According to SSN... Tevez wants to go!

BillyShears said:
GStar said:
True Dam, but regardless... Tevez deserves more than a few challenging questions thrown his way.

It's only because we as a club felt we needed him to push us to where we are now that we bend over so hard for him, much like we did Robinho.

Now we're at a stage where we don't need players acting like that. We can begin to offer players what they want - names on tropihes as well as cash.

Hopefully Tevez going gives our manager full control again, and we can tell over demanding pre madonna's to get in line or find another club. (Bit like those across the City have been known to do)

Carlos isn't the first player to want to leave City - and he won't be the last. Whatever the rights and wrongs of how he's gone about getting a move, the fact remains he's always delivered on the pitch.

When you sign the best foreign players in the world, you run the risk of them at some point wanting to move on. I don't doubt we'll be having the same conversations about Balo in a season or two.

Guess I feel like it's part and parcel of modern day football. I remember being more upset when SWP wanted to leave...

I said last night, I was more pissed off when Gary Flitcroft left for Rovers.
"If your star player goes does this make players think maybe the club is on the down and is it worth staying?"

Thick as fuck SSN presenter.
BillyShears said:
Carlos isn't the first player to want to leave City - and he won't be the last. Whatever the rights and wrongs of how he's gone about getting a move, the fact remains he's always delivered on the pitch.

When you sign the best foreign players in the world, you run the risk of them at some point wanting to move on. I don't doubt we'll be having the same conversations about Balo in a season or two.

Guess I feel like it's part and parcel of modern day football. I remember being more upset when SWP wanted to leave...

I see what you're saying, but Balotelli has never hidden the fact he's here purely because Mancini is. He might grow to like our club but he's not come here under any false protensions that he loves the club and wants to help us win trophies.

What Tevez did was moan at Utd he wasn't playing enough, stated he "needed" a 5 year contract, then moaned he was playing too much for us and wanted to retire, now he wants to leave for his kids despite his last holiday was spent with a 19 year old which wasn't his blood relative.

If he'd been honest from the outset and his actions had backed up his apparent motives, then i'd have no problem. The fact he's taken our owners for a bit of a ride in the process almost doesn't endear me to him.
Carlos is ridiculous. Off his head, the tedious fornicator. No good blaming the media because they're always sensationalising stuff but Tevez has facilitated them again and again and again.
To us he's worth 50 million and the rest. But can't see any club being willing to pay more than 30 - 35 million given his age, attitude and wages.

I don't know really player swap deal is probably the best option but if we re not careful we could get done big time like barca did with ibra - eto.

We are going to have to take steps to replace him as he clearly can't be relied upon now. I hope this hasnt ruined our chances of signing players like nasri.
I am so glad I do not have access to SSN.

My advice is turn it off, fuk murdoch and his wank media vehical.
There you go, that'll test his reasons for leaving. Spain would be ideal, money shouldn't be an issue if his kids come first, neither should ambition. It is after all, all about the family. Straight swap with Athletico Madrid for Kun Aguero. We each get an instant replacement for the player we have, Tevez gets Spain like he wants, everyone's a winner. He'll have to take a pay cut but that's a small price to pay to be with his family isn't it?
GStar said:
I see what you're saying, but Balotelli has never hidden the fact he's here purely because Mancini is. He might grow to like our club but he's not come here under any false protensions that he loves the club and wants to help us win trophies.

What Tevez did was moan at Utd he wasn't playing enough, stated he "needed" a 5 year contract, then moaned he was playing too much for us and wanted to retire, now he wants to leave for his kids despite his last holiday was spent with a 19 year old which wasn't his blood relative.

If he'd been honest from the outset and his actions had backed up his apparent motives, then i'd have no problem. The fact he's taken our owners for a bit of a ride in the process almost doesn't endear me to him.

The fact is we have won a trophy with Carlos. We have finished 3rd. He's been our top goalscorer for all that time. He's won so many matches for us singlehandedly.

I'd much rather a player did that and behaved the way Carlos has off the field than having Balo pitch up and cause as much trouble as he's caused without actually contributing very much on the field. That boy is one top season away from a transfer request - so for me the only difference between the two of them is that Carlos has delivered on the pitch and now wants his move...

You really can't say he's taken our owners for a ride...he's been paid to do his job and he's done it better than maybe the rest of the squad barring Vinny. He won't get a move on the cheap. Eventually whatever the outcome will suit both the player and us.
I'm sure my views have already been covered in this thread.

Basically, I'm more than happy for the job he has done on the pitch this past couple of years - his contribution cannot be faulted and it's largely due to him that we've pushed on to another level.

However, he's clearly had itchy feet for a while and as much as I respect his decision to be closer to his kids I don't believe for one minute it's solely down to that.

Apparently he hasn't settled in Manchester - yet he had 2 years in the city before signing for us so why didn't this issue come to light back then? In fact, I seem to remember that one of the reasons he joined us was because he was settled in the area. Now all of a sudden, not only is he not settled now because he's isolated from his kids, he's never been settled even when they were here.

He says he needs to be closer to his kids - this supposedly doesn't mean he wants to go back to Argentina, just that he's prepared to move to a more Mediterranean climate and move his kids and their mother there too. Hold on a sec - what's stopping him, with all the money he gets paid by us, buying a nice luxury villa in Marbella, move his wife and kids in, and fly out from Manchester whenever his schedule allows? It's only 2 hours on a plane, there's shit loads of flights every day, and he could almost fly out there after training most days and fly back into Manchester first thing the next morning. None of that would take a rocket scientist to organise. And that's why I can't help thinking that this has the grubby fingers of his agent all over it and is desperate to milk even more money out of his cash cow.

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