According to SSN... Tevez wants to go!

BillyShears said:
The fact is we have won a trophy with Carlos. We have finished 3rd. He's been our top goalscorer for all that time. He's won so many matches for us singlehandedly.

I'd much rather a player did that and behaved the way Carlos has off the field than having Balo pitch up and cause as much trouble as he's caused without actually contributing very much on the field. That boy is one top season away from a transfer request - so for me the only difference between the two of them is that Carlos has delivered on the pitch and now wants his move...

You really can't say he's taken our owners for a ride...he's been paid to do his job and he's done it better than maybe the rest of the squad barring Vinny. He won't get a move on the cheap. Eventually whatever the outcome will suit both the player and us.

But why should we have to choose? Why not have a player like Silva or Micah or Yaya who deliverd last season and did nothing to cause unwanted attention to the club.

Tevez made demands of his new club he would be joining before he left Utd, we met them in return for a five year contract. I'd rather a player honour his side of the deal if the club continue to honour theirs... its not like were pushing him out of the door like with SWP.

He's taken them for a ride by having a different set of rules to abide by than the rest of the squad.
GaudinoMotors said:
Dodge said:
For me, Tevez leaving is positive news for the club, the benefits of him leaving far outweigh the negatives:

(1) The captaincy is handed to a far better man and a far better ambassador for our club (and City)
(2) Our board is no longer undermined by the Tevez "direct line to the owner"
(3) Our coach will no longer be undermined by the "uneasy relationship" with his Captain
(3) Stability - no more will he? wont he?
(4) The squad will more focussed on the job in hand
(5) Solid professionals at the club will now be able to step up to the plate
(6) The focal point of our attack will shift and give "lesser" players a chance to shine - just watch Mario & Dzeko next season
(7) The squad will be able to converse with it's captain in English
(8) The press will have one less thing to bash us with
(9) We can off load a few translators!
(10) We'll get a more than adequate replacement me thinks

So, thanks Carlito, thanks for helping us get to Stage 1, shame you wont be around for Stage 2.

This is our City and OUR club.

Now jog on..

Absolutley spot on - although I wish it was a bit more vindivtive against the little shit.

Just 2 points

Do you think the club knew about this and asked him to wait until after the season ticket deadline?

As the richest club in the history of football - should we make an example of him? At least making him rot until January or even for a season?

Seems wrong he should get away with this without any retribution from the club after all they have done for the little turd.

Can you imagine it yesterday at MCFC towers - Signing Clichy and in deep negotiations for Sanchez, Nasri et al - then the greasy little puppet from the safety of Argentina drops this on them!
Cooky and Marwood telling our targets about the great squad and team spirit - then Tevez making them look like fools.
This will in effect destroy any hopes we had of signing any top names this window

Thanks Carlos

(1) I think he's completeley blind-sided the club but I'm sure the board would have anticipated life without him.

(2) I'd let him rot in the reserves for as long as it takes to get the right deal for the club. If it takes 3 years, so be it.

Personally, I reckon the squad will breath a huge sigh of relief when he goes, as he's shown as much disrespect to them as he has the club (and as much as we enjoyed seeing him lift the cup, it really should have been Vinny, and we all know that)..
Matty said:
lee-mcfc said:
no one will pay 50m + his wages so it looks like he will stay
If he's that desperate to leave he'll have to drop his wage demands then won't he.

Dead right he will. If he is so desperate to be with his kids 24/7 then he can kiss ta-ra to £200,000+ per week. No South American club can offer or even come close to this. Inter, should they pursue him will also baulk. We should tell him yes, fuck off but we want £50mill from whoever and sort your own wonga out with whoever, meanwhile you won't be in the squad; too much baggage and mither Carlos, as from now we are heartily sick of your antics, you are a nowhere man as far as we are concerned, so whinge away but MCFC is no longer interested in you. Only a respectable bid from one of your chosen mediterranean hotspots is our concern.
Oh, and try to restrain yourself from shagging the eyeties if you do make it to the balmy paradise of Milan. Don't want to see you moaning you would rather be in Australia after 6 months.
Not read all this thread but in a perverse sort of way i'm quite enjoying all the fuss being made over 'Ickle Ole Ciddy'.

I'm quite sure the club knew this was coming and I'm quite confident that there will have been various discussions with various clubs over deals to be made. This is huge business and we're not in the same situation as years ago when we very amateurish with our transfer dealings. Manchester City is a far more polished and professional vehicle these days.

On the pitch Tevez was simply world class but off it he had no interest in being here. The club will move on to bigger and better things and Carlos leaving certainly won't stop the progress we've been making. Hopefully now rather than having one out and out goalscorer to rely on we will now invest in a number of players that can all chip in and make it more of an all round team effort. A lack of goals from midfield most certainly needs addressing.
GStar said:
BillyShears said:
The fact is we have won a trophy with Carlos. We have finished 3rd. He's been our top goalscorer for all that time. He's won so many matches for us singlehandedly.

