A small bit of info for you.....

Just can't see it happening. Would be an excellent signing but this sounds like bluemoon fantasy football...
svennis pennis said:
Tevez is that player for me.

For so many reasons!!

Thanks god for that I thought it was just me, the timing fits as well seeing as people seem to think we had an agreement a while back.

Be nice if were wrong though Svennis and another sneaks out of the wood work ;o) I believe there is another big name to come yet but I just dont think thats who Cook was referring to.
Ricster said:
bluebean said:
mcfcblue said:
i was playing golf last friday at shrigley hall and was told the big signing was english, he got his info from shay given.

dont shoot the messenger !

so shay given told u it was john terry

It would go with the quote in my last post on page 67.

didnt ask you, ask mcfcblue to clarify... thanks all the same, although ill wait to hear from him!
christ almighty, we've got from something the eternally reliable ajay said, a comment from garry cooke that could have easily referred to RSC or Tevez, and a wink from spursmad THAT HE ADMITTED didnt mean anything, to us signing john terry, in about five minutes, via, that old chestnut, the story from the guy someone played golf with. give it an hour and we'll believe robinho is one of the shape shifting lizards.
Ricster said:
bluebean said:
mcfcblue said:
i was playing golf last friday at shrigley hall and was told the big signing was english, he got his info from shay given.

dont shoot the messenger !

so shay given told u it was john terry

It would go with the quote in my last post on page 67.

my mate told me who was told shay given.

he would have no reason to bullshit me unless it was to put me off my golf (which it did)

im not into all this itk stuff, make of it what you will, cant realy comment anymore on it!
The Fixer said:
Poster on here 5knuckleshuffle said about 3 week ago Terry was being talked about in "football circles" coming to us, 5knuckleshuffle mentioned Robbie Earl had said this was a big possibility.

cba to look through his posts but he deffo said it, and got slated.

Its cos he says all kinds of shite. I found him interesting when i first came on bluemoon, but you leanr who to listen to and 5ks isn't one of them, lol.

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