According to SSN... Tevez wants to go!

Pigeonho said:
bluemoonmatt said:
Questions for Pige (any other Tev apologists if they feel like it).

Are you happy with the Timing of Tevez latest "demand"

Do you agree that if it was in his mind to seek to leave he should have made this known to the management and the fans of MCFC immediately after the season finished.

Do you accept that the transfer request mid season was wholly unnacceptable given that at the time we did still have an (albeit outside) chance of winning the PL

How do you feel about footballers, foreign or otherwise signing deals on their bequest for such lengthy terms yet seeking to break said deal less than halfway into them.

The club have gone way beyond the call of duty in trying to keep Carlos happy. Do you agree or disagree with this statement.

Can you honestly say We played like pigs when Tevez was not in our team

Many people believe there has been a will he wont he question mark hanging over Tevez since his initial transfer request, do you think this kind of press is good or bad for the club (one word answer good or bad)

Who is bigger, Manchester City Football Club, or Carlos Alberto Tevez
I'll answer as honest as I can, sir.

The timing of the request isn't ideal, but It's not as bad as some are making out.

We the fans only know of his request now because it is now when he has made his statement. For all we know the management have known a lot longer. If any would be replacements were lined up, the clubs selling that player would slap whatever they wanted ontop of the valuation, because they would know we are desperate because tevez is leaving. If they didn't know he was going though, because we have told him to keep quiet, well we would get that player cheaper. Put it this way, would Newcastle had demanded 35m for Carroll if they didn't know Liverpool were desperate to sign him? No they wouldn't, they knew Liverpool needed a striker though and basically held all the cards.

The mid season request was unacceptable. Definitely.

Footballers will do as they please, foreign or not. I'm not arsed, because its gone on for ages and will continue to do so.

We have most definitely gone all out to keep the player happy, if the media reports are true.

We played better when tevez was out, at times, but the fact of the matter is he scored for fun and those goals were a major factor in us securing CL football. If that's his parting gift as he moves on to yet another club, so be it. Too many people are acting like jilted teenagers and slagging him quite unnecessarily.

Not giving a one word answer as I couldn't care less what the press say in all honesty.

City are bigger than any player, which I would've thought was obvious.

I will finish this inquisition by saying that tevez is what he is. A mercenary. He does what he wants and goes where suits him for the money. We have set him for life financially, he has done what he has been paid to do, and more. There are many players around, some at our club, who get paid well enough to be secure for life but don't do what they are paid to do. Tevez has done more than enough for the club, and if he now wants to move on, so be it. The stick and name calling especially is childish and makes those fans no more better than those who were being slagged off on the arsenal forums for slating clichy.
Well we'll have to agree to disagree on elements of what you said but fair play for responding. In essence I'm not bothered about him going if we get our price for him, and adequate replacement(s) (Aguero, please lol) and I do agree some of the insults have gone beyond the pale, however he has been frequently disrespectful to the club, its fans, its manager, its directors and despite his protestations to the contrary, its owner, and I won't even start on what his thoughts are about Manchester itself. I don't feel this is at all acceptable given the lengths the club appear to have gone to keep him happy. When he goes I will remember his contribution on the pitch favourably, but it will always be soured by his antics off it.

Its all about being professional, I mentioned earlier, but never really got a reply that we never hear a peep from the supremely talented David Silva. Why is this? he's a superstar, he's a foreigner in an alien town whose language is not the native. For me he is an example of how footballers should behave, perhaps Carlos could take a leaf out of his book.

I trust I'm not the jilted teenager you refer to as I'm not resorting to mocking his scars or his teeth but I don't think its an unfair accusation to call his attitude and perhaps his intelligence into question. For me he has treat our club with scant disregard for over half a year now, all this while being less than halfway through the most lucrative contract of his life. For this, he can fuck off imo.
Reading some of the other supporters forums and news columns i think a lot want us to really fuck this lad over.
Most supporters are sick of player power and because of who he is and the money we have they are hoping we are going to use him as an example to the whole of football its time to end player power .
I for one hope we do to stop anymore shysters joining the club.
bluemoonmatt said:
Pigeonho said:
bluemoonmatt said:
Questions for Pige (any other Tev apologists if they feel like it).

Are you happy with the Timing of Tevez latest "demand"

Do you agree that if it was in his mind to seek to leave he should have made this known to the management and the fans of MCFC immediately after the season finished.

