According to SSN... Tevez wants to go!

kalouk said:
To be honest I don't disagree with you, I was just trying to say that like you I am sick to the back teeth of him and have had enough of the whole Tevez merry go round but I don't feel that people giving him respect for his football contribution is being like a smitten teenage girl. As I said I would welcome a fresh start and not to have to dread January when the whole drama will start again. I agree that the true test of the man is going to be whether he is willing to take a pay cut to be with his family I am waiting to see if Carlos will put his money were his mouth is.
I wasn't meaning people who respect his contribution are smitten teenaged girls. I stated some are so smitten they don't even recognise there's something wrong with the way he's behaved. I'm looking at Tevez and his actions and it literally is the actions of a child. As a child, you play footy, accidentally break a window, you run off and hope you don't get caught. If you did that as an adult, or bumped someone's car in a car park and caused damage, I would hope an adult would apologise profusely and offer to pay for the damages and have them repaired.

I respect his contribution. As I said he far excelled my expectations. The appreciation he previously got though is undoubtedly overcooked and I said so long before any transfer request. He's had a good side around him which was built to play to his strengths. Get the likes of Silva and Yaya with their beautiful through and over the shoulder balls playing to the strengths of Balotelli and Dzeko as the main strikers for long enough and miraculously we'll still score plenty of goals. Is it a coincidence that Berbatov started scoring this season when Rooney wasn't? Was it a coincidence that Rooney suddenly started knocking them in for fun when Ronaldo left? Is it a coincidence that Tevez only scored five goals for them when Ronaldo and Rooney were busy scoring instead? I could go back forever, through Rudd Van Horse, through Cole and Yorke, and Cantona. Build a good creative side and whoever you put up top will score, especially strikers with the quality of Dzeko and Balotelli. I'm really not worried about him going. We're not a one man team. Not even close. Job one is still cover for Silva for me. He's the player we most miss out of anyone when he's injured.
Tricky Dickys Right Foot Shot said:
United fan at work said he reckons Tevez going won't phase City at all and we'll do better without him, I think some people just got themselves to a false sense of security where they thought we couldn't win without Tevez.
I remember a few games last season thinking wow we're more of a unit without Tevez.

I'm not going to lie and say I'm not gutted that he wants to go because I am any top club in Europe would want him but his attitude is off putting to most but what I wanted to say is that he could of gone down in history with us he could of become a true legend with the likes of the legends from the 70's such as Colin Bell and Buzzer but unfortuantly thats not meant to be.

I for one don't buy into this whole "I want to leave because I miss my kids" lark if he did miss his kids he'd easily take a pay-cut even if it's on £10k a week he's been on big money in England so has made his top dollers he must have about £4M in the bank being untouched so I think the whole miss kids is just a nice way of saying I don't want to play for your club anymore.

He bought up the "I want the fans to know I gave 100% every game" yeah thats fine but I respect loyalty a lot more to effort anyone can give 100% it takes a true legend to provide loyalty.

Whilst the family situation is a problem for him, there is more to this. He doesn't like Mancini . There's no secret there.

Mancini won the power battle due to the teams performances over the last 4-5 weeks of the season.
Didsbury Dave said:
Tricky Dickys Right Foot Shot said:
United fan at work said he reckons Tevez going won't phase City at all and we'll do better without him, I think some people just got themselves to a false sense of security where they thought we couldn't win without Tevez.
I remember a few games last season thinking wow we're more of a unit without Tevez.

I'm not going to lie and say I'm not gutted that he wants to go because I am any top club in Europe would want him but his attitude is off putting to most but what I wanted to say is that he could of gone down in history with us he could of become a true legend with the likes of the legends from the 70's such as Colin Bell and Buzzer but unfortuantly thats not meant to be.

I for one don't buy into this whole "I want to leave because I miss my kids" lark if he did miss his kids he'd easily take a pay-cut even if it's on £10k a week he's been on big money in England so has made his top dollers he must have about £4M in the bank being untouched so I think the whole miss kids is just a nice way of saying I don't want to play for your club anymore.

He bought up the "I want the fans to know I gave 100% every game" yeah thats fine but I respect loyalty a lot more to effort anyone can give 100% it takes a true legend to provide loyalty.

Whilst the family situation is a problem for him, there is more to this. He doesn't like Mancini . There's no secret there.

Mancini won the power battle due to the teams performances over the last 4-5 weeks of the season.
Dids why bring Mancini into this. Are you seriously suggesting that Tevez real reason for this is not that he wants to be closer to his family, its not cos he's had his ear bent by Kia, its not cos he's been tapped up by an attractive proposition from the sunnier warmer Spain.

Its because of Roberto Mancini.

Do you ever give up?
Skashion said:
kalouk said:
To be honest I don't disagree with you, I was just trying to say that like you I am sick to the back teeth of him and have had enough of the whole Tevez merry go round but I don't feel that people giving him respect for his football contribution is being like a smitten teenage girl. As I said I would welcome a fresh start and not to have to dread January when the whole drama will start again. I agree that the true test of the man is going to be whether he is willing to take a pay cut to be with his family I am waiting to see if Carlos will put his money were his mouth is.
I wasn't meaning people who respect his contribution are smitten teenaged girls. I stated some are so smitten they don't even recognise there's something wrong with the way he's behaved. I'm looking at Tevez and his actions and it literally is the actions of a child. As a child, you play footy, accidentally break a window, you run off and hope you don't get caught. If you did that as an adult, or bumped someone's car in a car park and caused damage, I would hope an adult would apologise profusely and offer to pay for the damages and have them repaired.

