ade explains


Not sure if this has been posted.But for those that want to see it.
bizzbo said:
bullshit. a total straw man argument. I reacted to people who behaved in a way I find unacceptable. people who jumped to conclusions, but more than anything, people who crossed the line and displayed a lack of respect, a lack of basic decency I just find totally unacceptable, it brought shame on us all. I'll find the same thing unacceptable tomorrow, and the day after, and the day after that.

Like I said, drama queen, pure and simple.
finally Blueinusa I don't believe that calling Ade a mercanary piece of shit [or what ever was said, I know it was on those lines] is not a rational debate or point of view i'm afraid, to respect... and i'm not the type of bloke to snide behind anyones back, if I think there is a blatant wrongdoing I will most definetly express it face to face, anyway nice hoop shooting, peace
moomba said:
bizzbo said:

the people involved have upset the rest of us very badly

you can expect to cop it for the forsee-able future, until you apologise or show some understanding of just what has upset us so much

this was bluemoon's darkest episode by a long, long way

What a fucking drama queen. If you choose to believe every bit of pr you see and hear then good luck to you. If you think that entitles you to remind anyone about it for a long time, then good luck to you again. Hope it makes your life worth living.

moomba said:
bizzbo said:
none of you get it at all do you. it was out of order to slate someone in a vulnerable state. it was a totally unacceptable way to behave to one of our own players. this club does sometimes make my life worth living and I'm not about to let it go to down the shitter because of a few people who just don't know how to act. I have standards that I will defend until the cows come home, whatever you wanna call me, that's fine, makes no difference to me.

I don't consider myself to have slated Adebayor, even said that hecwoild get a big cheer from me when he does come back. What I did say about him, I feel exactly the same way.

You just overreacted to anyone that didn't post in a flood of tears.

Its you who overreacted. or is that too difficult for you to understand?
Graceyboy said:
Graceyboy said:
He shouldnt have to

end of

To be honest, I it would not suprise me if the reason is down to the team supported by one of the unlucky guys that was killed being Arsenal, and it was his way of a mark of respect.

If it is, I expect all those chumps who slated him to be big enough to come on here and apologise to him

Why? He should have explianed in the interview rather than us having all this. One sentence would have cleared it up but now 24 hours later he bothers to? Very sad what has happened but still should have mentioned it at the time. Oh and he wasnt "stuck" in front of a camera as someone else has said, he was given the option and decided to speak about it in an Arsenal shirt.
The Ade thread that disgusted me in parts. The majority of fans were supporting Ade after what he'd gone through - and there could have been a number of reasons why he wore the Arsenal shirt, which obviously now we've found out why.
I'm appalled at some of my "fellow" blues - he plays for your club and you should support him come what may. This thread became ludicrous when fellow blues were fighting against each other - FFS he plays for your club and we're all blues (supposedly). But after this I'm unsure if some of you can really call yourself a Blue.
Do you realise what he went through? His mate dying in his arms. Does it really matter what shirt he wears? Words can't explain what some of you have been like.
For those of you who have been man enough to come on here and apologise, fair play to you.
For the rest who came out with your vile shit, who haven't got the balls to apologise then you're not a Blue to me and to many others on here no doubt. Hang your heads in shame.

Rant over...
not my fault! said:
Graceyboy said:
To be honest, I it would not suprise me if the reason is down to the team supported by one of the unlucky guys that was killed being Arsenal, and it was his way of a mark of respect.

If it is, I expect all those chumps who slated him to be big enough to come on here and apologise to him

Why? He should have explianed in the interview rather than us having all this. One sentence would have cleared it up but now 24 hours later he bothers to? Very sad what has happened but still should have mentioned it at the time. Oh and he wasnt "stuck" in front of a camera as someone else has said, he was given the option and decided to speak about it in an Arsenal shirt.

"..and my best friend died in my arms. By the way, I'm borrowing this shirt because I've got nothing else to wear..."

Don't be so fuckin stupid.

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