Adam Johnson admits he may quit City???

Didsbury Dave said:
Don't take this the wrong way, Johnny, but anyone who wants Johnson to leave the club has no knowledge of the game. It really is as simple as that.

Ah, the old , you don't agree with me so therefore you know nothing about
football card.

Don't particularly want him to leave, I want him to get his head down, shut his
mouth and prove that he actually deserves the accolades that have come his way
since joining City. A few glimpses in the occasional game just doesn't cut it.
WNRH said:
Didsbury Dave said:
No, no loss at all, mate. We're creating chances for fun and scoring loads of goals.

If only Johnson started on Saturday, he would of made a difference.
Owned is the term but you will now be told he needs a run o games.
People should listen to Didsbury Dave more, he talks a lot of sense!

He's been talking the truth about Mancini and the tactics we play for ages now and everyone's slagged him off. Then the fans at the stadium proved DD to be right and suddenly the fickleness on here happened again. Everyone suddenly agreed that we are a bit boring and Mancini is a bit clueless.

DD is right again about this subject, you ask any supporter at a game or any football player/pundit/manager/fan around the country and they will tell you how good a player AJ is and how ridiculous it would be to get rid. I'll wait until the next City game for you's all to change your mind though, when you're all watching on your dodgy internet stream and we're all singing AJ's name.

He's forced to many good players out the club, this one would be one of the worst and I imagine Tevez wouldn't be too far behind him.

This is the exact reason I don't want Bale at City. If we signed him, we'd ruin his career by putting him on the bench just so we could play a 7th defensive midfielder. It's not fair on these exciting players.
Didsbury Dave said:
WNRH said:
If only Johnson started on Saturday, he would of made a difference.

He did start. And he was played too deep and too wide with not enough support from advancing midfielders. But he wasn't brilliant. He isn't always. I've yet to find a player who is.

But he is still of huge use to Manchester City, contrary to the point you made.

-- Tue Nov 16, 2010 5:22 pm --

SWP's back said:
Sshhh, don't use facts like that. It upsets the stupid outers.

What's this tick rock bollocks? Fucking grow up you idiots. I bet you support fulham on Sunday just ao you can moan and woman some more.

Shit fans

Are you going to Fulham mate? And did you go to West Brom?

Try and answer without gobby insults and childish swearing if you can.
Can you give me some adult swear words then pls?

Went to west brom! Did you sing the Mancini song?

At wedding on Sunday but I am going to Stoke.

Who are supporting on Sunday?
Grand Master Ram Rod said:
People should listen to Didsbury Dave more, he talks a lot of sense!

He's been talking the truth about Mancini and the tactics we play for ages now and everyone's slagged him off. Then the fans at the stadium proved DD to be right and suddenly the fickleness on here happened again. Everyone suddenly agreed that we are a bit boring and Mancini is a bit clueless.

DD is right again about this subject, you ask any supporter at a game or any football player/pundit/manager/fan around the country and they will tell you how good a player AJ is and how ridiculous it would be to get rid. I'll wait until the next City game for you's all to change your mind though, when you're all watching on your dodgy internet stream and we're all singing AJ's name.

He's forced to many good players out the club, this one would be one of the worst and I imagine Tevez wouldn't be too far behind him.

This is the exact reason I don't want Bale at City. If we signed him, we'd ruin his career by putting him on the bench just so we could play a 7th defensive midfielder. It's not fair on these exciting players.
with allies like these even DD must despair
lee-mcfc said:
gooney said:
is he really a drunk or is it exaggeration?
Based on truth. He has bought me a pint in Dids twice on the piss. I've never seen any other player out ever.

To be fair, it's not conclusive based solely on my evidence.

-- Tue Nov 16, 2010 6:53 pm --

johnny crossan said:
SWP's back said:
Jesus wept! If you think fool breaks the CoC then everybody should be banned this instant.
what's the phrase YCMIU?
Didsbury Dave said:
You have to laugh at them DD. We've had them giving the same about Tevez before. "He can fuck off" and all this.
Eve thought DD and dids save always agree on everything?

Can a mod check the ip address as it seems strange.

