Adam Johnson admits he may quit City???

Johnson needs to learn how to cross the ball before he can class himself as a top player,his final ball is shocking he has potential but Mancini has been prove d right,he is much better as a sub,having an impact when he comes on rather than startin.To many blues to quick to label someone a legend and superstar when he is far from it,he needs to get his head down stop doing the celebrity circut and shut his mouth and let his somtimes magic feet do the talking more consistantly.
Usual shit-stirring by gutter press.
AJ needs to be a bit more savvy..he'll learn the hard way but let's hope not too late!
I remember listening to an interview on the radio the day he signed for city, he sounded a really down to earth lad who was grateful for the opportunity to be able to play for a premiership team..

After the Newcastle game there an interview with him on the official website, he was a totally different person really arrogant and cocky.

Maybe the idiots in the England squad have turned his head..
These players who talk to the press should look no firther than Shay Given ,and take a leaf out of his book,the guy is class and has showed how you should behave when struggling to get a game.
Down to media pressure as he is seen along with a few other players as England's great prospects and hope. He has got to start showing he is worthy of a start and not let his ego run the rule.
scenecreamer said:
fuck him. he isn't being driven to another club! the sniveling little woman is whining to the press to get his ego stroked and in the process he's feeding the media's spin against Mancini.

SELL THE PUNK. He'll be seen for the lackluster, over-hyped, under-achieving, arrogant twat he's already proven himself to be.

and he won't be missed. he'll be kicking himself this time next year

fookin hell - bit harsh - he could say fook all and pick up his salary - the kid wants to play - dont like the fact he has run to the media but so has Tevez in the past - Yaya agent said some shite and there are others
Johnson will end up as a has been if he doesn't listen to Mancini to work harder to improve concentration and fitness, he can't play 90 minutes and every game. Mancini knows what he's doing and been around long enough to knos that players can quickly fall into obscurity if they don't focus and work hard.
Pigeonho said:
You don't say shit like that, you say you are disappointed not to start but its down to me to knuckle down and get into the team.

"I have got to train and get on with it, nothing is going to change. I have to keep the right frame of mind and get in the team because I want to play for the national team as well."
Here's a thought Adam.....

next time you find yourself on the right side of the penalty box.... with the ball on your weaker foot and just one defender... instead of trying to do the impossible and smash it in... look to your left and you will see the unmarked David Silva... all it needs is a little roll across the box and BINGO... a goal and you're the hero.... Twice against Birmingham this scenario arose....
....what is going on at our club. Why cant our players keep their fooking mouths shut it makes me sick. This little prick has an ego far too big for himself. Out bidding £12k for a date with that slapper Jordan and then unconcious drunk at a college party and he has the cheek to complain about not getting first team. Get your head down and shut the fook up..

On the other hand the manager shouldnt be airing our dirty laundry in public either.

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