Do you accept that the transfer request mid season was wholly unnacceptable given that at the time we did still have an (albeit outside) chance of winning the PL

How do you feel about footballers, foreign or otherwise signing deals on their bequest for such lengthy terms yet seeking to break said deal less than halfway into them.

The club have gone way beyond the call of duty in trying to keep Carlos happy. Do you agree or disagree with this statement.

Can you honestly say We played like pigs when Tevez was not in our team

Many people believe there has been a will he wont he question mark hanging over Tevez since his initial transfer request, do you think this kind of press is good or bad for the club (one word answer good or bad)

Who is bigger, Football Club, or Carlos Alberto Tevez
I'll answer as honest as I can, sir.

The timing of the request isn't ideal, but It's not as bad as some are making out.

We the fans only know of his request now because it is now when he has made his statement. For all we know the management have known a lot longer. If any would be replacements were lined up, the clubs selling that player would slap whatever they wanted ontop of the valuation, because they would know we are desperate because tevez is leaving. If they didn't know he was going though, because we have told him to keep quiet, well we would get that player cheaper. Put it this way, would Newcastle had demanded 35m for Carroll if they didn't know Liverpool were desperate to sign him? No they wouldn't, they knew Liverpool needed a striker though and basically held all the cards.

The mid season request was unacceptable. Definitely.

Footballers will do as they please, foreign or not. I'm not arsed, because its gone on for ages and will continue to do so.

We have most definitely gone all out to keep the player happy, if the media reports are true.

We played better when tevez was out, at times, but the fact of the matter is he scored for fun and those goals were a major factor in us securing CL football. If that's his parting gift as he moves on to yet another club, so be it. Too many people are acting like jilted teenagers and slagging him quite unnecessarily.

Not giving a one word answer as I couldn't care less what the press say in all honesty.

City are bigger than any player, which I would've thought was obvious.

I will finish this inquisition by saying that tevez is what he is. A mercenary. He does what he wants and goes where suits him for the money. We have set him for life financially, he has done what he has been paid to do, and more. There are many players around, some at our club, who get paid well enough to be secure for life but don't do what they are paid to do. Tevez has done more than enough for the club, and if he now wants to move on, so be it. The stick and name calling especially is childish and makes those fans no more better than those who were being slagged off on the arsenal forums for slating clichy.
Well we'll have to agree to disagree on elements of what you said but fair play for responding. In essence I'm not bothered about him going if we get our price for him, and adequate replacement(s) (Aguero, please lol) and I do agree some of the insults have gone beyond the pale, however he has been frequently disrespectful to the club, its fans, its manager, its directors and despite his protestations to the contrary, its owner, and I won't even start on what his thoughts are about Manchester itself. I don't feel this is at all acceptable given the lengths the club appear to have gone to keep him happy. When he goes I will remember his contribution on the pitch favourably, but it will always be soured by his antics off it.

Its all about being professional, I mentioned earlier, but never really got a reply that we never hear a peep from the supremely talented David Silva. Why is this? he's a superstar, he's a foreigner in an alien town whose language is not the native. For me he is an example of how footballers should behave, perhaps Carlos could take a leaf out of his book.

I trust I'm not the jilted teenager you refer to as I'm not resorting to mocking his scars or his teeth but I don't think its an unfair accusation to call his attitude and perhaps his intelligence into question. For me he has treat our club with scant disregard for over half a year now, all this while being less than halfway through the most lucrative contract of his life. For this, he can fuck off imo.
Fair do's. And no, you weren't who I was referring to. He has been disrespectful, i've acknowledged that, but for me he has done more than enough on the pitch to not warrant any name calling from me. Others feel the need to, that's their choice I suppose. I just wonder if those who believe Balotelli has already achieved legend status off the pitch, (how or why that is possible I don't know), will slag him if or when he does the same trick. I will have a few words to say about that should it happen, because he hasn't done it where it only matters, on the pitch. Time will tell on that one, but there does seem to be a strange meaning of the word 'legend' at times on this forum. For me a legend is someone who scores +20 goals per season during 2 seasons here, the latter of which played the majority in securing CL football next season. Whether he then goes on to be a bit cuntish is by the by, to an extent, but a legend is what Carlos is for me as he has done it on the pitch. Others believe a legend constitutes acting like a prat off the pitch, papering over certain cracks on the pitch. If Balotelli put a transfer request in tomorrow and stomped his feet Robinho style, I would be on the 'he can fuck off' side of the coin, minus the pathetic name calling, and that is simply because he hasn't done it on the pitch when he has been on it. Tevez is a legend where it matters, and for that I can look past the shit he's pulling now unless he pulled a van Hooijdonk or something.
bluemoonmatt said:
Questions for Pige (any other Tev apologists if they feel like it).