-- Tue Nov 16, 2010 6:56 pm --

johnny crossan said:
Grand Master Ram Rod said:
People should listen to Didsbury Dave more, he talks a lot of sense!

He's been talking the truth about Mancini and the tactics we play for ages now and everyone's slagged him off. Then the fans at the stadium proved DD to be right and suddenly the fickleness on here happened again. Everyone suddenly agreed that we are a bit boring and Mancini is a bit clueless.

DD is right again about this subject, you ask any supporter at a game or any football player/pundit/manager/fan around the country and they will tell you how good a player AJ is and how ridiculous it would be to get rid. I'll wait until the next City game for you's all to change your mind though, when you're all watching on your dodgy internet stream and we're all singing AJ's name.

He's forced to many good players out the club, this one would be one of the worst and I imagine Tevez wouldn't be too far behind him.

This is the exact reason I don't want Bale at City. If we signed him, we'd ruin his career by putting him on the bench just so we could play a 7th defensive midfielder. It's not fair on these exciting players.
with allies like these even DD must despair
It's certainly not a team for University Challenge, or the Dog and Duck Wed Night Quiz.
Grand Master Ram Rod said:
DD is right again about this subject, you ask any supporter at a game or any football player/pundit/manager/fan around the country and they will tell you how good a player AJ is and how ridiculous it would be to get rid.

I am by no means saying 'get rid', but any pundit/fan etc will say this based on watching a highlight reel (coughSamarascough), including a couple of good performances for England and a goal against Newcastle. We see him week in, week out, and he's by no means a world beater, he can be brilliant, he can also be ineffective. It's the same lazy opinion-giving that anyone can give. You see a similar thing with defenders who get lauded, but are only really noticed for goals they score (Shawcross and Lescott have been in recent seasons, whereas the likes of Kompany are largely ignored.)
we cannot afford to let this guy leave.
we will properly regret this if he goes.

and the people who say that he had his chance and played shite on saturday , well maybe he was too bust trying to pick the splinters out of his arse.
he needs a run of games
gooney said:
Marvin said:
With respect what do you know about Mancini's man management? I assume only what you read in the press or hear on the radio, 99% of which is garbage. Maybe the papers are right for all I know, but I don't trust them one bit
I dont know the man personally, none of us do. But all we can do is watch his interviews, watch his interaction with his players and listen to what his players say about him. I could be wrong, but he doesnt come across like someone who would take a young player to the side and give him guidance and advice. But like I said I could be wrong and Mancini maybe has tried all of this many times and AJ could be a deluded arrogant young man who thinks he has made it and doesnt listen to anyone. But I believe he has alot of talent and despite his flaws right now, he can become top class player. Its up to him to reach that, but a manager plays huge role for a young players improvement. Look at players like Nasro and Van Persie, they were known as arrogant trouble makers in their countries, but Wenger took his time because he knew the talent they have is worth the trouble they cause while they are still maturing. thats how I see AJ
you mean comments from players like....erm.....adam johnson?......comments like the ones in the story below.....same comments with a different headline from a new zealand website.....funny how our media take a different angle on things isn't it? with all due respect mate you know fuck all about our club only opinions you derive from headlines in the fuckin sun, stick to talking about your own club eh.

Frustrated Johnson accepts Mancini tactics working for Man City - November 17, 2010, 12:05 am

While frustrated with his limited role, Adam Johnson believes Manchester City boss Roberto Mancini has improved the team this season.

Much has been made of Mancini's tactics which some believe are negative.

Johnson told The Sun: "A lot of the players are attacking-minded players and want to attack.

"But I think what has been important to the manager is getting the shape right and working on our defensive shape.

"It has been about not conceding goals first and keeping clean sheets and then maybe nicking one."

The Mancini way has got City to fourth in the league and still in with a crack of the title.

Johnson said: "We have got a lot left in us as well. We have not been playing great or attractive football but we are getting results.

"If we can stay in the pack until after Christmas who knows what we can do.

"Maybe we could win it. There is loads of football to be played we are not a million miles off the top.

"The top four are capable of beating each other and slipping up. We just have to keep winning games and if we are there or thereabouts we have a chance.

"We have definitely got to be pushing to stay where we are until after Christmas and then see what we are capable of doing."

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