According to SSN... Tevez wants to go!

Sabster said:
McNair9 said:
Sabster said:
No they won't - Kia will do anything to get this move. I am sure he will instruct Carlitos either to refuse to play or to sulk and play terribly.

Thus we have to sell, and it will have to be for an amount of money another team can afford namely 30 million.

I know you would all love to see him rot in the reserves, but that would be a case of cutting your nose off to spite your face, but it ain't going to happen
If the likes of Barca, Real or Juve are willing to pay £40-50 million for the likes of Neymar and Sanchez then Tevez won't leave for anything less than £50 million, certainly not £30 million! An offer like that would receive the loudest 'Fuck off' ever said

None of those offers have been confirmed or are true.

30-35 million is the max a team will offer (with Tevez's history, the knowledge that he wants to leave etc)

The club will take that I guarantee you that.
3 years left on his contract, the CLUB hold all the cards, if no club meets his asking price he'll have to stay
BlueInBury said:
Some fucking embarrassing comments on here tonight blues. Get a fucking grip! He doesn't want to play for us anymore! Simple as that! He gave us two amazing seasons and lifted our first trophy for 35 years AND he scored at the swamp and made a twat out of ratboy at Eastlands! I believe Tevez is genuine in his reasons but is being pushed by Kia because it's his last chance to make serious money out of Tevez. People saying Milan is no closer to Argentina. Have any of you considered the fact that his family might be happier to live in Milan than Manchester? I know people are gutte he's going but let's not make twats of ourselves like the rags do when they lose a good player.
He might come out in a few weeks and slate the club or the whole thing could get nasty with him refusing to return. Save your criticism until then! Give him the benefit of the doubt for now!
Re: Tevez makes statement "I want to leave City"

ok my view on this ongoing situation,
tevez wants to go, ok firstly he is contractually tied to us, we dont need to sell (i.e let him rot in reserves) therefore we set the price. he has undoubted talent that we need to replace that cost money so we need to get fair market value for him. the issue i see is that really what team is going to want to spend x million transfer fee + 150+k /week on a player after his actions over the past 12-18 months, as it hardly fills managers/owners with confidence.

for carols if you get your translator to read this for you, you brought the kids situation on yourself shagging about, if you wanna fuck off deal with the sheik or bobby not any news agency willing to listen. buy out your contract or get your pimp to get a club to make an offer (good luck with that).

thank you, now fuck off

p.s vinnie for captain :)
He should of gone in January, nobody is bigger than city and even though he's one of the best players in the world we can replace him I said it then and il say it now he's a pleb who is only out for himself, he was fine to play against united in semi but IMO chose not too yet when we played Stoke he was bang up for it just so he could bask in him fcukin self we don't need players like him, dear mr tevez take a leaf put of vinny pabs and de jongs book u self centred little arse wipe!
IanBishopsHaircut said:
Denis Law Back Heel said:
Mark Ogden tweets "Man City very laid-back on Tevez statement. Not surprised by it. But if nobody meets their asking price, he'll stay. " @MOgdenTelegraph

That's what I like to hear

Correctamundo but you can bet your sweet asses that those coonts in Madrid will be canniving and concocting some shitty deal as we speak. Gago, Lass, Khedira etc .. you name it they´ll throw all their shite at us - vermin! AS and Marca will be in full overdrive tomorrow
IanBishopsHaircut said:
Denis Law Back Heel said:
Mark Ogden tweets "Man City very laid-back on Tevez statement. Not surprised by it. But if nobody meets their asking price, he'll stay. " @MOgdenTelegraph

That's what I like to hear
Why? there's no guarantee he will compete at the same level and intensity this time like in December.
People forget how much effort he put in while he was playing. He would run through a brick wall for his team no matter who it was that employed him. You can not i repeat you can not fault his commitment once he crossed that white line.

Besides its not as if he wants to leave for another english club is it ? i admit part of me is disappointed that he is moving to europe and not back to argentina. In a way i can understand that, he'll feel closer to home with the lifestyle and language if he went to Spain not sure about Italy though.

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