I think it's a bit sad you calling people who aren't foaming at the mouth about Carlos 'Tev apologists'. Just shows your own weaknesses more than anything else.

Are you happy with the Timing of Tevez latest "demand"

Yes. If a player wants to leave - closed season is the best time to do it.

Do you agree that if it was in his mind to seek to leave he should have made this known to the management and the fans of MCFC immediately after the season finished.

He said quite categorically at the end of the season that he needed to go and talk to his family and asses what to do next. Which is what he's done.

Do you accept that the transfer request mid season was wholly unnacceptable given that at the time we did still have an (albeit outside) chance of winning the PL

I think it was bemusing more than anything else. Certainly where we were in the PL had no baring in the poor timing of it. Even if we'd been 8th it would've been just as unacceptable.

How do you feel about footballers, foreign or otherwise signing deals on their bequest for such lengthy terms yet seeking to break said deal less than halfway into them.

Please point me in the direction of a top footballer who honours the contract they sign. This argument, which has been put forth by a few people, is simply ridiculous. We're suddenly holding players to their contracts. What about Yaya - we signed him when he was under contract because he wanted to leave Barca. What about Balo - same thing. The argument is piss weak.

The club have gone way beyond the call of duty in trying to keep Carlos happy. Do you agree or disagree with this statement.

I'm sure they have. He's our best player. Just as the rags will bend over backwards to accomodate shrek, and Madrid will do the same for Ronaldo, and Barca for Messi...

Can you honestly say We played like pigs when Tevez was not in our team

We looked toothless without Carlos. Certainly Balo and Dzeko showed they are not quite ready to take over from him as our front line forward. This selective revision of history by the Tevez bashers is again, naive and more than a little ridiculous.

Many people believe there has been a will he wont he question mark hanging over Tevez since his initial transfer request, do you think this kind of press is good or bad for the club (one word answer good or bad)

There's been a "will he won't he" hanging over Fabregas since two summers ago. It's the nature of being a top club with top players. They will always be linked away - and some of them will always want away. Get used to it and stop acting like Carlos' actions are completely at odds with every other footballer in the world.

Who is bigger, Manchester City Football Club, or Carlos Alberto Tevez

Stupid question to add to the emotional rhetoric of earlier.
BillyShears said:
bluemoonmatt said:
Questions for Pige (any other Tev apologists if they feel like it).
I think it's a bit sad you calling people who aren't foaming at the mouth about Carlos 'Tev apologists'. Just shows your own weaknesses more than anything else.

Well Pige and I have had a perfectly adult and reasoned discussion but thanks anyway for you're input Billy.
If we hang on to him until the right price comes along and doesn't it means we will be paying massive wages for a player who might not even be in the squad. What will we do then?
waspish said:
Malaga Have a few bob now any chance they could buy Tevez for the Marky "Project" signing

That's a good idea. He'd be their star and they'd have the money to draw other big names with him as a major draw. And hey can pay him top dollar in wages 'cos God forbid he could survive on the pitence he's but aside so far in his career.

Everyone's a winner.
bluemoonmatt said:
BillyShears said:
bluemoonmatt said:
Questions for Pige (any other Tev apologists if they feel like it).
I think it's a bit sad you calling people who aren't foaming at the mouth about Carlos 'Tev apologists'. Just shows your own weaknesses more than anything else.

Well Pige and I have had a perfectly adult and reasoned discussion but thanks anyway for you're input Billy.


guess it's difficult to argue when faced with so many facts...
BillyShears said:
bluemoonmatt said:
BillyShears said:
I think it's a bit sad you calling people who aren't foaming at the mouth about Carlos 'Tev apologists'. Just shows your own weaknesses more than anything else.

Well Pige and I have had a perfectly adult and reasoned discussion but thanks anyway for you're input Billy.


guess it's difficult to argue when faced with so many facts...
Confusing facts and opinions ? Thought you were more intelligent than that Billy.

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