maybe 2002) - they admit it was the fences / poor stewarding etc etc but still wont entertain standing - at least they are consistant in that they dont want it at any sports event!
Everyone in authority is afraid of any backlash from the HFG as ''public opinion'' always comes out in their favour. I doubt if there is a more powerful group amongst any pressure / lobbying group (to call them that) in the UK.
There is, however, a lesser quoted group, the Hillsborough Justice Group (you have to be an actual family member to be in the HFG, where as anyone affected can be in the HJG) and they are not against standing as long as fencing is not involved. But the press never approaches the HJG for comments.....

-- Sun Sep 25, 2011 10:10 pm --

marios stress ball said:
nwhn3 said:
Mad Eyed Screamer said:
There are a number of clubs who privately - (and even publicly, though then back tracked when under pressure from the Football Licensing Authority) - have declared an interest...... everyone is waiting for someone else to make the first move..... they wont because of fear from a backlash from the Hillsborough Families Group - what hacks me off here, is the HFG say NOTHING about Liverpool fans standing on the Kop week in week out..........

My understanding is the the HFG blame the policing. Also fences restricting the crowd spilling on the pitch was sited in the Taylor report. The Taylor report also says something along the lines of standing in itself is not intrinsically dangerous.

So why should the HFG object to standing if all the over aspects are resolved or do they beleive that with better policing and no fencing the tragedy would still have occurred because people were stood up?

I reckon police didn't get blamed because... well, they're the police and The FA wanted standing because the chairman just happened to have shares in a plastic seat making company.

Football is unbelievably corrupt and this health and safety bollocks just seems like a massive coverup. The files about the investigation of hillsborough are still classified!?

It was also Thatcher's revenge on football fans as a campaign by the then Football Supporters Association, defeated Thatcher's plan to introduce ID cards for football fans (anyone remember Colin Moynihan, the then Minister for Sport?). Football fans were her public enemy number one and this was her pay back.<br /><br />-- Sun Sep 25, 2011 10:12 pm --<br /><br />
jrb said:
It's shit isn't it.

In a society were we value freedom and the right to do what we want, as long as we're not breaking any (proper) laws, an Adult can't stand, drink, or smoke(in some cases) at a football match.

Yet, I can go to almost any other sporting event and do exactly that.(not sure about smoking TBH) Then again, If I went to a music concert I could add drugs and sex to that list.

Agreed - it is deemed 'not safe' to passively stand up at a football game, but OK to stand on a high speed train going at 80mph.......
Mad Eyed Screamer said:
nwhn3 said:
Mad Eyed Screamer said:
There are a number of clubs who privately - (and even publicly, though then back tracked when under pressure from the Football Licensing Authority) - have declared an interest...... everyone is waiting for someone else to make the first move..... they wont because of fear from a backlash from the Hillsborough Families Group - what hacks me off here, is the HFG say NOTHING about Liverpool fans standing on the Kop week in week out..........

My understanding is the the HFG blame the policing. Also fences restricting the crowd spilling on the pitch was sited in the Taylor report. The Taylor report also says something along the lines of standing in itself is not intrinsically dangerous.

So why should the HFG object to standing if all the over aspects are resolved or do they beleive that with better policing and no fencing the tragedy would still have occurred because people were stood up?

The FSF have met with the HFG twice (I was at the first meeting around maybe 2002) - they admit it was the fences / poor stewarding etc etc but still wont entertain standing - at least they are consistant in that they dont want it at any sports event!
Everyone in authority is afraid of any backlash from the HFG as ''public opinion'' always comes out in their favour. I doubt if there is a more powerful group amongst any pressure / lobbying group (to call them that) in the UK.
There is, however, a lesser quoted group, the Hillsborough Justice Group (you have to be an actual family member to be in the HFG, where as anyone affected can be in the HJG) and they are not against standing as long as fencing is not involved. But the press never approaches the HJG for comments.....

-- Sun Sep 25, 2011 10:10 pm --

marios stress ball said:
nwhn3 said:
My understanding is the the HFG blame the policing. Also fences restricting the crowd spilling on the pitch was sited in the Taylor report. The Taylor report also says something along the lines of standing in itself is not intrinsically dangerous.

So why should the HFG object to standing if all the over aspects are resolved or do they beleive that with better policing and no fencing the tragedy would still have occurred because people were stood up?

I reckon police didn't get blamed because... well, they're the police and The FA wanted standing because the chairman just happened to have shares in a plastic seat making company.

Football is unbelievably corrupt and this health and safety bollocks just seems like a massive coverup. The files about the investigation of hillsborough are still classified!?

It was also Thatcher's revenge on football fans as a campaign by the then Football Supporters Association, defeated Thatcher's plan to introduce ID cards for football fans (anyone remember Colin Moynihan, the then Minister for Sport?). Football fans were her public enemy number one and this was her pay back.

-- Sun Sep 25, 2011 10:12 pm --

jrb said:
It's shit isn't it.

In a society were we value freedom and the right to do what we want, as long as we're not breaking any (proper) laws, an Adult can't stand, drink, or smoke(in some cases) at a football match.

Yet, I can go to almost any other sporting event and do exactly that.(not sure about smoking TBH) Then again, If I went to a music concert I could add drugs and sex to that list.

Agreed - it is deemed 'not safe' to passively stand up at a football game, but OK to stand on a high speed train going at 80mph.......

It is also safe to jump and push and kick in a mosh pit at a concert.... And stand at rugby matches.... And it's safe to stand in all leagues but the top 2.... And it's safe to stand in the 1st four years in the top 2 divisions... And it's safe to take beer to your seat at cricket etc etc.

Football fans are discriminated against like we're not the same as everyone else in the country!

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