According to SSN... Tevez wants to go!

What really stinks about Tevez is this "personal relationship' with Sheik mansour.

It undermines everyone and everything at the club.

We should learn from this and use him as an example of how NOT do things.

Under no circumstances should any player have contact with the Sheik, they should deal with one person and one person only, the manager.

Bye Bye Carlos, thanks for the memories, but you are not bigger than club. No-one is.
Skashion said:
Fuck off Tevez, you're not having my understanding. If you'd kept it in your trousers, the wife wouldn't have fucked off and took the kids. Instead of taking the responsibility like a man should, you've taken it out on City, because you could. You're a child not a man. Too many of your ilk in the world and I've no time for any of them. If you fuck up, man up.

Heard that line too many times.

His situation is what it is. He wants to go and we aren't going to change his mind, there's no point in hating him for it. It's nothing personal against City.

So long Carlos, if someone stumps up enough to replace you...
I'm going to predict that he'll be saying he's loyal to City and wants to stay before the weekend.

I'm really getting sick of him though.
Some fucking embarrassing comments on here tonight blues. Get a fucking grip! He doesn't want to play for us anymore! Simple as that! He gave us two amazing seasons and lifted our first trophy for 35 years AND he scored at the swamp and made a twat out of ratboy at Eastlands! I believe Tevez is genuine in his reasons but is being pushed by Kia because it's his last chance to make serious money out of Tevez. People saying Milan is no closer to Argentina. Have any of you considered the fact that his family might be happier to live in Milan than Manchester? I know people are gutte he's going but let's not make twats of ourselves like the rags do when they lose a good player.
He might come out in a few weeks and slate the club or the whole thing could get nasty with him refusing to return. Save your criticism until then! Give him the benefit of the doubt for now!

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