I respect his contribution. As I said he far excelled my expectations. The appreciation he previously got though is undoubtedly overcooked and I said so long before any transfer request. He's had a good side around him which was built to play to his strengths. Get the likes of Silva and Yaya with their beautiful through and over the shoulder balls playing to the strengths of Balotelli and Dzeko as the main strikers for long enough and miraculously we'll still score plenty of goals. Is it a coincidence that Berbatov started scoring this season when Rooney wasn't? Was it a coincidence that Rooney suddenly started knocking them in for fun when Ronaldo left? Is it a coincidence that Tevez only scored five goals for them when Ronaldo and Rooney were busy scoring instead? I could go back forever, through Rudd Van Horse, through Cole and Yorke, and Cantona. Build a good creative side and whoever you put up top will score, especially strikers with the quality of Dzeko and Balotelli. I'm really not worried about him going. We're not a one man team. Not even close. Job one is still cover for Silva for me. He's the player we most miss out of anyone when he's injured.

I think that's a great post and absolutely agree with you. We can and will do it without him. He is childlike and this why I feel we are better off saying thank you and goodbye because you cannot reason with him and his agent. We need to think of City's future.
Forzacitizens said:
so didsbury, who would you rather see go, mancini or tevez?
pmsl are you being serious, I think Bobby must be sleeping with DD's wife AND his sister such is his level of open hostility for him.
Tevez has done a great deal for the club. Thanks to him and now it is time for the next chapter. I have no idea where he'll go or who will replace him, but I'm not at all worried. We're sitting on a much better team now than when he arrived and we have every right to be excited that even more good days lie ahead. About the only regret I have is that he won't be here on the day we win the league.
Tevez is his own worst enemy. 5 clubs in 6 years - chasing the big pay packet, which he got from City - marriage breaks up - changes his mind every few months about who is to blame for him being unhappy with the arrangements.
He has been in the UK for 6+years and speaks less english than a newly arrived refugee from Kazatstan - he has NO friends in the UK (apparently he thinks that there are only 2 restaurants in Manchester and he does not mix with any of the other players in their homes or go out together) - has never put down any roots and has a track record on bending the truth time and time again. He claims to have a hot line to the Sheik - absolute crap. The Sheik is worth £500bn and MCFC is just a blip on his radar and Tevez, just one of over 10,000 employees. He asks for time off to visit his family in Argentina in the middle of the season and then spends 4 days in Tennerife shagging a deluded teen beauty queen - parades his children on the pitch like 'bling' and now uses them as the very latest excuse as to why he is not happy.
With all of his problems, he seems to forget that the one common denominator in all of his recent problems - is him.
Carlos - whilst you might be a supreme football player - you lack any dignity, class and honour. Don't try and quality your behaviour with statements like 'I always give 100% on the field' or 'I hope the City Fans understand my reasons'.
You have used everyone, including your own family, to claw your way up the greasy financial pole without any appreciation or some kind of payback, let alone the concept of loyalty. You totally dishonoured the generousity of Mansoor and Khaldoon in your hissy fit in January and now you dishonour everyone else now.
Go to Italy or Spain, take your family with you and don't darken our doorsteps again. God help you if you come to Manchester in a Champions League match against us or the rags. You will be met with the some attitude from all of us that you have thrown back in everyone's faces over the last few years.
A genius on the ball you may be - but a whore in life you most certain are.
Skashion said:
kalouk said:
All this may be true but his "playing for himself" didn't half help us along the way and none of us were complaining at the time. His off the field behaviour isn't how I think a player should behave and I do think the time has come for City and Tevez to part ways but I don't see why people cannot respect what he helped us achieve without being labelled as smitten teenage girls etc. I would rather just let the team have a fresh start without him, get a replacement and draw a line under the whole thing than resort to personal insults and mudslinging.
If his biggest fault was playing for himself, no I wouldn't be saying anything, though some like Bigga called him selfish - which I couldn't disagree with. I'm not bothered by him on the pitch. His work rate and ability are beyond question and he far excelled my expectations.

The issue I have I've explained thoroughly and it's to do with how he's tried to atone for his mistake. What part of the consequences has he volunteered to take? None, he's tried to shrug them off onto us. Why's that right? We didn't whip his cock out for him. If he volunteered to reduce his wages to get us a good fee, I'd respect that. If he'd gone about it quietly I wouldn't grumble as I have. It's his dragging us through the mud childish press statements and tv interviews and handing in transfers mid-seasons. Shut up and get on with it at the very very least.

Don't get me wrong, as a player, he's fantastic.

As a team player, apart from the last few games, he sucked big time.

He put us in a situation, mainly because he was pandered to, that took us ages to work as a team. In fact, I put to everyone that that particular situation actually ate in to our ability to push on further up the podium finish.

That is a shame and I'm glad that I wasn't one of the ones 'begging' for him to stay. How embarrassed must those fans of his feel now...

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