I'd much rather a player did that and behaved the way Carlos has off the field than having Balo pitch up and cause as much trouble as he's caused without actually contributing very much on the field. That boy is one top season away from a transfer request - so for me the only difference between the two of them is that Carlos has delivered on the pitch and now wants his move...

You really can't say he's taken our owners for a ride...he's been paid to do his job and he's done it better than maybe the rest of the squad barring Vinny. He won't get a move on the cheap. Eventually whatever the outcome will suit both the player and us.

But why should we have to choose? Why not have a player like Silva or Micah or Yaya who deliverd last season and did nothing to cause unwanted attention to the club.

Tevez made demands of his new club he would be joining before he left Utd, we met them in return for a five year contract. I'd rather a player honour his side of the deal if the club continue to honour theirs... its not like were pushing him out of the door like with SWP.

He's taken them for a ride by having a different set of rules to abide by than the rest of the squad.

We'll have to agree to disagree mate...for me he's just a top footballer who's put in a transfer request. Rarely do players honour their contracts - and as I said earlier this whole type of soap opera comes with top foreign players. Look at what Arsenal have been through with Fabregas, or the rags went through with Ronaldo. You can say neither player put in a transfer request - but it doesn't change the fact that both players made it clear they wanted to leave even though they had long term contracts...
Dodge said:
GaudinoMotors said:
Dodge said:
For me, Tevez leaving is positive news for the club, the benefits of him leaving far outweigh the negatives:

(1) The captaincy is handed to a far better man and a far better ambassador for our club (and City)
(2) Our board is no longer undermined by the Tevez "direct line to the owner"
(3) Our coach will no longer be undermined by the "uneasy relationship" with his Captain
(3) Stability - no more will he? wont he?
(4) The squad will more focussed on the job in hand
(5) Solid professionals at the club will now be able to step up to the plate
(6) The focal point of our attack will shift and give "lesser" players a chance to shine - just watch Mario & Dzeko next season
(7) The squad will be able to converse with it's captain in English
(8) The press will have one less thing to bash us with
(9) We can off load a few translators!
(10) We'll get a more than adequate replacement me thinks

So, thanks Carlito, thanks for helping us get to Stage 1, shame you wont be around for Stage 2.

This is our City and OUR club.

Now jog on..

Absolutley spot on - although I wish it was a bit more vindivtive against the little shit.

Just 2 points

Do you think the club knew about this and asked him to wait until after the season ticket deadline?

As the richest club in the history of football - should we make an example of him? At least making him rot until January or even for a season?

Seems wrong he should get away with this without any retribution from the club after all they have done for the little turd.

Can you imagine it yesterday at MCFC towers - Signing Clichy and in deep negotiations for Sanchez, Nasri et al - then the greasy little puppet from the safety of Argentina drops this on them!
Cooky and Marwood telling our targets about the great squad and team spirit - then Tevez making them look like fools.
This will in effect destroy any hopes we had of signing any top names this window

Thanks Carlos

(1) I think he's completeley blind-sided the club but I'm sure the board would have anticipated life without him.

(2) I'd let him rot in the reserves for as long as it takes to get the right deal for the club. If it takes 3 years, so be it.

Personally, I reckon the squad will breath a huge sigh of relief when he goes, as he's shown as much disrespect to them as he has the club (and as much as we enjoyed seeing him lift the cup, it really should have been Vinny, and we all know that)..

We can't do that, though. Fair Play Twattini has seen to this.
What I dont get with wantaway players is that they are NEVER prepared to take a pay cut.

Adebayor could sign for anyone for £15m if he would accept £75k a week
Bellamy could go anywhere at £4m if he would take £50k a week
Tevez could go and play for Boca Juniors he he would accept £20k a week.

Problem is they wont and as a club and indirectly as fans we get shafted.
Players are just total greedy bastards. Look at Bellamy. Desperate to leave and wants us to let him go for free.Why should we? He has earned £10m since signing for us. If he accepted a pay cut his next club would pay him £8m over 4 years even if he accepted £50k a week. Thats 18 million pounds to add to the millions he had already earned before that! How much does any person need?

In this world only Madrid or Barca could afford Tevez. In that respect we need to look at what they can offer us in return as no club will pay the £40m he is worth.
IMHO I think we will be a more cohesive team without his whining the captaincy the will i go will i stay like he is some type of god just fuck off and leave us with a happier dressing room
Matty said:
Tevez's insistance on a 5 year contract is now working against him. He's still got 3 years of it left to run, and this means City are in a very strong position regarding getting the maximum value from any potential transfer.

Completely - and actually more ironically, it's his performances on the pitch that have made the rod for his own back...he wasn't a 50 million pound player when he came to us - but he is now.

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