A Tribute to Manuel Pellegrini?

I've made no secret that i can't be doing with his lack of detail to the opposition and lack of drilling of the team defensively...but with the crossover of the Mancini team that were well drilled defensively we were very good in winning two trophies in 2013-14 and although we've been quite boring and poor for the majority of the 18months since then (for a supposed top side with the quality we've got), the league is of a poor standard at the top this season, and i think we should come away with the league (there are only two good teams in this league and one is in the bottom half, we should win the title!) and FL cup double again this season despite being nowhere near what we were two years ago. So fair play to him, that's a good record (if it comes off).
Thank you for everything Manuel.

I never really took to him in the same way as someone like Bobby but you can't deny two trophies (hopefully more to come) and some sensational football along the way.

Ups and downs are part of the game and despite being frustrated at the defensive neglect and apparent stubbornness with tactics the positives have far outweighed the negatives.

The way he has handled the constant bull from the media and pressing over Guardiola has been nothing short of incredible. He has stayed classy from day one and brought a sense of calm to the club.

All the best wherever your career takes you. He will always be remembered as The Charming Man.
Chili's coach resigned last month, i wonder if he'll go there?
I hope he wins the title for us again and the fact he will have won it twice will be his legacy.
He deserves the praise and support in next few months for the way he showed the respect for the club. There's few of them who would handle it with this kind of dignity and respect. Please support the guy in next game very loudly guys.
Great man
He'll leave with his head held high, something only a select few have been lucky enough to achieve. We've been lucky to have him now it's clear pep was the plan all along. Under those circumstances he's been a resounding success.
The football has pissed me off at times as has some of his decisions, but now we can look back at it, it's clear what his MO was.
Nice one Manuel - you'll be fondly remembered by me.
Gentle man and gentleman.

Would that he just chinned Pardew, or at least set Ruben on him, but I guess it's simply not in his nature.

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